If I can do it......

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Posted this in new members.

But think it would be better on here.

Hello all

Not been on here for a while now cant remember my old login details. I used to be Digger Colin.

I was gambling everyday up until my second time bankrupt then it was binge gambling 2 or 3 weeks off then bang anything between 500 - 1000 on the slots. The worst thing ever is online casinos,thankfully I have been using gamblock for the last 2 or 3 years and its been great saved me a fortune and more than likley my marrage aswell.

BUT I could always go down the bookies when I got bored and lose the same sort of ammounts within an hour or two.

Anyway getting to the point, my last blowout was 12 weeks ago £700 trying to get the Thai Flower bonus and it never came in once!!! May just have done me a favour as I would have prob been back in there half a dozen times in the last 12 weeks, but each time now I get a little urge I think back to that day and think to myself if I go I no that I will be hundreds down again in no time at all.

So instead I have open a savings account and have been putting the 400, on average, that I could not realy afford to lose in there instead.

Just had a statement through showing £2000 credit first time ever I have saved that much and it feels great, in such a short time that would have just gone in a FOBT but its still mine!!!!

Please don't think that I am showing off here, I was the worlds worst gambler. this just feels so good now life has changed so much in the last few weeks, I now listen when my wife talks to me, instead of being miles away thinking about the money I kept loosing. Getting a good nights sleep and not waking with a gambling hangover ( sure you know what I mean ).

I just wanted to post this to show if I can do it then so can you, I thought it was immpossible BUT ITS NOT!!!

OK its early days but I do not feel the urge at all anymore, them savings could go just like that as we all know. Each time I think back to that £700 loosing day then take a look at my healthy bank balance it works a treat.

You all can do it, hard at first but trust me so so worth it.


Posted : 9th October 2013 10:38 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Colin

I have read ur post over and over again and I have to say its made me sit up and think, having 2 bankruptcy and then to carry on gambling and to such huge amounts tells me everything bout this awful addiction if that doesn't open anyone's eyes then nothing will

For yourself though well done for that realisation and making the decision and choosing not to gamble and in that 12 weeks the financial positive impacl is there to see, this is a massive stepping stone for u to start to rebuild ur life

Thank u for sharing ur post I took so much out of it and hopefully others will too, I really wish u well in ur recovery


Posted : 10th October 2013 7:29 am
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Thank You Castle for your reply.

It means so much when ppl take the time to write on a post,makes it all seem worthwhile, and to know that they are being read.

Lets hope that it does make someone realise that it can be done,and if it helps others though this then thats great!!

I am making a note in my diary to update here every four weeks,unless there is a slip up. But at this moment in time I can't see that happening,not now. 🙂

Posted : 10th October 2013 12:21 pm
Posts: 0

hi colin

well done mate.i was the same mind set as you,thinking i could neve stop,but about 2years ago i did manage it and never looked back.like you said to have money behind you for the 1st time is such a buzz in its self,for me that took over the gambling feeling.every week to see them savings grow a bit more,knowing its all your hard work thats put them there.my life has changed so so much since i stopped all for the better,and am sure you will keep this up and live a happy life without the dread of gambing.so once again mate WELL DONE.

Posted : 10th October 2013 1:18 pm
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Hi Carl

Well done to you aswell mate, it defo makes life a lot better. Lets just keep at it !

Colin 🙂

Posted : 11th October 2013 11:07 am
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Well had such a bad urge tonight

Dropped the wife off to babysit our grandsons driving back home past half a dozen bookies,bored, thinking just a little go won't hurt, as you do. Thought back to my £700 bonus chase that did not come in,but still thought I could walk out with a win..............or would I be on here saying what a fool I have been, just done another £500 in an hour.

Well I came home and played slots on Facebook (free of course) got up to 25 mill then lost it all.

LOL least I can laugh about that.

It was hard to drive by though,wonder how long these feeling take to go?

Posted : 12th October 2013 8:22 pm
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Nearly up to week 14. Still going strong and the money situation is great now.

Good luck to all on here,as I said if I can do it anyone can 🙂

Posted : 23rd October 2013 8:51 am
Posts: 0

Buzzing for you Colin!

Well done on avoiding the bookies on the weekend as well!

I'm 7 weeks behind you, I hope it stays that way!

Onwards and upwards mate.


Posted : 23rd October 2013 9:13 am
Posts: 0

Just read your thread and the Thai flower thing strikes a cord. I won 800 one night and put it all back trying to get the bonus on ******* ******* lost the lot and more. I have been gamble free now for 10 days and I don't so far have any inclination to go to the slots. I am looking forward to getting paid at the end of the month and to put cash aside for Christmas rather than deciding how much I can 'lose' what a ridiculous mindset!! I hope to follow your thread to inspire me to continue not to gamble keep up the fight!

Posted : 23rd October 2013 5:58 pm
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Thanks Hans.

Hacker please when you get paid this month and feel tempted just think back to how quick that you lost that £800, maybe a couple of hours?

Do what I have been doing, go and play some pool or other games online or facebook that involve being competetive with other players. Not for real cash but points or tokens, I still get a buzz from winning and get the hump when I get beat,but its not costing me anything.

Open a savings account and put in a few hundred that you would have more than likly have lost in them 2 hours. It works for me, and after a few weeks,months you will be so suprised how much it can add up to AND ITS ALL YOURS not in some bookies pocket.

Payday will be the hardest time for you. But I will be looking forward to you posting again in the new month saying that you managed to beat it.

Please stay in touch as it would be good to share beating this together.



Posted : 25th October 2013 5:51 am
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Just got back from a week in the Algarve............£500 for the holiday and a couple of hundred spending money, £700 total.

2 hours on the slots or a week chilling with the wife and having a great worry free time?

Please don't think I am bragging, just want to show it CAN be done.

Posted : 28th October 2013 9:31 pm
Posts: 0

Fabulous well done . Planning family holiday in Florida next year. So will have to save regularly, here goes

Posted : 28th October 2013 9:36 pm
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Good luck sure you can do it. I will be watching you lol 🙂

Posted : 29th October 2013 11:02 pm
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Still here 6 months now......

Posted : 10th January 2014 9:12 am
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10 months now.............the longest I have ever gone in the 40 years I have been gambling. 🙂

Posted : 10th May 2014 8:45 am
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