Gamcare was my salvation, I came here broken & skint almost 5 years ago. The truth was a bitter pill to swallow. You can never gamble again & you can't have too many blocks in place. A real shock given I'd gambled most of my miserable life.
The message was none negotiable, follow advice, put the blocks in place or you'll sink. No gray areas stop or don't stop, Continue on a path of destruction otherwise. Gambling was gambling & there was nothing in between. Seems now that one can buy play money, stand up & proclaim to be gamble free. Even more scary these individuals can advise others.Â
Many were kind to me in the beginning, but should you feel you need to enquire, worry, or care about their well being, you become a stalker. I cherish the memories of those who guided me through the early days of overcoming addiction. Some say a CG will always need support & maybe that's true. Maybe I'll fail miserably but feel it's time to stand on my own 2 feet.
Same old, tomorrow I'll get up & tell myself " Just For Today " & Cheltenham, start of flat season are imminent so I ain't kidding myself it's gonna be easy. But will follow the old trusted advice that was once available in abundance here. I'll keep busy, think of the consequences of going back & let my beloved hold the purse strings. This advice has had such a positive effect on my recovery.Â
Sincere Best Wishes To All Those In Recovery
Morning Al,
Sending positive thoughts and best wishes on your continuing journey.
One day at a time and one foot in front of the other.
Very sad, Very sad indeed. If you struggle come straight back. I don`t even need to tell you how much you've helped me, and it wont be forgotten if you ever need the same back. You are one fantastic selfless person.
Ah slow you are not a stalker, you are a kind , genuine person who I think highly off. You'll be missed, but know were we are if you want to come back. All the best and thankyou for all of your supportÂ
This is one of the reasons when I give support to others that I don't hound them and let them @ me if they want support or just a chat on the forum.Â
Also being anonymous helps to protect yourself, I also don't share everything about my life on here.
Dont make it you're last post, keep engaging, it's a lot cheaper than throwing money into gamblingÂ
Hi Al
i just wanted to say how much i enjoyed talking to you in chat and always listened to your help and advice.
You are doing a great job in recovery long may it continue.If you ever feel you need to talk when you go it alone dont hesitate to reach out.
Will i ever stay recovered for a decent amount of time?I hope so i will never give up trying.There is always hope.
I look at it this way now i thought money gave me freedom but my freedom only begins when i stop gambling for good.
Im expecting grandchild number 2 in August.I absolutely adore my grandson and am a lovely Nanna to him.
Gambling has taken so much from me over the years its not taking anything else.
Take care of yourself and your family treasure them they are pricelessx
Awww, I'm sad to hear you are feeling this way. However, thank you for sharing it with us and trusting us with your difficult feelings.
I can honestly hand on heart say, you've never come across as overbearingly supportive, the thought has not crossed my mind once. This sounds like someone lashing out when feeling scared and overwhelmed, rather than a calm and measured appraisal of you. I 100% understand that it hurts no matter the motivation or situation behind it but I'm once again going to wheel out my favourite story that helped me so much, when I first heard it.
So, I was strongly affected by others' opinions of me. Ever since I can remember. Words had always hurt, if they were harsh.
Then I came across this analogy from an excellent psychologist. He said "ask yourself - if those words had come out of the mouth of a dishevelled, visibly unwell person, shouting them from a secure psychiatric ward, followed by an accusation of being the actual devil - would they hurt as much?" I believe most people would be able to answer "no". My own reasons would be that although I wouldn't automatically dismiss everything a psychiatric inpatient was saying, the context around it would make it much more obvious that the person probably wasn't at their best, most rational or reasonable. I'm confident that I'm not the devil, so I'd be able to brush it off much more easily and let it go. No disrespect to anyone with poor mental health, mine is often poor. It helped me to be much less affected by anything my mother could say. The sad thing is, she praises me now but I don't feel anything. It's a waste of breath because I stopped caring what she thought a long time ago. I am not bitter but I don't find the way she sees the world, very relevant. I understand that her judgement is very poor. I don't respect her opinion or value it.Â
Anyway, this isn't about me. I just hope we speak again because I've always found your genuine care for others' wellbeing, like a soothing balm. It has always felt helpful for me.
Al & All,
I see a lot of confusion came out of one "innocent" word which can easily be taken out of context as I learned myself. The reality is, I have known Al for few years now to the point I could call him a mutual friend. Sorry, not sure why I'm talking in third person. Maybe its my psychotic traits coming out here Freda.Â
Anyway, comment couldn't come from the bestest, warmest and most appreciated place. Interpretation would of sound "someone who checks in and never forgets fellow soldier". Yes, maybe this would of sounded better ?. Not many gets to see my witty and sometimes bonkers side of personality so I guess I need to apologise to ccommunity for that.
Not really sure why I'm explaining myself here as clearly been tarred with "poorly psychopath feeling at the low ebb" label where in reality it was one of the greatest days I had writing that response!. This last post hurt and triggered me (clearly) and I'm not here to argue or defend myself, purely explaining the meaning behind it.Â
The journey is rocky for many of us, ther eis no straightforward answer to g free life. It requires work and commitment as everything in life if you want to achieve your goals. Two is better than one on this journey also..the more the better as support is invaluable.Â
Hope you're OK Al.
Psycho signing outta your thread.
Hi Al,
Not sure if you keeping a watching brief.
Got my hatters tickets for SOL next week.
Happy to meet before the game
Oh I'm Buzzing,
Why not ? spot of lunch before the game ( my treat ). Should we ask permission to exchange emails ?, & sort it from there ? . Would be great to give you a face to face thanks for your continued kindness & support. I wouldn't be GF today without your support in the early days. Lets do this.
You've made my Friday special thanks for getting in touch.
Best Wishes
Al, I'm not going to read this thread again but always have time to listen to you, so I would just like to encourage you that you are always welcome to post on my diary for support, if you think it might be helpful.
Sorry to anyone who my posts unintentionally offend or upset.Â
Please accept apologies for my delayed response.
Unfortunately my mum was rushed to hospital earlier this week and my time is now taken with looking after her and dad.
Hi Bal,.
Sorry to hear & my thoughts are with you & you're family. I hope your mum makes a full recovery soon.Â
Best Wishes
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