My first diary!

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Hi Flagg thanks for signing up and supporting the thread hopefully have some more names as the week progresses. Take care.

Posted : 1st July 2013 8:48 pm
Posts: 0
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Good Evening Diary,

Day 450 - Thank you everyone for the messages. I have become the lesser spotted Flagg recently all part of a natural progression in recovery maybe. Not sure if that's the case but I certainly feel comfortable with my addiction at the moment. I have said many times here that for me it's about living alongside the addiction keeping the enemy close etc.

As always life likes to throw in the odd curve ball and tonight I come really to re-commit to my diary daily for the time being. The main reason is I have a bit of an issue with GA at the moment to the point where I don't want to attend my meeting. For the people around me GA is visible and by attending they can see my commitment to not gambling.

I will be attending a different GA group next week and will see how things pan out. In the meantime I will keep the day count rolling here and if anyone needs to know how I am doing I will gladly point them towards my diary.

In other news the positive run is continuing with high motivation on the exercise front and pretty consistent good moods. Oh and today is day 450 which for me looks like a lovely number written down!

Day 450 - Back to the diary!

Posted : 2nd July 2013 7:15 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Flagg,

It's amazing to read how positive you sound! Big well done on day 450, it's amazing how far people can get. I'm very proud of you, and hope you keeping well and occupied. i turn to sport too, helps me to deal with emotions and genuine well being:)

Take care and keep striding forward, we are behind you:)


Posted : 2nd July 2013 7:50 pm
Posts: 0


Amazing to see that number - 450 days is simply amazing. You should be so proud of your achievements. Also, well done on committing to exercise it is the best medicine for the body mentally and physically. I went out for a 5 mile run tonight and nobody ever returns from exercise feeling less happy than they did before they went out.


Posted : 2nd July 2013 9:35 pm
Posts: 0
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Morning Diary,

Day 452 - Thought I would drop in this morning as I won't be at my GA meeting tonight. No problems to report, really have felt the positive changes these last 3 weeks the 6 month fog is lifting and the good 6 months are now ahead.

The gambling thoughts come and go I try not to tell myself I will never gamble again because even now that is a difficult thing to accept. The one day at a time philosophy helps with that. In truth the gambling urges never come, maybe I'm lucky in that respect. I still love my racing and I don't avoid the news or big meetings I keep abreast of what is going on. However, I avoid 90% of football mainly because I found only certain teams or matches actually interest me once I had stopped betting on it.

Right better do some work.

Day 452 - Check in Weekend!

Posted : 4th July 2013 8:54 am
Posts: 0
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Evening Diary,

Day 456 - Weekend came and went in the blink of an eye. Feeling right back on top of life at the moment and exercise is going extremely well. My main issue is to eliminate that deja vu because I was right here last year feeling brilliant only to lose it after xmas.

Good solid check in again over the weekend for the 2013 thread. It would be something special for those remaining to make it to the end of the year and beyond. Also really pleased to see David kicking on with a challenge thread. They had gone a little stale but it was about time they were reinvigorated and I'm sure it will be very helpful for many people.

Remaining on guard with the gambling cannot see any issues on the horizon but barriers remain solid and fixed just in case.

Day 456 - On Top!

Posted : 8th July 2013 7:55 pm
Posts: 0

hi flagg

thanks for welcoming me back, i now realise i cannot be cured its how i deal with monitoring it

anyway good to be back and chatting again

oh and by the way you still doing fantastic, stick at it

Posted : 8th July 2013 8:03 pm
Posts: 0


Wish I could bottle it and drip feed it back to you in January lol

Shiny xxxx

Posted : 8th July 2013 9:51 pm
Posts: 0

Howdy Mr flagg,

Nice to see you back on top form, I think i may of missed a check in but will do it now.

Life is busy and passess me by in the blink of an eye, and much to short to waste it gambling.

Glad your well

Take care

blondie x

Posted : 9th July 2013 8:58 pm
Posts: 1172

Glad your on form mate. Don't worry about next year, your getting stronger everyday and you may not get the same feelings next year as you did the last. Life is moving forward, progress is being made. Nice one Flagg.

Posted : 10th July 2013 10:19 am
Posts: 0

Hi Mr f

Just a quick "pop in" to say hi....glad to read things are going good 🙂

Take care



Posted : 11th July 2013 9:35 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Morning Diary,

Day 461 - That week was a blur. Absolutely crazy busy at work, when the sun shines we are running around like crazy people.

Not had time to consider having a bet been coming straight home, doing a workout, eating, then sleeping. It's crazy how I find the time to workout when it's limited but just a few weeks ago I couldn't do it even when I had lots of time.

The numbers still drive me forward and I was plodding along to 450 recently now I feel I'm racing to 500 amazing what a positive mindset can do.

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend sun,

Day 461 - Busy Week!

Posted : 13th July 2013 8:38 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg

Wow! Amazing news, it doesn't seem that long ago you reached the year mark things are going quick :). Really nice to see such a positive mind set.

Have a fantastic weekend with the glorious sunshine

Nicki xx

Posted : 13th July 2013 8:46 am
Posts: 1172

Racing to 500. Wow i bet that seemed just a dream not to long ago. But your here now doing all the right things and in such a better position than the alternative. Thanks for the post I do feel upbeat and I think the thread will help me along. Thanks for the support and I know your busy at the mo and your in a place where a daily post isn't always necessary so if you miss a check in now and again it's no worries I know you'll still be doing the right things and will check in when you can. Keep it up mate never let any doubts of why your here creep in. The life your living is a million times the life you could be leading. Tale care and have a great weekend.

Posted : 13th July 2013 7:00 pm
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