Mr Grumpy: Round 3 and a half

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It's Monday... don't mind them.. have PPA time, which means I can come home and work... der yeah... there's things I could be doing I guess and need to make a start on "The Leavers Service"... plan and powerpoint. ( need a good song for the powerpoint... if anyone has any suggestions)

Just doing the Y6 end of year production (play) at the moment... performance start next week... almost there.. just need to add a few extra bits... funny ones I hope. Not much rehearsal time left.. but should be ready on time.

Not many serious thoughts today... maybe time to change the title to one less... grumpy ... not yet though.

I have, come to think of it, a slight issue that might need clearing up. I have seen on some peoples diaries maybe a reference to my recent comments on " Stay Strong" etc.... I am glad that most people have either responded to my comments, or ignored them totally... as we all make our own choices. I would like to say that maybe there has been a slight misinterpretation of said comments, and also they were how I was feeling at that time on that day. If you were to look at my posts on others diaries you would see that I use " Stay Strong" frequently and wonder why "we're not supposed to use this ..." was written , or the likes.. It is your choice to say whatever you want as is it mine also. So... Stay Strong! ;O)

Glad I have got that off my chest. Other than that, everything is Hunky Dory.

At the moment I am choosing not to think too deeply about my recovery, or the problem. I overanalyze things sometimes I know, and think it best if I carry on in my own little " grumpy" way for the time being. I am even starting at this very moment to analyze my choice not to analyze...'kin weird. So I'll stop there and think of other things.

Hope all is as well as can be expected if not better.... stay strong, stay focused and live.


PS: "There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who, when presented with a glass that is exactly half full, say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What's up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass!" Terry Pratchett.

Posted : 2nd July 2012 3:03 pm
Posts: 0

HI Jon ,

Nice to see no serious thoughts and all is just ticking along, I wonder sometimes if i over think things just because of my diary... w*f your dammed if you do and dammed if you dont. Anyways that line of thought is quickly closed with all the positives my diary brings me....

Me being a bit of a BB as you know im also a bit of a take that fan what abou "never forget " I went to see them last year at the etihad (spits on the floor after saying that name) last year ... Its a pretty apt song ?

Im glad you aired the stay strong bit, I think if people dont see the tooing and froing and the entire thread that goes with it crossed between lots of diarys it can become confusing and mis-interpreted. So today i chosse to say..... I like it when your grumpy but most of all I like it when your thinking about changing your title of your diary....

Now i have to read terry pratchett.!!!!!

Enjoy the rest of your day

Blondie 🙂

Posted : 2nd July 2012 3:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jon, thanks for the post, it made me laugh and gave me plenty to chuckle about. PPA on a Monday, that's a bad draw but at least you're able to go home and work, that's a bonus.

Your list of brain activities mad me laugh with nostalgia as I went through each and every one. For the last 20 years I've practised meditation and yoga regularly, not so good at the tree at the moment but i can still do mean handstands. I read, I exercise, I have a vindaloo once a week. I eat loads of fruit and fish. I can also play the guitar quite well. Haven't played pool or snooker for a while but funnily enough i was thinking recently about going for a game. I tend to stay away from video games because I'm wary I'd probably get addicted because of my nature. I have one coffee a day for my metabolism. What really made me chuckle though was the golf and the miniatures. I used to be really, really good at golf when i was a youngster. I played it morning, noon and night. I was accepted into a posh club when I was 14 on the strength of my game. The school then took an interest and entered me into the Aer Lingus cup, which I did well in and then into the Lancashire Open which I played left handed for a change and came in second to last. Never really played a round again. Used to take the children from school to a nearby golf driving range every lunch hour and i was thinking about taking it up again before the accident. Even bought a trolley a month ago so who knows. The miniatures though, I'm giggling now through embarrassment. About 5-6 years ago a boy (under achiever, emotional problems) brought in a model which he and his father made. So we hung it up on the ceiling with nylon line. It looked lonely so i bought a kit from flea bay, painted it and hung it up alongside it. I kept doing this and after two years the ceiling was saturated with Spitfires, Lancasters, Wellingtons, Halifaxes, Short Stirlings, Flying Fortresses etc. I counted them all once and there were 47 planes. My addictive personality had kicked in again. All in all I reckon I spent 2-3 grand in a year on airfix models. There are boxes upon boxes under my bed, inside wardrobes and in the attic, masses of them. If I lived to 500 I probably wouldn't make them all. I gave most of the completed ones away to the children when I left but I don't know what to do with the rest. Daren't hang them up on my bedroom ceiling just in case I invite a lady round...'I'll get the glasses you go up on ahead, oh and mind you don't bump your head on my aeroplanes!'

