My Diary - small steps to recovery

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Cheers for joining us in the xmas challenge,lets hope we all make it to xmas bet free then kick on from there. Bring on april the 1st 😉


Posted : 29th March 2014 8:16 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks for posts. Have joined ScottyBoys xmas challenge - feeling positive and strong.....we can do this


Posted : 30th March 2014 2:25 am
Posts: 651

Thanks for kind words mo,lets go all the way to xmas.looking forward to seeing that 1st post next sun on the challenge page saying good 1st week of the challenge gamble free.


Posted : 30th March 2014 9:19 am
Posts: 0

Mo hi nice to meet you. Read your Diary all of it and every time you had your slip it all comes crashing home how many times i was doing the same chase. I have let my hundreds of thousands go, its gone. I am at peace with it now because i have chosen to live better. Well done on closing account a big armour for your defenses. The next one is keep posting here it will help you remember those dreaded ill feelings. I am more than happy to come visit you daily check on you and please please tell us all each day those urges are strong and i promise to remind you why your here 🙂


Posted : 30th March 2014 12:01 pm
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Hi haven't posted for a while.....still gamble free which is a wonderful feeling though strong urges but with online accounts being closed I've managed to work through the urges and not open any more accounts.

it's really hit home the twists and turns my life took after discovering online slots last year. I feel released from the nightmare, I know I can't win back what's lost so now trying to concentrate on saving wee amounts rather than throwing it into slots. Be strong everyone, one wee step at a time.


Posted : 19th April 2014 2:54 am
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Posted : 19th April 2014 12:18 pm
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Feel down....thought this was a support group, was honest about small relapse of 20 last night after 1 month gamble free and I didn't even get a reply to my post simple an OUT beside my name at a earlier post. I am so disheartened by this, it's a time I need support not put down but positive thoughts I'll continue to beat this addiction even without support from others. Be strong


Posted : 21st April 2014 2:09 am
Posts: 651

Sorry to hear bout your relapse mo,i was to tired to post in detail the other night as was shattered from weekend out at your name means nothing,all it means is you have gambled during the xmas challenge like many others.i did post at the start saying if we gambled we wer out myself included.try not to think of the debt and it will eventually sort its self. 😉 take it easy mo. No bet today brings a better tomorrow.


Posted : 21st April 2014 10:28 pm
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Positive thoughts, still gamble free, still disappointed that support group I had joined withdrew their support after wee blip, I notice mostly all have had a relapse therefore who is supporting who if we're blanked by a wee relapse. Anyway, not going to dwell on it......I can do this myself like I did 15/20 years ago when I stopped arcade slots. Positive thoughts will carry me through


Posted : 26th April 2014 2:04 am
Posts: 0

Hi Mo,

You're all too right about the relapses, they happen to us all, and its about how we put those behind us and start working towards the future after that. Positive thoughts are a big help, but toughing it out and getting through the down times are just as important. Keep plugging away and those gamble free days will start adding up in a good way. Can't change what's done, just the choices you make going forward.

All the best


Posted : 26th April 2014 11:27 pm
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Thanks Ryan, I appreciate your support and recognition that we need to look forward after a relapse. I'm doing ok, still have urges but main thing is I've shut online accounts down so can't do anything there and will not open new ones up.


Posted : 27th April 2014 1:38 am
Posts: 4422


A huge well done for stopping the rot before a headlong run back to gambling occurred.

For that be proud.

I relate to the feeling of disapointment regarding your 'out' on the challenge thread, for me I went 19 months gamble free and was nearly 11 months into a challenge thread last october when I regrettably had a three hour long betting episode,came here that day came clean,my name was removed from said thread,not a word mentioned.

It hurt,but the hurt was self inflicted,bottom line is we have a choice and then live by it,so the hurt was of my own causing

With honesty comes growth of our resolve,yes relapses do occur it's a learning curve,about how we ensure the same thing does not happen again.

Gambling for me today is unnacceptable it brings nothing but misery to my life, I see the same in many threads here.

I hope you learn from your recent episode,your resolve to arrest that next punt grows and with that your quality of life.

Put those blocks in place, self exclusion helps greatly,have you considered some blocking software, for a small investment I could see it gifting a greater peace of mind, I believe you can install it initially for free.

Keep making the right choice,keep learning,this really is a choice for life

Abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 27th April 2014 6:42 am
Posts: 0

Hi Mo,

Hope you are doing ok. It's such a bumpy road we travel when journeying to a new normality free from gambling. It seems you are learning from the mishaps that you've had and are getting stronger every time. You will get there, of that I'm sure.

I'm sorry that you feel disappointed in what you see as a lack of support.......but it is there. Each if the "challenge" threads on the forum have their purpose and as long as they are working for people then they have absolute validity - even if one person comes through using one of them then they are worthwhile. You were one of the "originals" on the thread that I've been fortunate enough to administer this year and I was sad when you stopped posting. If you have a look at my post at the top of page 41 of the 2014 challenge over on the "overcoming problem gambling" section, you'll see a mention for you offering support. I can't remember the exact details - I may have read about your lapse on your diary or something. The details don't matter now, what does matter is that what I wrote then still applies now. Feel free to renew your membership and come and join us.......if you believe it would help.

One way or another, I wish you the very best for your recovery journey.

Mr Brightside

Posted : 27th April 2014 10:42 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Duncs & Mr Brightside

Thanks for your posts and offer of support which I will take up. I can't always post as have difficulty typing but even to have somewhere to post a few words will help me tremendously.

I have not gamble


Posted : 29th April 2014 2:23 am
Posts: 0
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Hi diary

14 day without gambling online slots. Have joined Mr Brightside's challenge and feels good to have the support of a group all facing the same challenges.


Posted : 4th May 2014 2:57 am
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