...or is it looking at yourself in the mirror?...or happy stuff to smoke? Lol...not ginna mention other techniques cause will get banned 😀
This gambling scamambling defo played with this brain....going coo coo now even worse.
Double post...worked out well again as i see 🙂
Well Mrs D, my secret may be out...The boss tapped me on the shoulder today & suggested I get myself off an hour early for all my hard work :-0 If you are on here Boss...Thank-You 🙂 I'm home, the NM is out & the mutt is downstairs crying to himself because I don't love him like I should! I am tucked up with a hot water bottle about to thank everyone personally for dropping by before catching 40 winks!
HD, it sure turned out nice again 🙂
Hi odaat thanks for dropping in.... Hope you are well and good and your recovery is still going from strength to strength...
Jst got into bed after long shift at work!! Speak soon
Hey Junne 🙂
Good to see ya keeping the pact but is it me or is it getting further and further away from 8hrs? Must be me lol
Thank you for your lovely, supportive and encouraging post about my "punishment" last night...and hell - punishment it was! Lol. Had few crazy glares from people thinking "are ya taking the pi** of how i look?"..ohhh...all good fun let me tell ya 🙂
Hope today is a good day and stamping over nasty habit is more enjoyable than ever! Keep using that technique you use to stay in "happy place" and sure it will keep working for ya forever!!!!! (...telllllll meeeee...lol..kidding...but i want to go to happy place lol..maybe one day i will find it when least expect it 😉 )
Keep winning ODAAT. You're worth it bride to be 🙂
Hi Junnieee,
Hope you are feeling better today, and snuggling up to a hot water bottle helped( jeez can't even remember what they look like lol)
Has not stopped raining all day here, but it's sure turned out nice again, and yep we both need ginge to decipher these messages at times lol, sos I mean HD,
Seriously you have been quite quiet last couple of days, can't believe you are keeping to that eight hour pact with S lol.
Keep strong and keep being you Ohhhh Junnnieee.
Ha! Lol! At first i had a smile reading that and didn't even had to use technique :-D...so that's a start lol..but then, as i set off to journey bk home..i thought ummm..ok, i will try "magic happy place"..ha..ha..as ya see half hour later I'm still smiling. Was wondering, is it something to do with your mind thinking "w*f are you doing here??" Lol..plus..all those speed cameras will have lovely pictures with my grin on 🙂 (speeding i am not lol ).
So thanks Juuuuuuuune, i guess you just earned your 200 😉
Would love to talk but still laughing outta myself here for this...ummmm...yep lol and best go to work in a cheery mood
take care, stay safe, keeeeeeep smiling bonkers girl!
Ps. No sand angels on that beach today - pissi*g down like hell here...but...HD 😀
Hi ODATT, just wanted to say thanks a lot for posting back to me, it means so much at the moment, you have been there after major gambling losses, thanks for your words, mean so much this evening.
Sorry I missed your 200 days but wow you are an inspiration, seriously helps us newer members knowing you're here living proof of how you can continue to say no and turn your back on gambling. Well done on 202 days !
Clare x
Hey there,
It will surely turn out nice again today 🙂 if ya off - enjoy! If you working - enjoy too 🙂
I think you're trying to send me to coo coo land lol..sand angels in a rain? ...noooooo lol...thank god it has stopped raining and i can head off to that beach in few hours! HD 🙂
Read somewhere that you're thinking to take a break from here...ummmm..if ya do..keep remembering those words from Deutschland! and stay safe girl. ...but..i still give ya 8hrs so never pressure :-))) HD!!!!
Have a good one!
Sandy beach lol
Morning Treacle ;0)
Just realised my user name on Words with friends is actually Ade S.
Should you wish to aaaaaaaaavvvvit!!
In the manner of speaking. Lol.....
Ade X
Morning Junieee,
Thanks for your message yesterday, sooo glad you only took a mini break my friend.HD
My dear friend firstly congratulations on your continued abstinence,great solid foundations you are laying,a platform to enjoy life on,rather than the house of cards we lived our gambling life on,all the time waiting for it to come tumbling down.
keep making the choice to lay those solid bricks,oh leave a few aside,as they come in proper handy when addiction rears its ugly head you can smash one right on its nose!!! immensely theraputic lol.
Anyhow the reason for my invading your thread.
forum master??? lol I am the master of one thing,thats my own life,recovery gave it back to me,yes it is scared,worn around the edges but it's mine,like yours is too,rather than it being addictions.
Addiction is for me the greatest leveller in life,it's in no way predujice it takes anyones life wealthy or not and relentlessly destroy's it just the same.In recovery we are all given the same opportunity,the opportunity to live a life without the self gifted misery gambling brings.
In recovery we are united,an ever growing army. We stand side by side,nobody anybodies master, f**k we all lived enslaved to addiction to seek living under another.
I learn something here every day,everyone has a voice.
keep using yours my fellow soilder
it is of equal value to all the other author's
abstain and maintain
Duncs stepping forward never back.
Sorry it's actually Ade S with a full stop after it. As in....... Ade S. ........
Try it again....
Hey Juuunnneee
Just wanted to see how is it going today and to remind ya that im not a dictator or Hitler lol...so never pressure on 8hrs fixed lol
Plus i thought we could stretch it to 10hrs on days off to catch up with more zzzzzz ...(and off i go already lol....told ya I'm not strict 😉 )
Have a good HD and keep safe!
Was not gonna get soft here but i guess i will lol - so proud of you and your never ending determination to kick this evil habit outta your life. The only way is forward, ya know what you want from your life and those goals are firmly rooted in your journey. Claim back what is rightly yours - life & peace & happiness going forward.
The end lol...wake up now!
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