My first diary!

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Well done on your continued progress. Sorry about the virus although I would enjoy a few days peace and quiet in bed but not with the symptoms. I agree weekends free of gambling are the best. On Monday mornings at work when someone asks me how my weekend was I always say it was great. They asked me what I did and I always think it's not what I did it's what I didn't do.

Keep up the good work.


Posted : 14th May 2012 9:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hey flagg,

sorry to hear your not feeling to well. I wish you a speedy recovery, i wish you lots of rest, chocolate and cuddles and daytime TV if you can stand it lol.

Blondie day 21.. and cant quite beleive it

Posted : 14th May 2012 9:38 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, sorry 2 read that u'v not been feeling well, I hope u r feeling better soon 🙂

Stay strong and take care 🙂

Posted : 14th May 2012 9:50 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good Morning,

Day 37 - Thanks everyone yesterday for your messages it was a pretty rubbish weekend being sick and I don't want that again anytime soon even If it did make not gambling pretty easy!

On with day to day life not feeling 100% but back at work which means I'm more than well enough to function!

I will catch up with the diaries of friends during the day and hope to see everyone still progressing day to day!

Today I will not gamble!!

Day 37 - In Recovery

Posted : 15th May 2012 9:33 am
Posts: 0

Well done on day 37, keep up the good work. Hope that you are getting over your virus, you are doing brill.

Posted : 15th May 2012 1:22 pm
Posts: 4422


Well done fella 37 days no bet.

Keep making the right choices one day at a time and enjoy your recovery,be kind to youself.

Duncs compulsive gambler NO BET today

Posted : 15th May 2012 4:13 pm
Posts: 0

HI Flagg,

Thank you for your post on my diary i truly beleive i wouldnt be where i am if it wasnt for the support,encouragement and inspiration i get from people like you.

Im happy your feeling better, day time telly is enough to drive anyone back to work lol.

I agree with your comments on my diary, i know for sure 22 days ago i wouldnt have even reconginsed that my behaviour was dangerous never mind act on it in a positive way and that hit home to me as an acheivement when i read your post. So thank you once again.

Onwards and upwards and a big wooo hoooo for reaching your day 37 x

Blondie day 22

Posted : 15th May 2012 4:14 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Glad to see your on the mend

Thanks for your support it means alot

Hopefully the exhaustion you was feeling was to do with the virus and soon you will be back on top form ready to conquer the world!

Day 37 Woop Woop , go Flagg

Keep Strong

Smiling Lucy again

Posted : 15th May 2012 5:45 pm
Posts: 0

Sorry to hear you have been unwell mate but congratulations on 37 days, the future is bright for you, I know it, big big things ahead.

Keep it up!


Posted : 15th May 2012 6:24 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Morning World,

Day 38 - The sun is shining today sure it won't last long but the sunglasses might make an appearance at some point this year! That's my bit of optimism for the day!

I was reading through a few diaries last night and it seems there is a real positive vibe about the forum at the moment! Obviously being fairly new I can't say what it was like before but it seems there are quite a few people posting regularly at the moment who are doing really well and those same people are v supportive of others! It's as if we are slightly accountable to each other which is kinda wrong but at the same time so right! Its my way of saying this is a great place to come and share your thoughts and I'm

Really glad I started my diary!

As for today I don't envisage any problems I guess that's these are the times I need to be on my guard the most!

Hope everyone has a pleasant day!

Day 38 - appreciating gamcare!

Posted : 16th May 2012 9:36 am
Posts: 0

hi flagg, i am on 38 day too!when we ll reach 100 days, we have to celebrate it!lol!

but first task is to reach 50 days!

take care


Posted : 16th May 2012 1:41 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hello Diary,

Day 39 - It's thursday the weekend is approaching fast and unlike before the weekend is def time to look forward to! This weekend bit of football, bit of tv, bit of relaxing, bit of cleaning, bit of cooking, and no gambling doesn't sound bad at all does it!!

GA meeting tonight 6th week, funny how sometimes the days drag yet the weeks fly I think our brains are far too powerful sometimes! Looking forward to my meeting but I am not going tonight with lots to share and say can't work out whether that's good or bad! Good because it's been Uneventful and no gambling urges to report but bad in that there have been no gambling urges to report haha strange how it can be good and bad!

I'm really focussed almost obsessive about this day at a time thing at the moment but it is definitely keeping me on the right path and for that I'm very grateful and happy with my progress!

So here is to another positive day and the rapidly approaching weekend!

Day 39 - High Spirits!

Posted : 17th May 2012 11:09 am
Posts: 0

HI Flagg,

Thank you so much for your post on my diary, your so wise and very thoughtfull in what you write.

Big contrats on day 39, you have and continue to inspire me with your posts.

I really really agree with the one day at a time, its working so well for me, i say it every morning when i wake up and i find that i can handle it in bite size chunks.

Im really starting to realise the things that gambling has taken from me and one of them being time, something no amount of money can by, I refuse to give gambling anymore of my precious time, so today im also claiming that back.

Long may your high spirits continue.

Blondie day 24.. And like rocky.. getting stronger

Posted : 17th May 2012 11:47 am
Posts: 0

hi flagg,

day 39 for me too, you should be happy that you dont have any urges!dont forget that urges are the reason we go back to gambling!keep fingers crossed and our 50 day mark is coming close!

take care


Posted : 17th May 2012 12:55 pm
Posts: 0

Good afternoon,

Great to hear things are good ( or should I say bad)lol

No doubt there will be other people in the room who are struggling cause there struggling , so to have someone there who has had a week of normality will I would think give them a boost.

I think that's why I struggled with ga , every week was much of a muchness. I really like the guys and it was great when someone new turned up. But it was the same stories over and over again. This site I love cause it feels new every day. Not that I do not think ga works for some people, it put me on the right tract, went for 8 months and was a big part of keeping me clean for 5 years.

Anyways wrote more than I meant to, if you met me you would say, she could talk the hind legs off a donkey,

Have a good meeting, and a really great weekend. Let's all pray for SUN.

Dusty xxxxxxxx

Posted : 17th May 2012 1:38 pm
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