My first diary!

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Morning Flagg,

Nice to see your still bet free!

I changed banks from lloyds lol as i thought they were rubbish too lol

Have a great chilled weekend without worrying about gambling

Take Care


Posted : 27th April 2012 8:39 am
Posts: 0

Hi flagg,

Good to See your still a day behind me 😀

Just read your dairy and you'r doing brilliantly!

Keep up the good work and stay strong 🙂

Jennefer xx

Posted : 27th April 2012 4:01 pm
Posts: 0

These recovery journeys of ours certainly are tough, aren't they?

But they are also very important journeys for us all to be on.

Keep making the right choices for yourself and you'll reach your ultimate destination.

Have a great weekend,


Posted : 27th April 2012 6:52 pm
Posts: 0
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Morning diary,

Day 20 - well I'm posting from the side of the footy pitch as I've come off injured so that's not a great start to the weekend! I was looking forward to pushing on with my running this next week too! Oh well I won't let it spoil my weekend and I'm nearly at 3 weeks gamble free so there's still some great reasons to smile!

Have a good saturday every one!

Day 20 - painful and frustrating!

Posted : 28th April 2012 11:42 am
Posts: 0

Sorry you are injured but that it was happens as we get older lol

So glad to see you are doing keeping bet free and long may it continue!

Stay strong


Posted : 28th April 2012 11:13 pm
Posts: 0
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Good Afternoon,

Day 21 - I am amazing myself the last two Sundays. I mentioned on a few occasions I have a traditional disdain for sundays. However, dor the second week in succession I am finding it to be quite a nice day. Just getting little things done is quite rewarding.

I also notice as I piece my existence back together gradually, all the little things I have neglected over the last few months/years. I have got a pile of letters, forms etc to run through and file. They were hiding in my car, I didn't want to face them but now I am ready and the boot of my car instantly looks better for it!

I also notice when I am in a good mood I ramble. Apologies! Interesting that so far I don't really have the urge to gamble, (the self loathing stage is still very raw) I am half worried about this self loathing ending how weird is that?

Right enough of the filling the diary with mad thoughts.

Day 21 - Enjoying the good mood!

Posted : 29th April 2012 12:56 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Flagg

Thanks for ur kind words it gave me a real boost for the day , like I av said before the way u word ur posts and put that person first giving them confidence is a credit to u , so be kind to urself u av a real talent when advising and supporting I hope u realise what an asset u r on this site and I reckon off this site many other feel the same

Be proud


Posted : 29th April 2012 6:30 pm
Posts: 0
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Hello Hello,

Day 22 - something about writing that pleases me! When you work in days it sounds so much better than day 20! Day 20 you havnt quite done 3 weeks where as day 22 means you are heading into week 4! Crazy isn't it how fickle we are or is it just me!

I guess thats my way of being positive too looking at the prospect of reaching a month without staking a single penny on anything! Added to that I managed to

Pay off all the debts that were messing with my conscience i.e family and friends! The banks and the card companies can wait and be paid gradually! I guess looking back at the last 3 weeks I have def been more outgoing with regards my feelings and I'm sure that's not always a good thing! However, through the big dark tunnel I have begun to see just a little chink of light!

I know it's the light I need to focus on!

Day 23 - Seeing the Light!

Posted : 30th April 2012 9:33 am
Posts: 0


Just a quicky. I have dipped in the diarys most days just to see how all is going on. Promised myself that I would not log on for a week. But after reading that post , I just could not stop myself , must be my addictive personality, lol.

WOW, I remember a few months back when I had sorted my finances and the feeling of a massive weight being lifted from my shoulders. My own self worth went up in leaps and bounds, but I decided to keep my loans, which I could of paid off as a monthly reminder of the s**t I had got myself in.

So you and I are in the same position. Life has become so much more manageable.

Words can not express my admiration for taking the bull by the horns and putting in the effort to take the steps to turn your life around.

We both have a long way to go, as I am sure like me have a tattoo on our heart that reminds us that we are only one bet away from the house of cards to coming tumbling down .

But for today, you should bask in the satisfaction of what you have achieved. I am off to work now , with a smile on my face , guess what you put it there.

For that I thank you.

Keep on keeping on !!!!

Dusty xxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 30th April 2012 9:54 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

You can see the light!

Good for you

You are going from strength to strength

It's so good to clear some of the debts we make and hopefully they will continue to be paid off every month.

Thanks for posting as always but i'm not inspirational just that i wear my heart on my sleeve and feel the need to put it all down so i can move on to the next episode in what is now my life!

Take care and keep bet free


Posted : 30th April 2012 5:55 pm
Posts: 0

hi Flagg

it made me smile reading your post, (day 22) i'm so happy for you i'm on day 20 and i understand your comment, cant wait til i can say i'm on my fourth week only got two days 🙂 i'm debt free in three weeks and it feels AMAZING!!! well done again! Hollie x

Posted : 30th April 2012 7:56 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, well done on the 22 days gamble free 🙂

It is good to read that u r soting ur debts and that u are finding things a lot more rewarding now. It is good that u r already seeing the positives. Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 30th April 2012 9:31 pm
Posts: 0
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Morning world,

Day 23 - All that I need is Serenity!! I must be on my way to finding that serenity because I can't really Find anything to say today! I think that's a good thing!

Tuesday busy at work how did I find the time to gamble so often that's my first question, and secondly how much was it affecting other areas of my life! I guess the answers are pretty obvious I just need to ensure those answers remain embedded in my brain on a daily basis!

Have a good day all

Day 23 - Almost lost for words! Almost!

Posted : 1st May 2012 9:25 am
Posts: 0


I think you have found something as important in a short period LIFE. Keep it up


Posted : 1st May 2012 10:26 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, thank u 4 ur support and kind words on my diary it means a lot.

Well done on the 23 days, u r doing gr8.

It is nice to read how positive u r feeling now 🙂

Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 1st May 2012 9:15 pm
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