Online slots are the work of the devil.

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Sam Crow
Posts: 552

Hi there fluffycat. Just a quick note on playing the demo games/slots, this isn't good for you. If you had have won instead of lost we both know what you would have been thinking! I think it could be termed as 'dry gambling'.

Good to see you have those blocks in place and a desire to quit gambling for good. Well done!

All the best

Posted : 20th January 2017 10:57 am
Posts: 61

Hi fluffycat

Really pleased you're doing well. I have blocked all gambling sites on my devices so can't torture myself with demo games but I would be worried that even playing the demo version would trigger old habits. Staying away completely seems to been quite easy for me, I come on here instead and read....and play pet rescue 🙂

Have a good weekend

Posted : 20th January 2017 12:12 pm
Posts: 82
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I appreciate your comments and totally agree that I need to wean off the demo version. At the moment they are reinforcing that gambling is XXXX because I keep losing lots of pretend money, but if I were to win big, it may tip me the other way. Time to find an alternative.......right now the alternative is food. I'll be like Giant Haystacks by March ha ha x

Posted : 21st January 2017 1:34 am
Posts: 82
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Day 13. .......It feels like longer than that, but that's nearly 2 weeks of not wasting money and not losing my sanity or waking up feeling so demoralised that I can't face the day. My mind feels a lot lighter now, and I'm sleeping much better too.

one day at a time .....

Posted : 21st January 2017 12:17 pm
Posts: 82
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the end of day 17. it's not very long, but yet it feels like a lifetime ago that I was throwing my money down the drain. Today I quibbled about buying some shampoo that cost £3.50.......and yet on the slots I was betting at £5 per spin and thought nothing of it. NUTS. Anyway.....onwards and upwards one day at a time xx

Posted : 26th January 2017 12:30 am
Posts: 61

Weird isn't it....but probably a good thing in theses early days while we wait for our bank accounts to catchup with our stupid pattern of losses! Great to hear you're still doing well xx

Posted : 26th January 2017 9:39 am
Posts: 82
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Thanks Panders. Day 19 gamble-free. I've been working nights this week so am all over the place, but still not one single urge to set fire to all my money or go to a cash point and withdraw £300 then post it down a drain - (which is what I might just aswell have done when I was gambling). Have also been budgeting well this month and not buying anything I don't really need. My first Step plan payment comes out on 1st Feb, and in a strange way, I can't wait to start paying so that I can see the debt GO DOWN each month when I log into my account.

When I had loads of credit cards and loans it was hard to track how much I owed and gage how much interest I was paying overall, so I could never tell how long things would take to pay off. At least this way I know that at worst I have to pay my debt for 6 years and 9 months. I also love the fact that any overpayments I make to Step change will clear the debt and not be eaten up in interest.

There was a point where I was thinking of going bankrupt, but it seemed to have too many ties attached to it. It was also the cheat's way out and would never teach me how to appreciate money. Just as long as I can see my debt reducing, and that I can have targets to aim for I will be happy. In a year I will have cleared nearly £5k. Another year of gambling and I would have lost at least another 10k.

I must stop rambling and go to bed. I love posting on here. I don't even care if no one reads it, but it's just so cathartic and makes me feel more proud of myself each day.


Posted : 27th January 2017 12:19 pm
Posts: 82
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20 days and counting. This is peanuts, I know, but each day I don't throw my money down the drain is a plus. Short and sweet entry for today. Looking forward to beating my previous record of 120 days ( I think it was 125 but can't be sure without checking my older threads). I truly hope everyone else is keeping positive and keeps going strong X

Posted : 28th January 2017 4:52 pm
Posts: 1828

Hi Fluffycat

You'll find lots of people read your dairy, including me. You're doing great on Day 20, and you can relax now your under the wing of Stepchange where you will slowly - but surely! - clear your debts.

A GF life is the only life! Keep going - day to day, you'll have a better, more fulfilling life 🙂

Posted : 28th January 2017 5:04 pm
Posts: 386

Hi Fluffy Cat....Love the name lol...I love cats & have 2 🙂

Keep adding those days, just one at a time...Online slots are my poison, and yeah loads of debt too 🙁

Strength in numbers fluffy cat...Keep posting, this site is so helpful and the support is amazing.

