my betting diary

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Posted : 13th March 2014 10:39 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks m8 for visiting my thread

I know u are pretty much the same as me these days and always pop into the forum to check on everyon,.yet dont write so many posts on your own thread.I know you are only a couple of months away from the same milestone and i will be coming on this forum to congratulate you without a doubt.In many ways it has been easier for me than you because you have had a lot of family problems.I have to admire your stamina and strength a lesser man would have been broken,but not you my friend.I hope things are better for you these days.All the best Jeff.PS i dont know if you ever hear from seano but if you do tell him i was asking about him.I have no doubt he is still gamblefree.

Posted : 7th October 2014 5:18 pm
Posts: 0

Jeff has a very good point wp, although I have to ask whether his stamina is even greater than yours, having clicked back through all the other diaries to find yours.

Nonetheless, thanks for your recent comment on my diary, although I don't get to hear much about your progress, I do think about you and how my mate from the north east is getting along. I still have that sofa if you need it!

Hope you're doing well mate, and I look forward to sharing in your celebration when it comes around.


Posted : 7th October 2014 10:18 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

Thanks for all your comments.
My how this site has changed.It took me all my time to log in on my phone (without my phones I dont know how I couldve got this far).
Well ive made it to 5 years.
This last year has probably been just as difficult as all the others.
There was a close moment in the past year where I got a tip for a horse. It was on my mind all day will i/will I not ? The bookies shops were right in front of me.(They're about 3 neighbouring each other in nearly every street now which annoys me)
I didn't but the horse won and my mind was buzzing for that 1st bet again.
Its just a warning that even after all this time abstaining the demons are always there lurking for that moment of madness to happen.
Every day remains an achievement itself im only one bet away from disaster like everyone else on this forum whether 1 day or 5 years.
I was seeing my little one regular up until September but communication has once again broke down.Maybes have to go back to court for that one. Things are difficult there,im sure my ex would just love it if I folded and went on a gambling spree.
That ain't going to happen.
Today I haven't bet tomorrow I won't bet stay strong everyone this can be done.
Best wishes for Christmas and the new year.

Posted : 14th December 2014 7:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp,

Nice to see that you're still around on the recovery diaries.

Well done on 5 years abstinence my friend, and you are dead right to point out that we are all indeed just one bet away from disaster. I wish you all the very best wishes for Christmas and the New year.



Posted : 14th December 2014 8:11 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp,

Great to hear from you, and a massive congratulations on staying gamble free for those five years, I doubt that temptation will ever fully depart for me, but beating those temptations is what continued success is really all about.

Hope that the family situation and contact improves again with the New Year, more importantly I hope you are okay over Christmas without that contact. I'll be thinking of you mate, not something that's ever going to come into my life, but not having access to your child over the Christmas period must be gut-wrenching. Thanks for popping back and letting us know you're okay, I often wonder how you are and hope you're doing well. You're kind of like Andy Dufresne (if you've ever seen the Shawshank Redemption), the one who won and beat this long term!

All the best


Posted : 16th December 2014 1:46 am
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

Thanks ade and my welsh friend Ryan,you have been 2 loyal friends of my diary over the years.

It was my kids nativity this week.With me not seeing her since September and my parents nearly 3 year I thought id go along and take my parents with me.

How wrong I was 🙁

After the show I took my parents to a local restaurant for lunch to which my ex must've followed us as upon sitting down we were the target of abuse. Such abuse that being called a gambler at the top of her voice for ALL to hear was somewhat embarrassing.
Anyways the manager came across and she went but not without getting her point across.

5 years on when will it end,some of you are just so lucky having understanding partners.And rightly so we are victims of our own stupidities but are trying to better ourselves in life.

Today I won't bet tomorrow I won't bet.

Take care folks.


P.s every time I try logging in I have to change my password 🙁

Posted : 19th December 2014 8:10 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp,

No one needs that mate. You definately don't deserve it after 5 years of abstinence. What more can you do??....

Hope things improve for you over the Christmas period my friend.

Stay strong, you are in my thoughts..

All the best


Posted : 23rd December 2014 4:49 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp,

Found you back on Page 5.

Just putting you back where you belong on Page 1.

You were there for me years ago, when I failed at recovery time and time again. But you were always honest, supportive, blunt, kind and above all you posted on my diary.

I now get it. I feel like my recovery is real this time. You are one of the main reasons for that.

I really hope that things pick up for you in 2015, and remember the support is always here for you.

All the best


Posted : 2nd January 2015 9:59 pm
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