Peace and Harmony once more.

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Thanks Loxie. Will do!

Posted : 14th April 2017 10:36 pm
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Day 55.

Easter Saturday - Off to pick my mum up soon then to my sister's to stay for the weekend. Out for a spot of lunch (and a sneaky glass of fizz)!! Yes, normality certainly is resuming, albeit on a tighter budget (for now). Each day is a new day.

The past few weeks, I have been poorly and it has really brought to the forefront of my mind, that our health is the most important thing and regardless of how much money we have, it means nothing if we are not fit and well to enjoy it! Therefore, money is not the "be all and end all"!

Today, I will enjoy the company of my mum and my sister - no doubt there will be a friendly argument about who will pay the lunch bill (I can see my mum winning this one)!! What's nice however, is that I have the funds in my account to foot the bill myself if need be, which is great and makes me feel so good and much more like my old self once more.

Take care all and so will I.

Our Lady

Posted : 15th April 2017 8:45 am
Little miss lost
Posts: 745

I understand how you're feeling. Wishing you a lovely day - enjoy!! X

Posted : 15th April 2017 9:42 am
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Thanks Little Miss.

Posted : 15th April 2017 6:27 pm
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Day 56.

Easter Sunday - my favourite holiday of the year!! Maybe to do with the fact that it involves lots and lots of chocolate!

Have a wonderful Easter Sunday everyone. Stay strong and be happy.

Our Lady

Posted : 15th April 2017 11:05 pm
Posts: 859

Congratulations on day 56! Consistency seems to be key and I don't know about you but everyday that passes I feel like the 'old me' is slowly returning. Also what you say about not worrying about tomorrow is great advice. Hope you're enjoying lots of chocolate S 🙂

Posted : 16th April 2017 3:10 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Lady!!

Just caught up on your diary. Great the council tax got sorted!! Also congrats on passing the 50 milestone!! Your posts are nice to read if that makes sense, cool calm and collective. I hope your having your fill of chocolate lol!! It's so nice when you can spend on others without dreading how your going to manage to get through the month let alone buy bday pressies. Wishing you well on your journey x

Posted : 16th April 2017 6:27 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for dropping by. I made it a to 100! Your looking positive too. Keep it up x

Posted : 16th April 2017 9:38 pm
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Thank you lovely ladies - very much appreciated.

Take care all.

Our Lady

Posted : 16th April 2017 9:53 pm
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Day 59.

Been awake all night! Have had bad stitch in my side for a while now. My scan date cannot come quick enough next Tuesday! Feel shattered but just cannot catch my sleep.

Payday on Thursday (and my sister's 60th). Just feeling so gutted and worried right now that I may not feel up to all the celebrations and the long weekend away this weekend. Fingers crossed! The past few months, I have been desperate for payday to arrive. This month however, I haven't given it much thought - this could partly be to do with the fact that I haven't been well - just hope H.R have received all my sick notes however - all I need is for my salary not to go into my account on Thursday!! Not long to wait to find out now anyway.

Current mood - tired, anxious, worried, miserable. Will any of these emotions make me feel like gambling? Not a cat in hell's chance!

Got to go back to see my G.P later today for another sick note and a chat about how I'm still feeling. Can't wait!!

Take care all and I will try my best to do the same.

Our Lady

Posted : 19th April 2017 4:51 am
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Day 60.

Payday - and my sisters 60th!! Let the celebrations (and the co codamol)! begin!!

Another tight budget this month but safe to say, all bills will be paid, giving me peace of mind and a hopefully lovely weekend away.

Take care all and so will I.

Our Lady.

Posted : 20th April 2017 11:12 am
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Day 66.

So...... Had my scan at the hospital yesterday. My spleen, kidneys, gallbladder and liver were thoroughly checked. Glad to hear that they were all fine and I have no gallstones!! Phew. Consultant explained that the permanent stitch in my side/back/stomach, may be due to me having Sepsis and it causing an inflammation in my lymph glands in my stomach! Now taking anti-inflammatories to see if these may ease the pain. Fingers crossed.

Our long weekend away, celebrating my sister's 60th was just beautiful and I was very lucky and fortunate to be able to stay in such a beautiful place with all my family.

Not a single thought about gambling. No time and no inclination. Simple as.

Take care all and so will I.

Our Lady

Posted : 26th April 2017 5:03 pm
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Day 70.

Starting to feel better -finally!! Got my mum and sister staying for the Bank Holiday so doing what I really enjoy doing today - cooking!! Nice chicken, rosemary and asparagus, dish, followed by a homemade baked vanilla and lemon rice pudding. Yummy. Beats gambling any day.

Hope you all have a peaceful and g.f weekend.

Our Lady

Posted : 30th April 2017 8:46 am
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Day 72.

Just starting to consider some new mini goals for my next payday on 20th of this month. Here goes:

1. Pay all monthly direct debits.

2. Buy my great nieces Birthday present.

3. Hopefully, I will be back to work so just go in, do my best, home again and forget about it until the next day.

4. If it's another tight month, remind myself that it won't be for too much longer.

5. Put a small amount away for Christmas food shopping. (Couldn't manage it this month as too many outgoings).

6. A small treat for myself - not sure what yet. Will have a think!

All my previous goals were achieved, apart from putting money away for Christmas.

Off to the docs soon for a general chat/check-up. May attempt my new yogalates exercise DVD later - watch this space!!

Take care all and so will I.

Our Lady

Posted : 2nd May 2017 9:35 am
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Day 73.

Ok, so the yogalates dvd didn't get done but I did have a brisk power walk! I have decided on my treat for myself however! I have decided to enlist the help of a Gardner to do all the borders on my garden - long overdue!! I did my back in a couple of years ago, lifting a very heavy pot in the garden so even just thinking about having to do it myself, fills me with dread.

The funny thing was that, when the Gardner said they would charge £25.00, I immediately thought to myself "that's expensive"!! I then remembered that I was considering offering my brother £40 to give them the once over, given they had not been touched in almost 4 years!! I was informed that after this, it would not be as expensive. So, that is going to be my little monthly treat to myself. I have a lovely garden and being able to look out on it makes me feel content so money well spent I say! Again, just thinking how when gambling, I often wouldn't even consider placing a bet for such a "poxy" amount as £25, yet this fee will give me much greater happiness and for a whole lot longer too! Enough said.

Got a lovely long weekend ahead planned with my girlies, at my brother's beautiful lodge on the Menai Straights. I am so fortunate I know and I really appreciate what a lovely family I have. The weather is supposed to be good too.

Take care all, remain strong and so will I.

Our Lady

Posted : 3rd May 2017 10:45 am
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