My first diary!

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Hi Mr f

Amazing how a wee bit sunshine can lift the spirits eh? So can 400+days gamble free, buddy!

I'm a bit perplexed about the "Eurovision night"- whatever you get up to, I hope you have fun 🙂

Take care



Posted : 17th May 2013 9:02 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Flagg,

Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your thread you do every 2 weeks for the gamble free check in. It's a great short term goal to achieve every 2 weeks. Have a great weekend.


Posted : 17th May 2013 10:49 pm
Posts: 0
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Good Morning Diary,

Day 407 - Well a first weekend without posting on my diary. Not even sure there is a reason. I checked in on the 2013 bet free thread but other than that didn't really visit the site over the weekend.

Lately I cannot get it together from day to day. Some of my posts are really miserable others are quite promising. I even talked about consistency last week but no sooner did I say it I lost it again.

This morning I overslept by 30 minutes and then I see another dreary miserable day awaiting outside. I think I have found the answers but putting something into place is not so simple. One step at a time I guess!!

Day 407 - Back to the diary!

Posted : 20th May 2013 7:41 am
Posts: 0

Morning Flagg.

I don't post every day but i do visit the site most days.

Since the 1 year mark i no longer look to targets. I count the days more so out of habit now, but it is still a nice reminder about how far i've come.

Can't go back...Day 1 again? NO THANKS!!!

We're doing fine.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Best wishes,


Posted : 20th May 2013 9:56 am
Posts: 0
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Morning Diary,

Day 409 - All is well on the gambling front. No thoughts, no urges, no chance! Still working hard on my mood and consistency. That I am taking one day at a time at the moment. One good day one bad so far this week. Trying to tip the balance toward the positive.

Day 409 - Tipping the balance!

Posted : 22nd May 2013 8:09 am
Posts: 651

Flagg ur the man! Wish I was in ur shoes at 409 days bet free.1 day I will post on here to say I am and hope to see ur at the 700 mark.keep up good work I admire it!


Posted : 22nd May 2013 6:34 pm
Posts: 0
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Evening Diary,

Day 410 - Scottyboy cheers for the post, good to see you back around the forum. I was having a brief thought about all those who come and go on this site. The high turnover is a reminder of how difficult this addiction is to keep in check. Today I salute all those who are in this for the long haul regardless of any slips or periods away from the site. Just by being here and trying is a huge thing and should be commended.

If we find the right formula for us and follow the advice this can be done and will be done.

Day 410 - Inspired!

Posted : 23rd May 2013 6:42 pm
Posts: 0


Hear hear !

Shiny xxxx

Posted : 23rd May 2013 8:30 pm
Posts: 4422


fella its good to see you about the forum my friend two things what gazza said is bang on, don't be hard on yourself you are consistently doing something amazing, life changing from it only good will come.

Second this forum leads to inspiration, i dose up every day.

Enjoy your recovery. You earnt it.

One day at a time we can better our tomorrow.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 24th May 2013 7:37 am
Posts: 1423

Morning Flagg

I av recently asked the question why av to so long should this be so hard ? So its interesting to see u still av the ups and downs whilst still gamble free and myself with now 4 relapses under my belt again with many ups and downs

Unfortunately there is no answer its all down to us as individuals to work hard at it , Duncans so right this site is inspiring , I was on my Knees last week devastated after a relapse only to be inspired by many a real good kick up the a** backside I needed , but I do understand when ur low its hard at times , we are in this for the long haul and our lives will be better I think sometimes we really forget how bad it was

Enjoy the good days sit tight on the not so good ones and thats something u are exceptional at and is here for us all to see


Posted : 24th May 2013 9:16 am
Posts: 1172

Hope the balance is tipping in your favour once more. Thanks for your post I agree with the stages you mentioned on my diary and this first stage is doing my head in a little. A big strugle yesterday. A guy I work with has had a big bet on something and ive been told its a good thing and even though 9 times out of 10 his talking rubbish and has cost me a few quid - not that i ever needed help in that department lol. I still got tempted, very tempted but luckily through waiting it out, it passed and i feel better for it.

right enough of me hogging your diary talking about me lol. Hope all is well and have a great weekend.

Posted : 24th May 2013 10:22 am
Posts: 0

Hey My friend,

thank you for the post and yes the next goal is in sight its important for me to keep setting them, i realised that my gambling addiction came from many things and each one im working on some are me and how i think and what i feel, others are my life and my work, work plays a big part in it..

I dont feel inspired by my work, its a fantastic job... i.e the money is great but its not about the money for me now, its about finding a purpose and maybe making a difference, it might be that work enables me to do that so gone are the days of knee j**k reactions im just going to try different things.

I am going to do some voluntary work and see how that goes, it maybe that gives me some purpose and i can be more inspired in work..

trial and error i suupose but keep trying we must.

I hope those scales and balance are tipping in your favour and that you to can find something work wise that challenges you and feeds your soul.

have a great weekend

blondie x

Posted : 24th May 2013 12:45 pm
Posts: 2163

Hi Flagg,

Thanks for the post. Your thoughts about balance got me thinking today. It's what it really all boils down to isnt it? Finding that balance in all things... I really appreciate your stability and consistency Flagg. YOU bring balance to this forum. Have a great weekend. -joanxxxx

Posted : 24th May 2013 1:09 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good Morning Diary,

Day 414 - Been posting a little less recently. Much of this is to do with my ever changing moods and feelings. I felt if I had posted on Friday or Saturday it would have been pretty negative and I wouldn't want any newer members to read that.

Yesterday was much better and feel ok this morning.

I think what I have concluded in recent weeks is life as a non gambler has lots of challenges and is far more 'real' than the life I had as a gambler. I mention consistency quite a lot but actually the one thing I did have as a gambler was consistency. Everyday would start well with fresh optimism and every night would end miserably with fresh losses. At least I knew where I stood as a gambler it wasn't good at all but it was routine and consistent.

Now everyday is a challenge and I need to get better at taking on the challenge daily rather than this hit an miss thing I have got into in recent months.

Day 414 - Bank Holiday Sun?

Posted : 27th May 2013 9:00 am
Posts: 1172

Life is hard, i think thats why we gambled in the first place, to escape and perhaps to chase the dream of that big win. You now confront your "normal" life problems on a day to day basis and thats not easy and at times life will be stressfull and get you down. But you must just make sure you enjoy those good days and because your no longer gamling you can enjoy them properly without constantly thinking of the next bet and of course you can enjoy more things as the finances get better and better.

And yes breaking news, that is the sunshine on a bank holiday monday!!!! Enjoy.

Posted : 27th May 2013 10:34 am
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