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Morning Steohen,

Thinking of you today,

Sending you determined and calm thoughts

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 11th December 2015 8:11 am
Posts: 0
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I have been told that i cant be trusted and that i am going to face displinary action.

If the scan is bad ill say my goodbyes. Im going to write letters to my ma and sisters before i do anything though

Thanks for the kind messages

Posted : 11th December 2015 12:25 pm
Posts: 1789

Stephen while on here is a great help you need to call and speak to someone. I'm not qualified to help you but they are lots of people out there who can the Samaritans number is 116 123 it's free give them a call a problem shared is a problem halved.

Don't give up I'm sure you have a lot to offer this world

Posted : 11th December 2015 12:33 pm
Posts: 0


Please try not to think the worst, a disciplnery,is not the end of your job, I believe there are 3 stages, get this scan sorted and you will feel clearer in your mind,

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 11th December 2015 12:38 pm
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Im actually ok with the meeting, the anxiety of what could happen has gone and at least i know now.

I actually told someone in the canteen after the meeting that im leaving early to go for a scan. The specialist doesnt tell you if theres anything wrong or not, they send a letter to your doctor. So thats kinda thrown my plans a bit.

Posted : 11th December 2015 1:14 pm
Posts: 0

I had an idea you may not get the results today, for your scan, but I am not medically qualified to say one way or the other.

At least it will be over with soon, I think they either ring you or post a letter, after my scan earlier in the year they rang me, GPs also

do telephone consultations now with results, I got a time for when my GP was going to ring me, and I did not have to wait very long for the result.

Take care.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 11th December 2015 1:46 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks Suzanne i hope your son is alright x

Posted : 11th December 2015 2:28 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks Stephen, he has his op on Monday.

Expect you are at the hospital at this time,


Posted : 11th December 2015 3:51 pm
Posts: 0

Stephen , Hi Buddy , I spoke with you yesterday and said that your scan and your job are two different issues , completely seperate and that's the way you have to treat them . I can understand you feeling the way you do about your scan but if the worst happens then there are treatments available , you just have to wait on that one .

Your job however is not the be all and end all !, It's work , it's a job , nothing more , there are more jobs and different work out there if the need arises , so it ain't the end of the world my friend !. I f they want you out that bad , so what ? f**k em ! It's there loss buddy !.

Life's far to short to be speaking about making it any blooooody shorter , Remember its a permanent solution to a temporary problem , and like all the other problems youv'e gone through in your life there's always a solution !.

On here we can't alway's express sentiment through txt but you know I'm feeling for you .

Please have a talk with someone , just pick up the phone and maybe have a chat with the Samaritan's , just to let it out and get it off your chest , it will make you feel much better talking to someone that understands and can offer face to face support if you wish , something that I can't do for you right now my friend !.

Please do that as a favour to me and let me know how your getting on ?


Posted : 11th December 2015 3:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Stephen, hope you are ok after your scan today. I think if your employer knew you had health issues, they would lay off. This would be the case in a large company for sure. Part of any disciplinary action involves checks for medical issues that affect your work. It sounds like you are not part of a Trade Union but you may get more details if you read the small print on your Contract of Employment. None of this message is any use to you if the place you work is small or they simply break all employment laws. I just think you need all your strength to cope with waiting for the scan results. Look after yourself, Suzy

Posted : 11th December 2015 7:14 pm
Posts: 0


How did the scan go, hope you are feeling ok.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 11th December 2015 7:24 pm
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got a lend of ma's laptop cause i wanted to post.

i got the term radiology and radiatotherpy mixed up and ended up at the wrong building. So i spent some time running around finding the right wing of the hospital. Had to wait a while for the scan. was crying at waiting hall. i was there on my own in the hall. think i was upset over everything, not just the scan

the scan itself was pretty surreal, earplugs on, a helmet thing over my head, strange noises. i asked the lady if she could spot anything afterwards but she said the no and that the doctors look at the scans. thats fair enough i expected that.

I think i needed a big cry and i cried a lot after work today.

But i do feel better now that the day is over.

I wouldnt write an annoymous blog saying i didnt do anything wrong at work if it wasnt true. I honestly havent done anything wrong and quite like going to work because it gives me the chance to interact with people. Im not worried now about the displinary action and i think ill be ok.

in terms of the scan and the results well its not the time to be dramatic. I have to buy a phone when i get paid next week. then i have to contact the doctor to get the results. If it was a tumour id have to wait further to find out if was benign or cancerous. then id have to wait further for treatment and to see if it worked. so if it is the worse case scenario its too early to be upset and being negative.

I do appreciate when people write messages. i say it a lot because its true.

Gambling wise i havent had thoughts of gambling but i have had thoughts about the time, experiences and friends ive lost through gambling.

Im going to sleep now, maybe it wont be a good sleep but it will be a lot better than last night.

Have a safe weekend x

Posted : 12th December 2015 12:20 am
Posts: 0

Hi Stephen, I'm glad your day is over and that it went as well as could be expected , been thinking about you quite a lot this evening , it was a difficult day for you to face my friend but you did it and you got through it !.

Nice to hear you sounding more posative than you were earlier , glad about the work situation as well , remember what ever they say , they need proof of any accusation's ! .

The scan results , as you say will take time to come through but whatever the outcome , you can deal with that in the same manner you did today .

Sleep well Stephen , it's been a tough day and well done on getting through it !


Posted : 12th December 2015 12:37 am
Posts: 944

Thank you for popping by Stephen and yes I am ok, although like you facing a few health problems. Thought of you often today as no easy task on your own and sent lots of virtual hugs, hope you don't mind.

Relax now and enjoy the weekend. xxx

Posted : 12th December 2015 2:01 am
Posts: 0

Pleased to see you get through yesterday,:)) quite a testing day,

Hope you got some sound sleep and you have woken up feeling better than you did yesterday.

Take care of you and keep safe

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 12th December 2015 7:47 am
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