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Evening hun,

Keep busy AN and keep close to the site whilst you are feeling this way...

drawbridge up and guards on the turrets..

R and D xx

Posted : 10th September 2012 9:28 pm
Posts: 0

Yo my dear dear friend ,

One of the reasons I posted that post yesterday .

Was for you , I wanted you to see that I had relapsed , but that maybe some good had come out it .

I want you in that middle lane by my side . You do not have a choice about that , cause mate you will get there , maybe not today but you will .

Get up tomorrow those gambling demons tempt you , say bog off , I have a date with my special shiny in the middle lane , and you are not going to stop me !

So thats that sorted then !

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 10th September 2012 10:46 pm
Posts: 0
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Thank you, my friends.

A busy day today. Been to the dentists this morning. My bill was only about 50% of what I imagined it might be and was fretting about. Good job I shut up shop quickly on Saturday though before I did my complete brains in! YES I could still pay the bill.

My slip quickly seems to be a distant blemish on an otherwise very good record. It stands as a message to myself and everyone who is reading. A positive message coming from a negative action. That message being, if you lapse don't let it become a relapse. Take it on the chin then confess and get posting! otherwise you will be on that downward spiral again. It happened on Saturday and by Tuesday it's out of my system.

Great stuff but without my current addiction to this wonderful site and without all the positive comments from you all I would have returned to the depths of hell again. I am not there I am above ground once more and confident that a further lesson has been learned without too much damage.

Stay positive, stay clean folks.


Posted : 11th September 2012 1:07 pm
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Thought for today:

Some people have skeletons in their closet, I have a whole graveyard. 🙂

Posted : 11th September 2012 1:21 pm
Posts: 0

hi Hun

B negative are we?..ancestry descended from aliens have we? rare breed that you are unlike my guttersnipe common monkey Viking O+ blood me to be in the company of the Gods and not realise it...B negs allegedly have no monkey blood in them at all not of ape descent....

Joking aside....thats kinda have a rare blood type and given my line of work and "a-hem"..expertise in this subject re:blood types ..there are certain foods diet wise that can not be well tolerated in your bod.

Google..... "B negative blood type diet" and check out the info....given your recent health scare there may be a few tweaks you can make there hun...

Just looking out for ya...(aka..controlling by nagging!) as they say in

R and D xx

ps...skeletons only remain intact underground in the dark..once you get them out in the light they turn to dust and with one P**f can be blown away. xx

Posted : 11th September 2012 1:55 pm
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By the way it's Bobby Mc Ferrin not Bob Marley(poet and prophet) A.N

Posted : 11th September 2012 6:00 pm
Posts: 0

hey AN...

think CODA is a good stop for the mrs and I also went to GAnon for a while and got support but each to their own as its not for everyone...

Laughed also at the blank outs as ...guess what? there is a red bull female drink on the market called that name and you can imagine the ad

O + is Viking heathen blood in good company...if it was B- then deffo alien off to muse on my wall and bid you well for the eve,...

Onwards glad you stayed around on always add some sparkle to go with the shiny glitter xx

R and D xx

Posted : 11th September 2012 6:12 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi A.N

So pleased to hear the blip it's out of the system it's no biggie esp on here I think it was such a positive how quick u reacted and remember u didn't av to for me just goes to show how strong mentally u r now

I see another change to ur diary title I remember someone else who did that to a while back lol , he was a great guy to who had so much time for in fact not a lot between u except u av a steely grit and determination and an acceptance of what life will be , seriously though it's really great to av u back this site is a better place with u on it


Posted : 12th September 2012 8:29 am
Posts: 0


Just sending you a

Catch you laters , humming that dam song now , thanks for that ......

Shiny xxxxx

Posted : 12th September 2012 8:46 am
Posts: 0
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Interesting pic there, erm thanks Shiny!

No thoughts of G today. Oh yes I am lying GOLF seems to occupy most of my thoughts. I love that game.

I will keep plodding on and cruising in that middle lane. Back to being a soldier.

I will leave you with some lyrics and vid of a favourite song of mine.

Will there be world enough and time for me to sing that song?

A voice so silent for so long

For all those years I had to get along, they told me I was wrong

I never wanted to belong - I was so strong

I lack their smiles and their diamonds; I lack their happiness and love

I envy them for all those things, I never got my fair share of

The lenses inside of me that paint the world black

The pools of poison, the scarlet mist, that spill over into rage

The things I've always been denied

An early promise that somehow died

A missing part of me that grows around me like a cage

In all your science of the mind, seeking blind through flesh and bone

Find the blood inside this stone

What I know, I've never shown; what I feel, I've always known

I plan my vengeance on my own - and I was always alone

Oh - They tried to get me

Oh - They'll never forget me

The Anarchist by RUSH (2012)

Posted : 12th September 2012 12:35 pm
Posts: 0


See you are posting at the same , I do not know what it was , wanted to send you a smiley face , but recon you and me are square blocks trying to fit in round holes some times . So thought I would send you the most bizarre pic on photo box they had of a smily face .

Removed it now and replaced with something a bit more soothing . Do not want you having nightmares on my account 🙂

Catch you laters , unless you catch me first .

Shiny xxxxxxxxx

Posted : 12th September 2012 12:40 pm
Posts: 0


Putting pins in my eyes would of been less painful 🙂

There's me send you a moving no less smiley face , and you repay me with that .

Well I will be speaking revenge , bloody hate whistling !

Though it's great to see my bestest mucker back on top form.

Golfing later ? Watch out you never know when Dusty may just jinx that perfect shot :/)

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 12th September 2012 12:58 pm
Posts: 0

From Pinocchio- Disney

When you get in trouble and you dont know right from wrong

Give a little whistle

Give a little whistle

When you meet temptation and the urge is very strong

Give a little whistle

Give a little whistle

Not just a squeak

Pucker up and blow

And if your whistles weak

YELL....Jimminy Crickett..

Take the straight and narrow path

And if you start to slide

Give a little whistle

Give a little whistle

And always let your conscience be your guide

Enjoy AN....and they truly are the words to that song

R and D xx

Posted : 12th September 2012 1:59 pm
Posts: 0


Getting a kindle , when ?

Will go on and see what the new one does ,but think I saw an advert for it last week , looks very snazzy , hope it has a built in gps to locate missing golf balls , lol

Liked your joke , makes us even now . Dusty is back in her box , so no muddling with your swing .......

Thank you for making me laugh more than once today ,

Shiny xxxxxxx

Posted : 12th September 2012 8:53 pm
Posts: 0
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Another good day, went golfing this morning until the rain spoiled everything. Got a real soaking. Had a counselling session this afternoon. I always get homework so will be busy doing that tomorrow.

Did a nice tea of Spaghetti and meatballs and allowed myself one large glass of dry white.

Then watched Lillyhammer which I had recorded from last night. Good stuff, any fan of The Sopranos would love it!

Gonna play on my PC golf game now before bedtime. Absolutely no thoughts or urges today, back on form and easier to live with again.

Bye for now,


Posted : 12th September 2012 9:22 pm
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