Day 1 - Again.. Not much to say that I haven't said multiple times beofre. I do feel confident though. No more false promises. I've been getting letters through the door from creditors, trying to sort out my DMP for when it starts on the 27th. 27th is also my pay day. Stressing me out a little bit but I've done all that I can. Also going to try to not look in my bank account as much. I'm going to use cash for almost everything, leave my bank account alone. Money will automatically come out naturally I'm just going to do my best not to look, it will start to stack up, slowly. One day at a time, again.
Unknown you are not a monster. Being in debt is rubbish but as long as you are not gambling that debt won’t grow as long as you are able to live within your means. Has Stepchange advice helped in regards to managing your money better? It’s not nice hearing the struggle you are going through. Is there no one you can talk too? How has your partner reacted in the past?
I guess I’m not that good at dishing out advice as I’ve relapsed many times over the last 10yrs. However, I reached points down the road after big losses when blocks should have put in place and weren’t, but at the back of my mind, I thought I could win it back. But I didn’t listen to own head, and got sucked back in countless times. Understandably, you feel you’re in a bad place, but believe me, you show infinitely more maturity to recognise you have a problem than I ever did. Although I know it doesn’t feel like it at the moment, keep gamble free and you will feel a million times better for it - trust me. It may take a little time, but you will get there. Try not to stress about the debt, as you say, you can be debt free in 2 or 3 years time - in the grand scheme, no time at all.
You’re doing the right thing, nip it in the bud now, blocks in place, debts paid, valuable life lessons learned and you move on. All the best
Onwardsandupwards wrote:
Unknown you are not a monster. Being in debt is rubbish but as long as you are not gambling that debt won’t grow as long as you are able to live within your means. Has Stepchange advice helped in regards to managing your money better? It’s not nice hearing the struggle you are going through. Is there no one you can talk too? How has your partner reacted in the past?
Thanks for your comment. I'm not gambling right now so the debt isn't growing. Just need to py the price and do the time.. Work hard. 2 years and it'll be gone. I signed up with MoneyPlus Group not stepchange for my management plan. They have been helpful but I don't make my first payment until the 27th this month. It's been a bit stressful ringing all my creditors and letting them know whats going on. It'll be easier when the 27th comes, I assume I just pay my monthly payment to MoneyPlus and they distribute it for me. They've said theyll update me regularly on whats going on. So seems good. I need to work on my money habits. I'm fine with not spending money, I'm used to it. But I check my accounts too often, get myself upset. So I've been trying to think about it less. My girlfriend was supportive, I told her everything. She said she was dissapointed in me but has told me if I stop now it will get better.
Michael35 wrote:
I guess I’m not that good at dishing out advice as I’ve relapsed many times over the last 10yrs. However, I reached points down the road after big losses when blocks should have put in place and weren’t, but at the back of my mind, I thought I could win it back. But I didn’t listen to own head, and got sucked back in countless times. Understandably, you feel you’re in a bad place, but believe me, you show infinitely more maturity to recognise you have a problem than I ever did. Although I know it doesn’t feel like it at the moment, keep gamble free and you will feel a million times better for it - trust me. It may take a little time, but you will get there. Try not to stress about the debt, as you say, you can be debt free in 2 or 3 years time - in the grand scheme, no time at all.
You’re doing the right thing, nip it in the bud now, blocks in place, debts paid, valuable life lessons learned and you move on. All the best
Thanks for the advice. Yes it will be a very valuable lesson learned. I hope you're doing good in your own recovery. Sometimes I think about the debt and think 2 years is no time at all, start to feel positive, but other times i'll think about it and 2 years sounds like a long time. Can't get my head around it.
Day 3 - Hard not to think about gambling. But I've stopped digging in this hole that I'm in. Spoken to all my creditors, all accounts have been frozen and ready for my debt plan to commence on the 27th. Bring it on.
Day 4 - Today is a Friday, usually a day that I'll break my streak. But not today. I may go out for a drink, but I will not gamble, a lot of the conversation between my friends is about gambling. I won't gamble today. Looking forward to the 27th. Hope all are well. Have a nice weekend all
How’s your weekend been unknown?
Hope your okay and check in soon.
Hello Everyone,
I haven't been on here in a while, just haven't thought to even though I should of. This new website will take some getting used to aswell. It's been about 3 weeks since my last post. Not a lot has changed unfortunately. My debt management plan is underway which is a good thing. All debt due to be clear in about 2 years. But I still find myself gambling, it's not massive amounts but its holding me back from racking up days. I don't know what else I can try. Life goes on. Day 1 tomorrow.
Just wanted to post on here for one last time today before I go to sleep. A message to myself and others. Tomorrow is the start of a new week, I will not be able to forget what I've done, but I will start by drawing a line in my imaginary sand right now and say this is it. This has gone on for far too long. I'm 20 years old, losing sleep, worrying, financial issues and more. This can all be over if I decide I want it to be. 2 months time, then 6 months, I will be back on my feet, have money, be able to do nice things, sleep better (hopefully). This will happen because I am making the decision the stop for good NOW.
Good luck everyone. A lot of people aren't fortunate enough to have what we have. That's not an excuse to throw it, but a reason to keep it.
Struggling. In process of sorting money out for the rest of the month. Hope everyone is ok. Might start a new diary, this one is a complete mess. Original post also isn't correct anymore,
Affected by gambling?
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