La La La

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Not my first diary but hopefully my last. Long story cut short - been gambling for a number of years first bingo then the dreaded slots. Have given up a few times but always let my guard down and end up on a losing streak. Looking for a new job at the moment so hoping for a new start/life that doesn't involve gambling. Away tomorrow for a few days holiday - almost a relief to be out of the house and from the laptop. Will post again when I get back from my break.

Posted : 24th August 2012 12:13 am
Posts: 4422

Pinksparkle.the doors of recovery are revolving, welcome and my advice to start your quest is there is a triangle Time-Location-Money take one away and the punt becomes impossible, giving your brain a chance to re train.

Enjoy your break and just for today be kind to yourself, be proud you are doing something amazing.

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 24th August 2012 12:24 am
Posts: 0

That is a fantastic quote duncamac. 'Time-Location-Money; take one away and the punt becomes impossible'.

Posted : 24th August 2012 2:16 am
Posts: 0

Hi Pinksparkle,

Well done 4 coming back and starting a new diary, u will get lots of support here 🙂

Take it a day at a time, u can do this 🙂

Have a nice break, take care x

Posted : 24th August 2012 10:02 am
Posts: 0


Hope you enjoyed your break

You know you can do this , like Dunc said put the blocks in place , post as often as you can.


Shiny xxx

Posted : 24th August 2012 11:59 am
Posts: 0

Blocks! Blocks! Blocks!

This has to be a huge priority in your life right now.

Then you can really start to begin your final recovery journey in earnest!

All the very best.


PS. Did I remind you about blocks?!

Posted : 24th August 2012 12:42 pm
Posts: 168
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Well that didn't last long! Really didn't think I could face coming back on here and admitting to my failure. Went to bed last night crying having spent all my money. How could I do that to myself and my husband who does so much for me? Look at how I have treated him. I hardly slept, I feel awful and sick to my stomach. Why can't I stop myself, let common sense take over and not complete and utter madness? Feel so worthless and gutted that I have put myself in this position again. Hopefully I can pick myself up and carry on...

Posted : 5th November 2012 9:44 pm
Posts: 0

HI Pinksparkle,

A huge well done on coming back and not giving up. This is a sneaky dirty addiction and it will do anything in its power to drag you back.

Today is the start of recovery for you, im sure you feel quite low and full of all those negative feelings that gambling brings but there is hope.

Try and be gentle with yourself, we are human and sometimes we get it wrong thats why we are all here.

Once things have settled down for you, give your head and yourself some time away from gambling try and think about what you have learnt from this blip, it adds armour to your fight and is not a mistake just another lesson in becoming stronger to fight this.

You can do this. Be strong and take it just one day at a time, no pressure.. just for today I will not gamble.

Keep going pinksparkle It wont be easy but it sure wil be worth it.

Take care

Blondie x

Posted : 5th November 2012 10:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Pinksparkle,

It was good 2 speak 2 u in chat the other nite 🙂

How r u?

I hope u r ok and staying strong 🙂

Have a gr8 wknd xxxx

Posted : 9th November 2012 9:12 pm
Posts: 168
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3 weeks gamble free! Haven't been posting but need to address this as I know it is vital. Been thinking about Xmas and how tight it is going to be. Need to be sensible and budget, though that is easier said than done! Not feeling very well, think I am getting a chest infection. Hope everyone out there is doing well x

Posted : 26th November 2012 12:32 am
Posts: 168
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My gambling has been getting out of control again and I used my husbands credit card when I had maxed mine out. The card company phoned as they thought transactions were suspicious and I stupidly pretended to be my husband and they knew straight away and asked for him to call them back. I got hysterical realising just how far I had gone. I told my husband what happened ( I had admitted my problem a few years ago and he thought I was clean of gambling ) he was very understanding. I then told by brother in law one evening about my problem after I had a few drinks. Again he was very understanding and thought I should tell my sisters and mum but I haven't had the guts. You would think that after all this I would have learnt my lesson but no within a week I was gambling again and racking up more debt. I decided enough was enough last week and installed a blocker which is fab and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Now I have to face up to my debt and resolving it. My husband is due some money and has asked me what I owe as he want to pay off our debts but I could not own up to the full amount . I feel so guilty but he would be horrified. Let's hope I am on the road to recovery x

Posted : 4th February 2013 1:19 am
Posts: 0

HI Pinksparkel,

This addiction likes secrets and it thrives off lies and isolation, I know it must be really really difficult for you to admit the full extent of your gambling to your husband but your half way there ? I got such unconditional support from my fiancie and family i couldnt quite beleive it it was like a ten ton weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and I vowed to myself that I would not ruin that trust and support that i was getting from them by gambling.

Its been 9 months since i last had to lie or cheat my family , its been 9 months since i wasted mine and there hard earned money on gambling.

You can do this, you have taken some positve steps already installing gamblock, close all other other avenues for you to gamble, hand over your credit cards to your husband.

Take it nice and slow pink, go easy on yourself.

You say you think "i would of learnt my lesson". I learnt that I cant win because i cant stop therefore I dont place that first bet.

You can do this pink , One day at a time. I found that it wasnt just enough to stop gambling I had to look at the reasons why i gambled and make some changes to myself and my life.

The gamble free future is out there waiting for you.. Grab it by the short and curlies and dont let go.

Take care

Blondie x

Posted : 4th February 2013 1:30 am
Posts: 168
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Thanks for the reply Blondie. Taking your advice, one day at a time! No urges, the blocker is brilliant though it even shuts down a competition website I use that has links for bingo/casino sites. Just can't enter my comps but thats a small sacrifice. Casino ad on tv as I write but I just occupy my mind with something else or turn channel over when they come on. I guess this is how it will be - learning avoidance techniques etc. Going out with friends on Friday night, looking forward to it, a better way to spend my time rather than wasting my money on gambling sites. Night all x

Posted : 6th February 2013 12:10 am
Posts: 168
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Hello diary, still gamble free - not sure how long but think it has been around 10 days. Had a great weekend spent with family and friends. Need to address my debt problem though, it is scary and I do not know if I can resolve it easily. So glad I downloaded the software blocker, totally takes the temptation away. That's all for now, will post again soon x

Posted : 10th February 2013 4:39 pm
Posts: 168
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Haven't posted for a week - still gamble free! Had a stressful week but have had a great weekend. Not really thought about gambling - only when ads are on and boy there are so many. I just switch the TV over or try to ignore them. It's my birthday in a few weeks and I have lots planned for March. My husband is working lots of extra shifts so I won't really get to see him but hopefully we can spend some time together next weekend. Till next time!

Posted : 17th February 2013 11:18 pm
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