Day 4 - Almost forgot to post! I'm still going strong. Not had the urge to gamble, but only on 4 days.. Getting closer to the week mark. Just trying to forget about my finances a little bit. At the end of the day there's nothing I can do but follow this path.. It will be all worth it in the end. Can't wait for May.. Hope everyone is well.
Good work. Keep going you are doing great.
Hope your having a good gf weekend pal.
Once again I have failed. This time it was a big relapse. Frustrated,angry.. will update every now and then. day 1 tomorrow..
I know you are angry but tomorrow is another day - pick yourself up and you CAN start again - it happens to us all but YOU can do this
Ready to explain what happened. I walked into the bookies and done a stupid amount of money. Makes me feel like such an idiot. It was my savings that I was using. I was doing so well. I lasted a week then decided to go bookies on a bloody sunday and waste hundreds of pounds. Who does that? What sort of idiot would do that? A compusive gambler. I'm determined to stop I just need to get past the weekends. This has happened for a few weeks now, I'll go through the week without gambling then throw my money away on the weekend. Anyway, tomorrow is day 1. I have money in my account and still some savings but it's not a good as before obviously.. Debt repayements are all on track. If only I stayed in bed a bit longer I may have decided to do something else today ey?
Poblwc wrote:
I know you are angry but tomorrow is another day - pick yourself up and you CAN start again - it happens to us all but YOU can do this
Thank you - I'm ready to give it my all. Hope you are well.
Yes thanks unknown i am well - i like you gave in a few nights ago - accessing someone else’s phone!! Anyway trying to move on again finding it hard but i am determined to beat this addiction of mine . Reading stories hear helps me a lot . Keep focused . Limit your money if possible . I
pete007 wrote:
Have you considered an IVA repayment for all your debts in one monthly payment each month. I think they are relatively new but it just makes things more manageable, stops any letters and calls and you end up paying back less then you owe overall, and if you manage to save a bit of money you also have the option to pay a settlement figure. It also doesn’t effect bank accounts, mortgages etc mite be worth looking into for yourself. They are pretty good apparently.
I wish I could go back to when I was your age mate, I would not of stepped inside a bookies! Unfortunately for your generation it’s worse today with the endless advertising, the online apps, and gambling is engrained more in society than it was 20 years ago! You need to void that gap the betting fills... and quick! That’s what I struggled with. It’s all good and well saying tomorrow is a new day & all that but how many times is the next day a new day? Take your mind off it by maybe getting into something else & occupying your mind away from gambling. I hope you succeed mate. For me it’s training, swimming, boxing. I like to push my body so hard it hurts, but that is my punishment for being an idiot gambler for years!! Your young time on your side, but you have to stop now, time waits for no man!! Good luck.
Thanks for the advice. I'll look into an IVA repayment scheme. I think I looked into something similar before but decided to go alone in the end. I'll have another look, yes I luckily have time on my side. My problem is that I'm very impatient. I could be sorted by the end of this year. I wouldn't even be 21. But I want to be sorted now. Wish there was a reset button for the last few years..
Day 1 - I'm going to be completely honest on here from now on. I'm determined to do it this time. I'm going to look and see if stepchange can help me with my loans, I'm close to paying out more than I'm earning (finishing in May) but luckily I have some savings to cover myself. But I don't know how long I'll be capable of this until May. I'd rather be safe and see if StepChange can get me a lower monthly cost for a longer period of time.
I had trouble sleeping last night. I think I got to sleep at around 2:30 AM, not great when I get up 4 hours later. I just couldn't switch my brain off. Thinking about how stupid I had been, the money gone, what my next move will be? This is it now. I keep promising that enough is enough. What else can I say? This is the final time. Gambling will eventually destroy me both emotionally and physically. It can't get to that point. I'm already pretty close to it...
End Of Day 1 Final Thoughts - Felt like writing here again. It helps me feel a bit better. Hope I sleep better tonight than I did last night.. I'm pretty busy at work this week. I'm seeing that as a good thing, faster the time passes the better. I'm all set and ready to go for Day 2. StepChange haven't got back to me yet, but it may be because I can handle the debt by myself? Just about? I don't know, I've updated my debts up the top because they've gone down since last week. The journey continues...
Day 2 - New day, not thoguht about gambling. Been very busy at work, going to be the same for the rest of the week. Reading Alen Carr's book. Saw something which really made me think.. Somehow I've never thought of how the media present gambling to us. ALL gambling adverts show you the good side, it's presented as a happy thing, something that will make you smile. But it's not like that at all. It's a complete lie. How is this allowed? It makes you sad, depressed, lonely.. All of the above. Most drug addicts have the same symptoms. But the media portray drugs as bad? Why not gambling? They don't want to show us that it's an illness... Really made me think.
I'm by NO means saying if you're gambling you might aswell smoke crack.
Just hit me last night that we're being lied to.. Straight to our face.. And we fall for it. Every. Single. Time.. No more.
Agree 100% these adverts should not be allowed and most definitely not allowed during the day!!
Day 4 - Didn't have time to post yesterday. But I haven't failed, I'm onto day 4 now. Slowly getting to that week mark. Can't wait to rack up double figures. But taking it slowly. Day's passing pretty slow. This is the path I chose to take. I will get there in the end. The money will come back to me..
Hi Unknown,
Day 2 for me my friend, stick by it you will get there, it is good you have a plan in place looking back on your earlier posts, infact it has inspired me to do such a similar idea. Like yourself I have debt which is crippling my life and I need to fight back, I am only a message away if you want to have a chat
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