My first diary!

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Hello Hello,

Day 32 - I try not to obsess about numbers and yet subconsciously they are always on my mind, plus I post daily and mention the fact I'm on day so and so! I think I should accept I like the numbers and I use them as an aid in my own recovery! So today I'm into

Month 2 :)!

It's quite hard to explain the last month as the gambling urges have not really surfaced but I feel like I have been thrown lots of obstacles on a daily basis to try and push me toward having a bet! I've had days where I have felt as low as I ever have but I've found a renewed passion for weeekends! Talk abou ups and downs!

Interesting many of us talk about it being just fr today and yet I often find myself talking about yesterday! Maybe I need to apply the Just for today mentality all the time and not just when it suits me!

Right it's time to get on with TODAY! Today will be good today is my GA meeting, Today I will not gamble!

Have a good Today everyone!

Day 32 - Just for today!

Posted : 10th May 2012 10:18 am
Posts: 4422


Be proud my friend you are into month 2!!

gamble free,keep counting those days fella one day at a time life will improve.

Duncs compulsive gambler NO BET today.

Posted : 10th May 2012 10:35 am
Posts: 0


I'm a day -counter!!

Keeps me going so why not eh?

I'll do whatever it takes to remove this compulsion from my life, one day at a time.


Posted : 10th May 2012 10:42 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thanks for your post as always

Going into Month 2 , wow you really are racking them up now !

Numbers never been my strong point lol , maybe that's why i was so cr** at gambling!

But hey not now, we are on the gamble free journey to untold treasures!

It's good to see the weekends are really good for you and long may they continue

Don't worry too much that you have not had huge urges, believe me i wish i did'nt , they are a b*****d!

Keep Strong

Smiling Lucy 🙂

Posted : 10th May 2012 5:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thank you for the post 🙂

I have enjoyed my today, its been good, and i wont worry about my tomorrow either.

I have been known to waffle also lol.

Great to see you doing so well, your such a big support to people and its really appreciated.

Enjoy your GA meeting, ive been attending the ones on line on a thursday, i may give the face to face ones a go soon.

Blondie. day 17.. onwards and upwards 🙂

Posted : 10th May 2012 6:06 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Flagg

Thank u for ur post again u av such a way with words the time and effort u put into ur posts my posts and everyone posts is unbelievable , I really hope u know how much ur appreciated on this site but just in case u don't

Flagg ur so appreciated be proud very proud


Posted : 10th May 2012 9:52 pm
Posts: 0
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Good morning world,

Day 33 - Once again thank you to everyone who has posted on my diary it's always nice to have a peek during the day and see someone has left a message of support!

Attended my GA meeting last night it was my 5th one which only really sunk in last night on the way back! I like to draw little nuggets of encouragement and ive been really pleased to sit in my meeting for the last 4 weeks and say I have not had a bet!

Last night we were looking at a couple of the 12 steps to recovery and one in particular was quite eye opening talking about doing a thorough inventory of yourself as a person! It mentions dealing with things a bit at a time and I hope I apply that to my own recovery!

In no way shape or form do i feel rid of the addiction I know that will take years to have any measure of control it may even never happen but I do feel im starting to get a grip on the day at a time methodology and I believe if I stick to that approach I can win the battle on a daily basis!

So, in line with the 12 steps I need to progress with my inventory! My next task is to sort through why I have become very lethargic, not wanting to get up, having zero motivation at work, having some nights where I feel so sad I could cry (I never cry). These things I need to assess! Am I craving gambling? Am I depressed? Am

I feeling sorry for myself? Is this just a bi product of my self loathing, the hating myself for the mess I got myself and others in?

I guess I will let my diary know if I make any progress with this!

Day 33 - Pensive

Posted : 11th May 2012 8:08 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, thank u 4 ur kind words and support on my diary 🙂

Well done one the 33 days u r doing gr8!

Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 11th May 2012 6:47 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Mate,

Firstly well done on 33 days my friend, you are on a stable road and you seem to be very positive in your posts, so remain focused and keep doing what you are doing. The GA meetings sound like they are helping, and a permanent weekly get together that you can look forward to really gives you something to target strive towards and it is nice turning up and announcing you are bet free isn't it?

Thanks for all of your posts mate, the counselling is helping me to find my self-esteem again and to have someone to talk to one on one is what I haven't ever had, so it is great.

Keep very positive mate and like you, I like following your progress too.

Have a good weekend mate.


Posted : 11th May 2012 8:19 pm
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Hello Diary,

Day 34 - I am lying on my sofa this morning feeling completely shattered! It's that strange feeling of exhaustion you get after you have been sick for a couple of days! I didn't feel 100% yesterday and this morning I feel as if I'm recovering from something! Very strange!

Anyway, after this post I intend to drag myself up and get on with my Saturday! Lost too many weekends when I was gambling to let little things like tiredness stand in my way today :)!

I'm lying here thinking about what to write and really my diary should just flow so, I think that's my brain saying you are ok just for today and you don't need to write for the sake of it!

So today I won't write I'll just say I've achieved 33 gamble free days! Onwards and upwards!

Enjoy your Saturday everyone!

Day 34 - Few Words!

Posted : 12th May 2012 8:36 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, thanks for your kind and supportive post. I have just read through your diary, congratulations you are doing really brilliant and sounding positive, keep up the good work. Well done.

Posted : 12th May 2012 3:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thanks for your post on mine as always

Totally can understand your feelings about lack of motivation, tired etc, i have been through those and still at times get like that, my one is i don't sleep very well cause all the stuff going round my head , i'm no expert by a long long way but just from my journey think it's part of what happens.

You are doing so well and i know you will continue onwards and upwards, us CG's are just sooooo impatient we want it all to be better now but must learn to take it slowly.

Hope you have a great day and a bet free one to boot!

Keep Strong

Smiling Lucy 😉

Posted : 13th May 2012 8:06 am
Posts: 0
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Day 35 - forgive the short post today! Laid low yesterday with a virus and not feeling great today still! One positive is that it's going to be another weekend bet free! Mayb a virus would have been useful when I was betting as I don't have the energy to move let alone bet!

Oh well hope to feel better tomorrow.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

Day 35 - No Bet

Posted : 13th May 2012 10:00 am
Posts: 0
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Good afternoon,

Day 36 - not much to say today off work sick! Easiest weekend I'll prob ever have not gambling being incapacitated but it still sucked!

Here's Hoping I return to normalit ASAP minus the gambling still!

Day 36 - no bet again

Posted : 14th May 2012 2:39 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Flagg

Hope ur get better soon sound like me I hate been ill , get plenty of rest and when ur back on ur feet I've no doubt we'll see some more of ur amazing posts that I enjoy so much reading

Take care


Posted : 14th May 2012 3:35 pm
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