My first diary!

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Hiya Flagg...thanks for popping into my diary to say hello....

Likewise I see your name on some of the regular postee diaries and im GC biggest supporter from the other side.

Sometimes wish more people from the other side would keep dairies but I am lucky insofar I have probably more time only hands to post regularly.

I noticed your going to GA meetings Flagg?...I know some people have mixed views on them but I am also a 12 stepper in another recovery group although not obsessively...I do find meetings helpful as its kind of like Gamcare "live"...

Glad you also got something out of my diary there as im doing a mini experiement ..I think my diet is connected with my own urges so trying to track it for a month and see what comes up.

I shall keep reading and lookingout for your posts...there are some fab people on this forum and im just really grateful to Gamcare that i am still allowed to post on here...I have some wonderful cyber friends who just accept me as I am..

Take care Flagg and full respect to you and everyone on here for getting into recovery and keeping strong..

Biggest Supporter...Rach and Dotty xx xx

Posted : 21st May 2012 10:47 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, thank u 4 ur support on my diary. Diy expert that made me laugh 🙂

Well done on the 43 days gamble free, it's true when u say no 2 days r the same on this journey.

One day at a time 🙂

U should be sooo proud of ur self!

Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 21st May 2012 10:54 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Morning morning morning,

Day 44 - Thanks to everyone for the posts of support and encouragement! I sometimes suffer from a bit of writers block and the words do not flow quite so well on those days I generally do not post to others, not really sure why I just feel if I'm going to post I should make it worthy of appearing on another's diary! I do have a strange way of thinking sometimes!

This morning I overslept and I think it was the best 40 mins extra sleep ever as I woke full of the joys of spring, then I look outside and it looks a bit like summer. Got the sunglasses out and off to work I went now an hour later and I'm still feeling good about the day!

Gambling? Not today for me doesn't really appeal, and I've tried to lose touch with some sport recently to aid in my recovery so consequently I wouldn't really know what to bet on anyway! Keep those barriers in place and say just for today, it gives us all a fighting chance to beat the addiction!

Off to see how long I can maintain my pleasant mood, a lifetime would be ideal!! Enjoy your day everyone!

Day 44 - Tuesday Happy!

Posted : 22nd May 2012 9:09 am
Posts: 0

Hiya Flagg.....

Can't speak for others but am guessing its true ...people love to get posts so even a quick hello can make someones day ..xx...Don't ever feel you can't pop in as you are as worthy as anyone else.


Dotty and Rach xxx

Posted : 22nd May 2012 11:08 am
Posts: 0

Yo, just read your post, might need a few hours, a week, or the next 10 years to mull it over. Lol

Wow, all that thinking I did , and I never thought about it like that.

Years I have put myself down, for not being able to go with the flow. Always saw it as a character defect.

Well a few choice words from a very wise gent, ( that's you by the way) turned all that on it head.

I really am , blown away, and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Will most defo , try my best to bring the good side of my thinking things through , in to the equation to add some balance to it all.

On another note, I if you met me can talk the hind legs off a donkey. Start a post and it is longer than I thought it would be. Like this one lol

You have the most wonderful day in the knowledge that you just made the fairy sparkle just that little bit brighter.

Dusty xxxxxxxxx

Posted : 22nd May 2012 11:38 am
Posts: 1423

Hi Flagg

Once again after a long day at work a delightful post from u and again brings a smile to my face so I come on ur diary to reply and find myself still smiling reading ur post from earlier today

This I av been thinkin for a while now , I av often said how well u use ur words and are so thoughtful in ur posts now I av to complement u a little further , u really must be the most intelligent individual on this site I would love to go for a beer with u and just sit and listen to u and be inspired by the knowledge

Ur an amazing asset to this site the effort u put into ur own diary is great but the time and thought on other diaries is even greater

And for u to compare me just a little to urself is a massive compliment

Take care


Posted : 22nd May 2012 10:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thank you so much for your posts on my diary they always give me something positive and something to think about.

I dont for one minuete you brought those demons my way, they were always there it was just a matter of time and boy did they play with my head, but i didnt give in, i keep fighting, like you say i wouldnt want them for to long it is exausting, But today is another day and im still here and still gamble free.

You really are such an inteligent, articulate person and i know there is lots of thought that goes into the support that you offer and im very thankfull for that.

