My first diary!

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Great to read your diary and to see the progress you are making each and every day. I have also noticed your name popping up on so many diaries. Your commitment to the site is first class and much appreciated.


Posted : 24th May 2012 10:20 pm
Posts: 0
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Good afternoon,

Day 47 - what a morning!! The sun coming out makes my job between 20 and 20 thousand times busier so consequently it's taken until now to post today! Whilst gambling a day like today would have really annoyed me, no time to have a bet and I would have prob had a real binge tonight but instead today Ive just got on with it and now I am out getting a much needed haircut! Quick battery recharge and then back for the afternoon!

Last night I attended GA meeting number 7 I think members have differing views on GA in my recovery I'm

Finding it extremely helpful, I understand that may depend on the group dynamics etc but I'm pretty lucky to have a friendly bunch, they for advice but don't force it and there is a broad spectrum of people both in terms of personality and length of recovery! I almost see it as this site's very helpful assistant!

My primary focus at the moment is to keep wracking those days up one day at a time and if I can resolve other issues along the way brilliant!

Right back to the grind!

Will hopefully return later!

Day 47 - Busy

Posted : 25th May 2012 1:28 pm
Posts: 0
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Hello Diary,

Day 48 - Just a quick check in today as mega mega busy getting ready for the big Eurovision show tonight. Usually would not give a monkeys about it, actually I don't tonight either really but I have most of the people closest to me coming round for food, drinks, and a night of patriotism (I am not patriotic in the slightest).

So today instead of losing money which I would have done 7 Saturdays ago I will be cooking, cleaning, hosting, making a mess, cleaning again, cooking some more. Wow it sounds exhausting but I will enjoy it far more than sweating over a 90th minute goal.

Have a great saturday all, more time to myself tomorrow and fully intend to catch on all my friends progress.

Day 48 - Come on Engelbert!

Posted : 26th May 2012 12:17 pm
Posts: 0

Wow Flagg ....sounds like fantastic night you have lined up there and like you say a natural excitement and feel good and you don't get hurt.....

I shall think of you whilst I sit on the motorway in swealtering heat lol

ps...ignore if you already know ...Engleburts real name is Arnold George Dorsey ...bit of an evening trivia question for you and

Rachel and dotty x

Posted : 26th May 2012 2:45 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg

What a night your going to have lol

So good to see you are spending quality time with those closest , we can only do this by staying bet free!

Love music but Eurovision not my thing lol

I will be chilling doing sod all but smiling as I'm bet free !

Hope your night is great


Posted : 26th May 2012 6:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hope your night did not score nil pionts. Lol

Not my thing eurovision. I think cause songs in a different language with no subtitles seem a bit point less. Opppppssssss there I go again.

May your weekend of fun continue , ( gamble free of course, cause the scores on the doors as far as I can tell is Flagg 49 gambling a big fat 0


Dusty xxxxxx

Posted : 27th May 2012 6:46 am
Posts: 0
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Good Morning,

Day 49 - I was ok at Maths back in my school days so I can very confidently say by close of play today it will be 7 weeks gamble free.

I did a bit of a self assessment last week so I won't dwell on the points but I would say I really am starting to see many benefits to not gambling. I have also found in the last couple of weeks Gambling is not dominating my thoughts and I can quite happily function in life without the lies, loss of money, and bad moods!

Thanks for the messages yesterday Rach, Dusty, and Lucy too be honest much like you Eurovision really isn't my thing but it was spending the day preparing everything and then hosting which I really enjoyed. Believe me Eurovision itself was bloody awful and after giving patriotism a try for one night only I can safely say I won't be returning anytime soon. So, it's Spain all the way at the forthcoming Euro's for me!

After a lengthy clean up operation this morning I am off out for a couple of hours then I plan to return and spend an hour or so on here reminding myself how far I have come in the last few weeks, and checking in on my good friends progress!

Happy Sunday!

Day 49 - Seven weeks go by!

Posted : 27th May 2012 11:47 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Well done on the seven weeks that is impressive. I hope to be there in a few weeks for me it will be 2 weeks by the end of tomorrow. But i will take each day as it comes so far I have kept the urges at a distance because i come to terms with how serious gambling was affecting my life and others who are close to me especially my fiancée. She was the one who has put me on track but also everyone on here have been so helpful and there is so much positivity and seeing the diaries with how people are benefiting so much from being gamble free it is just so inspiring.

Keep up the good work mate and i will keep following your posts take care and stay strong.


Ricky 🙂

Posted : 27th May 2012 5:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, thank u 4 ur support on my diary 🙂

Well done on the 49 days gamble free, u r doing great!

Ur strength and determination shines thru... I am glad u enjoyed the hosting last nite, but I can understand why u did not enjoy the show lol

Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 27th May 2012 9:37 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

So happy to see your last post, although im only 34 days i can really relate to it.

I have a bounce in my step and a smile in my heart once again and it feels great. Im loving getting to know ME again and im loving starting to build the relationships i neglected whilst i gambled.

I Attended my first GA meeting last thursday and will be attending at least once a week from here on in, im taking what ever help is on offer to remain gamble free.

So very well done on 49 days so far flagg your journey continues to inspire me

Blondie day 34 x

Posted : 27th May 2012 9:46 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Flagg

Wow after my last post praising u I see now u hosted a party I av to say perfect role for u next time make it an invitation to ur gamcare family would be a night to remember

A massive well done though on the 7 weeks and so pleased u can see the difference the mind becomes so much clearer and more functional and can now seperate our rational and irrational thoughts

This is why gambling now is far from ur mind and doesn't it feel great , absolutely no reason whatsoever to go back to where we came from

Take care


Posted : 27th May 2012 10:29 pm
Posts: 0

HIya flagg

just popping in back from week end off...hoping you are doing well and am also a big fan of quizzes.

Guessing Eurovison went down well?..I would normally watch it but was on the motorways after going visiting this weekend so am really out of the "nil point" loop this time.

Used to like Terry doing it....with his lilting tone and light sarky digs ..

My diary will probably be reading quite sparse these days as it seems ive come to the end of my introspection still staying on site but my thoughts seem to have dried up!....unless its the

Well Flagg...i know your smiling inside....take care

and pop on for mullings anytime...

Rach xx

Posted : 28th May 2012 10:03 am
Posts: 0
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Good Monday,

Day 50 - The day is neither her nor there really it's just a regular Monday but I must admit the number looks pretty good something about 50 which makes it seem like a bit of a milestone!

Much like some of my compadres on here my words are lacking currently it has to be the weather! Much easier to tie up time when you can get out about in the sun! Wait until the rain returns we will all be back talkative as ever!

Day 50 - Wordless

Posted : 28th May 2012 11:26 am
Posts: 0

Morning just,

50 just a number, in one way yep . But if someone said when you first went into this, hay mate you will get through 50 days , would you have thought yes that will be a easy. Cause we all know it ain't. It is not just about not gambling but also about changing our mind set.

So me I recon , it should be celebrated in some way,

Even if it a virtual pat on the back from the fairy.

Consider it done!

Dusty xxxxxx.

Posted : 28th May 2012 11:32 am
Posts: 0

Congratulations flagg on reaching 50 not out , i think it is a milestone and you should be proud of that.

blondie day 35 x

Posted : 28th May 2012 7:14 pm
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