What I will do though Jon is now read some TP, if the line you quoted and subject matter (which I like) is typical of TP's humour and style then it should be a pleasure.

Anyway take care, good luck with the play (nightmare but fun) and the leavers service.


Posted : 2nd July 2012 5:02 pm
Posts: 0

Just found 'Witches Abroad' in my library so I'll give that a read within the next couple of days

Posted : 2nd July 2012 5:52 pm
Posts: 0

Nanny Ogg Eh...Hmmmmm !!!!!

Nanny Ogg has been married three times, with fifteen children who survived their early childhood, and has many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. What makes her the Mother, however, is her mentality. they go to Nanny for advice all the time. Nanny is actually liked.

Nanny Ogg has a talent for getting along with people and fitting in. As described in Maskerade, people, after knowing her for fifteen minutes, feel like they have known her all of their lives.

Nanny Ogg is seen as "one of the people" Nanny is broadminded. but is equally prepared to make tough decisions if necessary. people don't mind doing things when Nanny asks them.

Nanny Ogg does not live in an isolated, crumbly rural cottage but in an expansive and well-looked after town house .

She fills it with knick-knacks such as pink skulls and rude garden gnomes that serve no useful purpose except to highlight her eccentricities. Her family brings back souvenirs for her whenever they go more than a few miles from home. Since she doesn't care whether they're cheap or not, she has several things with legends such as "To The World's Greatest Mum" on them.

In The Art of Discworld, Pratchett says, "I've always suspected that Nanny is, deep down, the most powerful of the witches and part of her charm lies in the way she prevents people from finding this out." Indeed, incurring Nanny's wrath is suggested to be much more dangerous because of her reflexively kind personality.

Nanny enjoys food and drink despite only having one remaining tooth (the sight of Nanny Ogg eating a pickled onion is described as bringing tears to the eyes). When she is drunk, she has a tendency to sing very "special" songs, the most popular being "The Hedgehog Can Never Be B*****ed At All"

Nanny Ogg's bath night, as described in the novel Lords and Ladies, is an event feared by the entire population of Lancre, chiefly because she sings any and all of the above songs, accompanied by banjo, whilst bathing, and the tin bath amplifies her already overpowering vocal presence such that the audience is not so much "captive" as "hunted down". Residents of Lancre tend to hide their livestock at this time as well, as the trauma causes the sheep and goats to "give yogurt for weeks" afterwards. This event usually occurs once a year, so everyone has plenty of time to prepare.

Nanny Ogg is very funny and has a tremendous laugh. She has also been accredited a grin "that should have been locked up for the sake of public decency".

Nanny lives her life exactly as she wishes, and her daughters-in-law are those who make that possible. If the floors aren't scrubbed, or her breakfast not served on time, there are consequences.

Nanny Ogg is far too wise and busy to carry a handbag; she keeps all she needs in her knickers, lifting her skirts to reveal a knickerleg, and extracting whatever is needed at the time. She does, however, carry a string shopping bag (also in her knickers) against emergencies,

It was observed in more than one occasion, by Granny Weatherwax, that Nanny Ogg has impressive social skills. She has demonstrated the ability to socialize with all kinds of people within a very little time

hahahaha..... The less said about hyding things in my knickers the better. I love her even though the picutre on wikipedia doesnt do me justice ;). It was a bit like having a tarot card reading but its pretty accurate in lots of places, just need to read up about dusty and Rach......

Puts broomstick under legs and shoots off with black cat in tow.... and cackles lol 🙂 x

Posted : 2nd July 2012 8:54 pm
Posts: 298
Topic starter

Day: Near end of.


