Hey mr Flagg,
What can I say , how could I describe what you have achieved, 365 days abstaining from this horrible all consuming addiction is just simply amazing.
It's been an honour to share that journey with you, your commitment to your recovery, your diary and others has been outstanding and un wavering.
You have shown to all what can be achieved with determination and guts. I hope and wish many more days in recovery for you my friend as I have said you have earnt every one of them.
Well done doesn't sum it up, be proud today, hold your head up high, today and for the past 365 days that preceded it you did something AMAZING.
I thought this was apt.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.
Take care safe flight home
Blondie x
Huge congratulations added to many thanks for your support.
Onwards and upwards.
Do me a favour , pop into the corner shop on the way home and buy a double decker .
Savour every bite , as you devour it , coz you know you deserve it .
I feel privileged to have walked along your side , and know that all the road is never ending , it is most definitely made soooooo much easier with people like yourself holding out that virtual hand in support !
Shiny xxxxxx
Hi Flagg
Massive congrats on the year , really really pleased for u all the effort and hard work u av put in , u deserve all the praise comin ur way
Hi Flagg,
A huge congratulations for a huge accomplishment!! You, Mr. Duncs and Blondie well on the way.... I'm feeling the momentum here. Really feeling it! 😀 -joanxxxx
Well done my friend.
Keep focused and stay strong.
Best wishes,
Hi Mr f
A massive "Congratulations" on achieving this milestone- well done bud!
Take care
Brilliant, brilliant achievement. You deserve all the happiness in the world today. I look forward to having a day like this for myself and you set such a fine example for all others.
Hi Flagg,
A huge congratulations on 1 yr gamble free, that is a huge achievement... I am soooo proud of u, I hope u r gonna celebrate!
U have done brilliant and u have helped so many of us on this forum stay strong so thank u 🙂
Thank u 4 all the laughs and jokes we have shared 2, they helped me stay strong on this journey and made it easier.
I hope u have had an amazing trip, u deserve it!
Have a gr8 nite xx
Hey Flagg,
Great great great job!!!! Much congrats to your outstanding achievement. Thanks for all the support and your gamble free thread.
A Very Good Morning Diary,
Day 366 - Thank you all so much for the posts yesterday. After landing yesterday and then driving back from Heathrow I crawled into bed about 1.30am. I had a read and was overwhelmed by all the lovely posts. This site has been so helpful and I hope I have given back just a little bit too.
I will try and post later properly after I have unpacked and got straight. If not I will re-post during the week. First day of Year 2 for me today. Year 1 I had the holiday as a marker in the distance which helped massively. I have started a new holiday fund which centres around being debt free. That is a shade under 2 years away. One day at a time and with the support of this forum I know that is possible.
Thank you all again,
Day 366 - Year 2 Begins!
I just checked in on the 'winning without gambling' thread and noted your 1-year marker had passed me by.
Big congratulations - excellent stuff mate.
Hope you had an awesome holiday too
hey flagg
sorry i missed the big one year day yesterday, what with marathon around the corner been too busy lately to log on just to say a massive well done fella and stick at what works best, now go enjoy the holiday bud
take care carl
Day 367 - Normality returned this morning with the alarm going off nice and early for work. Passing one year is actually a bit of a relief as the days towards the end did seem to creep up pretty slowly. I think now recovery will accelerate again and I can concentrate on a new target and milestone.
Over the last 12 months having targets has really helped me so I will continue along those lines. My mini target is 400 days and my next big target is 548 that will be 18 months. I like having these numbers down to refer to.
Day 367 - New Targets!
Hi Diary,
Day 368 - All is well. Still got plenty of diaries to catch up on in the coming days. Back to GA tonight and things are looking generally positive.
Day 368 - All good!
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