lost the plot..

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Hello London geezer..

Thanks for the posting in my diary!

Spot on in combating them urges bud. Your postings are always delivered with the utmost honesty.

Boredom can be a real killer, whereas i fully endorse a good blow out, it also needs to be controlled. Something i need to convince my self on!

Good on you for fighting them urges, they soon go hai!!!!! You're 1 of lifes fighters pal, keep hitting away and be very wary of any sly uppercuts...

We're both going to craxk this, simple!!!!

Posted : 14th December 2010 8:39 pm
Posts: 1057

.Your NEVER lonely or isolated on these pages mate...youve many friends on here....remember that !!!! hope your weeks went well and thanks for the complimentary post my friend....we can do this 🙂

Posted : 17th December 2010 10:29 pm
Posts: 0

LB,it's really good to read that you kicked those urges into touch the other night,i reckon you have made some huge steps forward in your battle against gambling this last month or so,you only have to read your posts of a few months ago to realise that:),keep that effort up and stay strong.


Posted : 18th December 2010 9:52 am
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary

Been a busy few days at work, although yesterday after struggling in did hardly anything due to the bad weather.

At work in a few hours again, only 4 more days to work till my Xmas break so something to look forward too..

Reached 3 weeks again today without any gambling and i have money sitting in my pocket as well. So just got to keep chipping away at these days.

Am more determined than ever.

Another year older today as well and have been thinking about how many years i must of wasted due to this addiction. If you stack up back to back all the sessions/days/hours spent gambling i must of lost many, many years due to this, what a terrible waste..

Anyway onwards and upwards, whats done is done, the important thing is what we do next..

Thanks GT, Pauls, wp and seano for your kind words of support..

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone, keep safe and takecare.

Today i will not gamble.

Posted : 19th December 2010 10:20 am
Posts: 0

Happy birthday mate--funny how we are always happier and more content when we are not gambling.

Have a great day


Posted : 19th December 2010 10:42 am
Posts: 0

Happy birthday kid

Posted : 19th December 2010 10:50 am
Posts: 0

Hai LB

A year wiser! Loved it when you said more determined than ever....

Keep going, no more counting back. Lets march into 2011 as ex-gamblers with the tools in place to keep it that way....


Posted : 19th December 2010 11:01 am
Posts: 0

Happy birthday..

Posted : 19th December 2010 11:03 am
Posts: 0

Happy birthday to you mate and I hope that you are able to treat yourself a little today.

I don't mean huge treats but as you have some money in your pocket, a small treat can be just as good as an expensive one.

Enjoy your day!


Posted : 19th December 2010 11:04 am
Posts: 1057

birthday greetings for today my friend,and going by these well wishes we are ALL sharing it with you 🙂 oh and its nice to see you post at a decent hour as well lol...you can do this "blokey" my friend.

Posted : 19th December 2010 11:20 am
Posts: 4881

Hi Lb.. and a happy birthday from me to.. keep chipping away my friend.. S.A 🙂

Posted : 19th December 2010 4:40 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary

Thankyou to everyone for your kind Birthday wishes, i'm actually glad thats now out the way, woke up with 28 more grey hairs than the night before...its not looking too good, i'm getting old...lol

Had a good day at work, very busy but enjoyed it though.

22 days into my "new life" today.. Generally still working it ODAAT and although i'm not into setting targets and goals i have got the 31st Dec 2010 firmly in my sights.. I really want to finish what has been a right c*** year on a positive note..

When i reach midnight on new years eve i want to be able to raise a can and say i'm carrying 33 gamblefree days into the New Year..

I can remember many times when i've got to this time of year and wanted to stop gambling but have said to myself ... hang on just another couple of weeks till the new year so i might as well make that my cut off point, theres just no point in stopping now..and so i would just carry on gambling up till new years eve..then of course as we all know the old year would slip into the new one and there was no change on the gambling front..

Yep soon be time for millions of people to make their "new years resolutions".. Fresh start and all that.. To us the addicts, our new year begins the very next day that we choose to stop..

Of course saying and doing are two different things altogether, as i am the first to admit. I mean how many times have i said i'm stopping??.

Anyway i'm rambling on a bit now..

Work again tomorrow so i'm off for some kip.

Keep strong everyone, keep your guards up, this time of year puts even more pressure on all of us..

We can do this..


Posted : 20th December 2010 2:15 am
Posts: 0

One day at a time lb....thats the way. Sorry I missed your birthday. Nothing wrong with a few grey hairs....very distinctive. Keep strong chap. Russ

Posted : 20th December 2010 7:37 am
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary

Had a nice day at work today, very quiet for this time of year which made a change. Just got today (wed) to work then i'm off till next wednesday..

Looking forward to it, but must admit i'm ok for the first few days then after that i start to get very restless and bored, so we're see how things go..

Got a friend staying with me over Christmas as like i've said before, i have no family. We've spent a good few Christmases together over the years, shes in the same position as meself, no family etc..Known her almost 18 years.. We dated for 3 years a good while back..Best of mates now though..strange ain't it...lol (my whole lifes one almighty balls up).. still no-ones perfect..

Anyway, we've got all the food and the more important booze in.. so we are ready to go, ready to rumble so to speak.. Off out on boxing day which i do every year round to another friend of mine..(terrible gamblers they are as well).. Its all just one big P**** up really... Same old, same old..Still we have a good time and thats what its all about, and of course it will keep my mind off the gambling..

Her staying at mine this year though will give me some added help as its that time again soon.. Payday on the 24th Dec..

My work colleague who might of helped me out still ain't back at work so i'll do what i've done these past 2 months. Pay everything that needs paying again(loans/ repayments/rent) all that stuff and she will keep an eye on what i have left so i'm not tempted..

Had a good read through the diaries tonight, in fact been on here for hours. One i read all the way through, great to read how people progress and how things slowly begin to change for them..

Day 24 for me today and things are going well..Keep saying to myself..end the year on a high..end it on a high..And thats what i'm going to do.

Anyway thats me for tonight, working this afternoon so some sleep needed..

Keep your guards up everyone.

Enjoy your day and takecare

Posted : 22nd December 2010 3:24 am
Posts: 0

Great to see you are still winning the fight LB, be proud of the way you have turned things around since those dark days a number of weeks ago. Don't underestimate how far you have come mate, you are doing great.

Seems like you have a non-sober Xmas lined up!! Enjoy it LB and lets kick gamblings a** in the new year

Take Care


Posted : 22nd December 2010 8:57 am
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