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Carl thanks for writing on my wall buddy appreciate it. Everyday we dont gamble is a better day. Onwards and upwards

Posted : 9th August 2012 4:35 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Thank you so much for your messages...really appriciate it.

Hey....You now have a Lucky Penny........Hold it tight.....Dont ever let it go........That penny will keep you strong!

You are going great guns Carl!

Sue x

Posted : 9th August 2012 6:46 pm
Posts: 0

Carl I hope you are well and still going. Take care mate

Posted : 10th August 2012 12:05 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

hello one and all,

so another 24 hours has passed, im now starting to get mixed emotions during the day one minute im full of the joys of spring the next i dont know how maybe the flick of a switch i seem to be totally the opposite, i suppose its just another test of this rollercoaster ride trying to derail me but its gonna have to work harder than that because i certainly intend to. also being a compulsive gambler i have come to realise i have no patience so i am working on trying to get better at that by setting myself little tests and that in turn will help me deal with urges if and when they return. thats about it for today hope everyone enjoys the weather and have a good weekend

today is another day in the new chapter of my existence.

day 16

Posted : 10th August 2012 12:13 pm
Posts: 0

HI Cw,

Thanks for the post. I experienced those up and downs in the beginning I think it was my mind and bodys way of trying to recover from coming out of the spin cycle of gambling.

Im sure it will settle down like anything just give it some time. Nothing lasts forever and it will pass. You sound very determined still and are making plans to distract yourself when the urges come, tactics are always good to have so well done for protecting yourself as much as you can.

Patience is something i am practising everyday and im definatly getting better, I think its more patience withmyself as opposed to other people, although you will always meet people who will challange that.

Today is another day your right, so roll with it, enjoy the highs and go with the lows... You will hear people talk about "The middle" thats what we are all aiming for less extremes and more middle ground.

Keep going your doing brilliang.

Enjoy your weekend

Blondie 🙂

Posted : 10th August 2012 12:20 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Carl...

Thank you for popping in on my diary...great to see you on here and all the support you are doing on the forum as well as your own journey....

I have never used the chat service but i believe it really helps too ...I know Charlotte is a big contributor to it and helps a lot of people.

The ups and downs will come and it takes a while for your body to adjust to not running on the same adrenaline...I saw that you are a runner which is great...a few on here too as you can see...Nearly There,SA...and i'm sure many more....

I think its great that you have started your journey Carl and I always read posts....

Onwards and upwards as they're in the right place...

Rach and Doo xxx

Posted : 10th August 2012 1:35 pm
Posts: 0


thanks for the post, mean alot to have support on here. Well done on your continued struggle with this and long may your success continue.

The ups and downs will come and go and all we can do is ride the waves.

Enjoy your gamble free weekend

Stay Strong


Posted : 10th August 2012 2:05 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Cw, thank u 4 ur post on my diary 🙂

Well done on the 16 days gamble free, u r doing brilliant. Take it a day at a time 🙂

Alot of ppl stopping gambling have felt like u have, I often compare this journey 2 a rollercoaster ride, ups, downs, twists and turns and sometimes it feels like u r clinging on. But the end result is worth all the hard work 🙂

Ur determination shines thru, u can do this!

Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 10th August 2012 5:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Carl,

16 Days.....great guns....Amazing how quick those days mount up!

Hopefully the fog has started to lift a little and yoy can start to enjoy life for what it is.

Sue x

Posted : 10th August 2012 5:59 pm
Posts: 270

Thanks for your post on my diary carl,its good to get support. My problem was also sports,horse betting-anything in running i knew sod all about!

Were on the up now mate,it is goin be a rollercoaster of emotions, were changing a habit of a lifetime,but we gota keep remembering we can't win cos we can't stop. I,like u are doin all I can putting blocks in place, not buying papers or watching atr defo helps distance myself from a hobby that brought me nothing but misery and debts.

Keep reading and posting your winning carl.

Posted : 10th August 2012 6:12 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

well day 17 is upon us.

and what a strange start to the day, i woke up this morning after having a lay in for first time in months to surprisingly feeling pretty bad. i dont know why this is today i just got thoughts going through my head like is any of this working and whats it all about. of course after a coffee i reflect that of course it is no body said this was gonna be easy but when im determined and put my mind to it i dont give up easily( just look at how long i gambled LOL). the thing is im going in the right direction and things are starting to approach back to a normal life i dont know why im feeling like this. anyway as the sun is out and the weekend is here im gonna get my running shoes out and go for a run, do a bit of half marathon training and enjoy the weekend

keep up the good work one and all

today is another day in the new chapter of my existence.


day 17

Posted : 11th August 2012 1:16 pm
Posts: 0

Carl keep going mate we will get there.

Have a good run. Onwards and upwards

Posted : 11th August 2012 3:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Thank you for your great kind words of encouragement on my dairy. I believe recovering from CG is like a form of post traumatic stress syndrone, you will have flash backs and down day's but they will become few and far between. Stay focused and keep up the brilliant recovery.

Best wishes

Kathy x

Posted : 11th August 2012 5:35 pm
Posts: 1172

Firstly thanks for your post on my diary. Much appreciated. I've just read through your diary and it's great to read the determination you have. It is hard and you will have days when you have urges and you have to stay strong and remember why you've stopped and other days when you fell down or you feel your just as bad now as when you were gambling etc which of course is never the case. But I promise you a lot more good days to come when you realise debts are coming down. A little bit of spare money here and there. Your head will become clearer and you'll have a much better outlook on life in general. I'm still in the early stages and still have my bad days but I know that I have made a great decision stopping and staying stopped is so important in my future life. Keep it up mate. I don't like to hear people going back into that crazy gambling world when they know in there hearts they shouldn't. So here's to many more gamble free days for us both. And I look forward to following your successful journey.

Posted : 11th August 2012 6:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Cw, thank u 4 ur post on my diary 🙂

Well done on 17 days gamble free, u r doing brilliant. Ur determination shines thru 🙂

I hope the training went well!

Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 12th August 2012 11:30 am
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