M x

Posted : 29th January 2017 12:22 am
Posts: 82
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Sillycow wrote:

Hi Fluffy Cat....Love the name lol...I love cats & have 2 🙂

Keep adding those days, just one at a time...Online slots are my poison, and yeah loads of debt too 🙁

Strength in numbers fluffy cat...Keep posting, this site is so helpful and the support is amazing.

M x

I have 2 cats too (neither are very fluffy by the way)!! but both are nutters in their own way X

Posted : 29th January 2017 4:49 am
Little miss lost
Posts: 745

Fluffy cat, thanks for your posts - especially post numbers 11 & 20.
Truly hate saying this but I'm struggling at the moment to stay gamble free even though common sense tells me it's a fools game. I'm on day 38. Good days and bad.
I keep thinking if I put another ВЈ1000 on a credit card - what's the odds. I already owe thousands and I might win and clear some debts. My stupid brain says you've never really spun the reels for more than ВЈ2 a time, maybe if you try ВЈ5 or £10 youll have a better chance of winning big.
I wish I could get rid of these thought but here's where you came in.
Reading your diary I saw the above 2 posts and thought well you bet at the ВЈ5/£10 amounts so I shouldn't do it. It doesn't work. Besides I know I'd put it all back in if I won anyway.
I'm sorry for waffling and using your troubles as an example but just wanted to let you know that somewhere in my crazy brain your posts struck a chord and helped me to realise the only way to win is to stop.
Take care x

Posted : 29th January 2017 12:29 pm
Posts: 82
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Little miss lost wrote: Fluffy cat, thanks for your posts - especially post numbers 11 & 20. Truly hate saying this but I'm struggling at the moment to stay gamble free even though common sense tells me it's a fools game. I'm on day 38. Good days and bad. I keep thinking if I put another £1000 on a credit card - what's the odds. I already owe thousands and I might win and clear some debts. My stupid brain says you've never really spun the reels for more than £2 a time, maybe if you try £5 or £10 youll have a better chance of winning big. I wish I could get rid of these thought but here's where you came in. Reading your diary I saw the above 2 posts and thought well you bet at the £5/£10 amounts so I shouldn't do it. It doesn't work. Besides I know I'd put it all back in if I won anyway. I'm sorry for waffling and using your troubles as an example but just wanted to let you know that somewhere in my crazy brain your posts struck a chord and helped me to realise the only way to win is to stop. Take care x

Little Miss, I cannot tell you how happy that makes me. I've actually HELPED someone - YAY. I didn't realise that people were actually reading my waffle until a few days ago, it was just a great way for me to vent my thoughts, but to know that you can relate to them and that it made you think twice is awesome. Well done you for not wasting your hard earned money. Personally, needing extra cash was always a trigger for me - hence why I blew so much money on gambling in December. In reality, I gained a few more thousand pound in debt and it ruined my Christmas (gastroenteritis didn't help either mind!!!). STAY STRONG and don't give in. My screensaver is of some £5and £10 notes being burned. it helps me to keep it real. Have a great day xxxxxx

Posted : 29th January 2017 12:39 pm
Little miss lost
Posts: 745

You say you can clear your debts in 6 yrs 9 months.
Even though nobody would want to be in this position I want you to know that it is achievable. You can do this and each year you stay gamble free you will be winning. You will be able to watch your debts go down.
After household bills and cost of living I'm left with next to nothing so my debts look like they'll be with me for life.
I already work full time so. . .
At the minute I'll be happy if I can stay gf and not add to the debts.
Keep up the good work. You're not on your own, we're all in this together xx

Posted : 29th January 2017 1:59 pm
Posts: 82
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Have you contacted Stepchange LittleMiss?? they are amazing. The whole process is so easy too. I have to say that all my creditors were really understanding and very kind on the telephone too. Some have special departments for people with gambling issues as they class it as a mental illness and understand that it's not just because we can't be bothered not to pay our bills, but we literally CAN'T pay them due to lack of money. You say you can't clear your debt, but are you able to afford your monthly debt repayments.. ?? if I'd not contacted Stepchange I would be paying around £700 a month for debt repayments. I know some companies give a few months grace on payments if you talk to them about the problem. I think they just have an issue with those that don't bother contacting them at all. Good luck x

Posted : 29th January 2017 10:02 pm
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