Have a great gamble free day flagg.

Blondie day 30 x

Posted : 23rd May 2012 9:25 am
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Day 45 - I checked into my diary this morning to read some lovely posts, I say it again this site is mindblowingly supportive and not only do I feel supported in my fight not to gamble but I get so many character boosts too! I check in at least twice a day to see what's going on couple that with my weekly GA meeting and I feel I'm really getting somewhere! I understand it will never be over and the journey is arduous but today I feel primed and ready to beat the addiction! I thank the gamcare circle for that strength!

I got to work this morning and the cleaner said whoa you look fed up!! I am actually in a really good mood today so heaven knows what I look like when I'm in a foul mood! I guess my aim for today is to visibly smile more!

Enjoy the day all the sun is out and the weekend is approaching at a rapid rate 🙂

Day 45 - Must Smile More!!

Posted : 23rd May 2012 10:19 am
Posts: 0

Hiya Flagg

Your post comes through as someone who has started the day in a good mood...and with a lot of strength and determination...

Thanks for popping into my diary.,it did make me smile....

I'm a thinker alright and used to drive my family and teachers nuts...always asking questions always on the surprised my brain hasn't blown up yet!

On my diary i literally write exactly what pops into head at the time and have been known many a time to just pull over into a lay-by and type away on my ipad...the nature of my job is quite isolating with all the driving so it does give me a lot of time to think which can be both a curse and a blessing.

Was also chuckling at your cleaner there...I also am asked "whats wrong.. when actually im happy inside..

Copying your mantra now..I must smile more....LOL xx

Take care Flagg and hope your getting something out of your GA meetings..'...used to go to friends and family one when I was with my bloke and was lucky to have one on my doorstep at the time..they are few and far between in some towns


Rachel and Dotty xxx

Posted : 23rd May 2012 11:01 am
Posts: 0
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Good Morning,

Day 46 - Sometimes I think I get a bit too obsessive with the numbers but on other days I like knowing how far I have got! Maybe one day I will leave the numbers alone as I will feel comfortable in my recovery but for now the numbers will remain as they keep my focused on the job at hand!

I must be in a bad mood today because the cleaner hasn't made any comments 🙂 luckily my mood is quite serene today no real issues to speak of and the weekend draws ever nearer!

As for having a bet well I can say with 100% honesty I have not even considered it for quite some days now! I remain fully guarded, fully focused and fully committed to keeping it that way! Despite having many ups and downs in recent weeks I really believe not gambling is the one consistent UP I have experienced!

I guess I should get some work done now, I will endeavour to post on the diaries of others later today!

Day 46 - Still counting!

Posted : 24th May 2012 9:17 am
Posts: 0

good morning Flagg... congrats on your 46 gambling free days.... it s massive when you consider time you spent on gambling b4... you should be very proud of yourself... well done my friend... take care and stay safe. K.

Posted : 24th May 2012 9:44 am
Posts: 0

Hello Flagg

Just spent the morning reading through your diary, congrats on getting this far, it has been a very interesting read. I kept reading expecting you to come back one day and say sorry lads but.....

It is very encouraging to see that you did not and are still going strong/weak as the case maybe. Hope you have had a very good day and two things I am taking away fro your journey, is the putting away of a pound a day just as a rememberance, that works for me better than counting days (just me) and secondly begin to think about dealing with my debts I have spent too long avoiding them, I think addressing them will bring a better realisation of what I have done and what I need to do,

Take care and keep it up,


Posted : 24th May 2012 10:51 am
Posts: 0

Hiya Flagg..

Thanks again for popping in.....I do take your words as a compliment...its funny as you made me think there about how i write as I process something through "out loud" until I get to a place I feel ok then leave it....

I tend to use the diary as an internal dialogue but then pop up and realise there are people reading...sometimes if absorbed I forget that

Am glad you understand that Flagg and not just see the ramblings of some crazy dog i am floating again with iced water...

Not sure how it is where you live but guessing it could also be hot hot hot..

hugs with coolpacks

Rachel and Dotty xx

Posted : 24th May 2012 2:18 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Well done on the 46 days gamble free, u r doing gr8!

Hope ur smiling lol 🙂

Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 24th May 2012 3:14 pm
Posts: 0

Well done Flagg Keep it going

Posted : 24th May 2012 5:49 pm
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