My New Life - 22nd Oct 2017

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Katiecoo wrote: Well done Moorey on your day count... 🙂 enjoy your Christmas shopping. I must admit as a bit of a control freak my Christmas shopping is normally finished in April lol. Maybe this is because it's the only control I have in my life as gambling takes so much away from me....will be interesting to see my spending patterns when GF lol

I'm not quite that early with mine but I do like to usually get most of mine done before we hit December 🙂

Remember when we were both getting excited about hitting double figures in our day counts....?

Now we're both approaching the one month mark! How good does that feel?

Keep up the good work, Katiecoo. I want to be celebrating each and every milestone with you along the way.


Posted : 16th November 2017 7:20 am
Posts: 1098
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Day 26 - gambling is no longer (for the moment at least) my first thought when I wake up in the morning. It couldn’t be further away from my mind.

Approaching the weekend which can always change that, but I just tell myself that this forum and my future welfare means more to me than some stupid weekend bets.

Logging onto here has become part of my daily routine.

Not much else to say. Looking forward to a well earned rest this weekend after a tough week at work.

Posted : 17th November 2017 7:07 am
Posts: 1098
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I've had a particularly tough and testing day today both at work and then coming home to find that I've got yet another £125 worth of car repairs to fork out for. I'm having such a bad run of luck with it at the moment. Everything and anything seems to be going wrong with it at the moment.

I should be looking to change it by now but gambling has always put a stop to that. Hopefully if I'm still gamble free in around 6 months I can begin to think about looking for a replacement.

A month ago, a day like today may have lead me to gamble. But today my thoughts couldn't be further away from that.

I'm enjoying the journey that being gamble free is taking me on. It's refreshing to not have my thoughts dominated by odds and spinning wheels.

Tonight I go to bed a winner because I have not gambled. Bring on tomorrow.


Posted : 17th November 2017 10:05 pm
Posts: 1098
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Day 28 - 4 weeks gamble free

Another little milestone ticked off.

Yesterday was quite tough, getting sent lots of screenshots of bets that were in-play and running close. I found myself watching the Real Madrid game to see if my mate would win himself £350.

I’m glad yesterday is over. I’ve been unwell this weekend and have been unable to go out or do anything.

So I feel quite proud of myself for staying strong and resisting any urges. They weren’t particularly strong urges, and never was I really tempted to gamble, but nevertheless it needed some strength to resist.

I got a text yesterday saying my car bill was going to be more than expected but I’ve taken it on the chin and accepted that it’s life.

If I stay gamble free, my quality of life will definitely improve. It’s that simple.

Have a good Sunday everyone.

Posted : 19th November 2017 8:38 am
Posts: 527

Hi Moorey. I think that your doing really well fighting this one day at a time. Things such as unexpected bills can make us angry and threaten to throw us off course. But that's when we need to be strong and positive. In the past financial pressure would have made an easy excuse to gamble. But if we keep the faith, then somehow we get through it and things tend to fall into place.

Keep up the good work.

Posted : 19th November 2017 11:02 am
Posts: 1098
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Thanks for your encouraging post, changemylife.

So there goes another week...

Another week safely negotiated from the woes that is gambling.

Have I had any urges this weekend? Not really?

But, I would say that I’ve been envious of those around me who have had fun waiting to see if their football accumulators were going to come in.

One friend in particular was waiting on Real Madrid to win for £350.... (from a £2 stake).

They didn’t win. So what did he do....

He gave a wry smile and got on with his life. That’s what I used to be like! Not anymore though!

So that’s why I accept that I can no longer gamble.

The ironic thing is, it’s roulette that did my balls in.

I would start the weekend by placing a £5 football bet. But by the end of the day, I’d be chasing that £5 loss with hundreds of pounds.

Yet now, I do sort of miss the small football bets but I don’t miss roulette. Funny how our minds work.

However, I’m not being fooled into thinking I can return to gambling as a small timer. That’s impossible. I thought I could. But the numerous attempts to do so have ended in disaster.

So I’m happy to call quits on gambling.

Ending my 28th gamble free day with a cup of tea and MOTD. But more importantly, I’m ending it in peace and tranquility and not stressing about whether I’ll be losing hundreds of pounds tonight and wondering how I’ll get by.


Posted : 19th November 2017 10:15 pm
Posts: 1098
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Day 29 - Feeling quite excited about hitting the 30's. I'm closing in on my record (34 days) so that will be my next milestone.

I had another weird gambling related dream last night. Involving playing roulette. I was losing quite badly but also couldn't see the wheel. I was just being informed of my losses. Very weird. Needless to say I was very relieved to wake up and find it was all a dream (nightmare).

Not much else to report. I've had a good day at work and now I'm looking forward to kicking back and relaxing for the evening.

Happy days!

Posted : 20th November 2017 4:48 pm
Posts: 3947

Congratulations Moorey, almost 30 days without a bet. Your very positive which is the best way to be.

Thankyou for the encouraging posts, i'm back on track now and have no intention of slipping up again.

Posted : 20th November 2017 8:36 pm
Posts: 574

Going along nicely Moorey. 30 days is a nice milestone to reach (1 more day!) Things start to feel like they are picking up once you clear that full month.

Keep at it, will get checking back even when i don't post =)

Posted : 20th November 2017 8:42 pm
Posts: 1098
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30 days complete. One whole month. Feels good!

Posted : 21st November 2017 7:03 am
Posts: 506

Well done, 30 days GF, just remember how good this feels!

Here is to the next 30 days.

Posted : 21st November 2017 8:57 am
Posts: 1098
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Day 31

Had a few mini urges last night to gamble but I kept telling myself how important it was to stay gamble free. It’s doing me no end of good, not only financially but in my state of mind.

Why would I want to jeopardise that?

Christmas target is drawing ever nearer....


Posted : 22nd November 2017 9:31 am
Posts: 1098
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Day 32

Creeping ever closer to my record.

Stayed up for a lot of the night watching the opening day of the Ashes. Usually loved betting on this event, but last night I watched it for the first time ever without a bet on it. It did feel quite strange I must admit.

Posted : 23rd November 2017 6:42 am
Posts: 3947

Hang in there Moorey and stay strong, we're all behind you. Wishing you well. Stephen

Posted : 23rd November 2017 8:42 am
Posts: 1098
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Abstainer wrote:

Hang in there Moorey and stay strong, we're all behind you. Wishing you well. Stephen

Thanks Stephen, it’s tough going at the moment and it’s probably going to get tougher next week with payday but I’ve got all my blocks in place ready for that moment. Determined to finish gambling for good!

Posted : 23rd November 2017 11:41 am
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