Posted : 2nd July 2012 9:02 pm
Posts: 0

You're messing with the dark arts here now Jon, be careful. I haven't started the book yet but already she seems like an interesting character. Pickled onion, one tooth, cracking imagery. You'll wake up tomorrow with Toad's feet Jon if you're not careful.

Posted : 2nd July 2012 9:06 pm
Posts: 0

hahaha that bit did make me cackle..... erm i mean laugh..... I much prefer charlies angels ste, as long as i can be the blonde one 🙂

Posted : 2nd July 2012 9:15 pm
Posts: 0

tra la la laaaar...."so move on up! .......bit o Curtis Mayfield PLUS a win/win in that you will be educating them into some decent tunes! lol...or Kanyes version..Touch the Sky!...same sample slowed down.

OORRRRR..."The only way is UP"....Yazz.???

On the box sets am a big Poirot and Marple fan but also huge Family guy,American Dad ,Idiot abroad et al,

Watched my fave this week...Shakespeare Retold....absolutely amazing and set in modern the stylee of Leonardo in R and J but less cheesy.

If I were a teacher this would be mandatory...all top flight UK actors.

Not too into Prachett as am a big heavy weight biog,fact,philosophy fantasy/reality is Conspiracy theories and have in my colourful past promoted and met Mr..Icke through my business in Liverpool as my pal was his PA.

(Can see the white van pulling up as I type and some men in black)

Glad to see your diary has become a place for all comers and attracting posts other than recovery focussed which in a way is what you were asking for before has happened

Field of it and they will come!

Well Jon...keep posting ....Keep Strong... and keep watching the skies!!!

laters xxx

Posted : 2nd July 2012 10:01 pm
Posts: 0

hahaha... Dusty's gona get you ;P

Posted : 2nd July 2012 10:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Bosley, I mean Jon (forgive my slip), just listened to your son, he is extremely talented and has a cracking voice. You must be very, very proud. I can't sing whatsoever, I even talk out of tune, so bad it's probably good as vocal nihilism.

Make a statement Jon in your leavers service. Throw in a little Floyd, shake the Governors up a little, I don't know which one, maybe 'We don't need no education.' it's art Jon, you've gotta step outside the box.

Thinking of escaping to Scootland, wouldn't risk it personally, the 'angels' change into three memorable characters from Macbeth when they venture north of the border. They'll track you down without any 'toil and trouble.'


Posted : 2nd July 2012 10:50 pm
Posts: 0

Whilst looking on the net , for spells opps I mean jokes I found this one.

Stand there, and calm yourself. Say these words and brace yourself.

Clepto vergilious!!

(not guaranteed to actually work.)

Well it made me laugh, sent in by one of your pupils no doubt.

Dusty xxxxxx

Posted : 2nd July 2012 11:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hey mr prattshit 😉 no point in creeping thats not gona save you neither is moving to scotland . As I am still on probation as a B.B due to the table incident I was pushed by the way 😀 , I only thought it right that I inform the angels for further info see ste post / witches ( please see jons previous prattshit post lol ) of our next mission. Us girlies have to stick together, so I would have a chat with the steg I am sure he can give you some ray mears survival tips I think he bumped into him on a fishing trip once and head for the h ills You can run but you cant hide under that pillow for ever. :-P. Blondie. Or nanny ogg or the blonde one from charlies angels in losing track lol x

Posted : 3rd July 2012 12:48 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jon, one woman scorned is bad enough but three! I've had a word with Ray Mears and he said the honourable action would be to beg for mercy or build an igloo using traditional Lancastrian bushcraft and winter there until the heat dies down. I'm not optimistic though Jon, these are the Angels after all. Bon chance mon ami, Bon chance, Le Steg.

Posted : 3rd July 2012 4:55 am
Posts: 0

Oh dear

Looks like you have found your self a new name.

The steg has a certain charisma about .

Prattshit hmmmmmmmmm , think you better get on your hands and knees , and beg blondie for forgiveness before that one sticks ......

I will try my best to see if I can aid your plight, but do not hold out much hope, she is one determined women that women, so do not think that women's one for turning.

Dusty xxxxxxx

The expression you reap what you sow comes to mind ...........

Posted : 3rd July 2012 7:25 am
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