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Wishing you all the best as well sj thank you for your interest on mine mate, take care

Posted : 7th April 2018 7:14 pm
Posts: 3947

Great progress on your gamble free adventure - 193 days gamble free and cool as a cucumber.

Reading the last few posts has got me thinking of my motives for gambling. Echoing the sentiments of yourself and Sharon I am seeing it as a form of self harm. As you both rightly point out, it can be liberating to face up to our issues and than go about resolving them in a calm, constructive manner.

Wishing you well on your quest. May you be contented and experience happy, gamble free adventures along the way...stephen

Posted : 7th April 2018 9:06 pm
Posts: 574
Topic starter

Hello Samba79 and Stephen, thanks for popping by. Hope your weekend is a calm and content one.

Yea Stephen, im really trying to find the time to look at the "why" and the "what" of my gambling story. WHY did i gamble and WHAT did it "fill". Im pleased with my progress but know this is for the long term. Im very OK with that though. I've actually always been interested in self improvement (i think because i've never felt good enough even after i've clearly made a big effort). My problems have been having the self confidence to show that person to the world and emotions have been difficult for me to express for a long time. I almost feel like im having to understand emotion again, or at least my awareness of it in the moment.

Day 193

Slightly unplanned update but why not. Busy weekend. No time to even think about gambling which is great. 1 week from 200 day GF. One day at a time.

All the best everyone.

Posted : 7th April 2018 9:38 pm
Posts: 574
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Day 200

Been really busy the last couple of weeks. A few big changes happening in my life (for the better).

I have been noticing the positive improvements in myself in the last month or so. I am getting more comfortable being me all the time. As for the financial side, debts are coming down and im getting used to using money and buying things for myself. Its about finding the balance of 'wants' and 'needs' and finding the happy middle ground thats affordable and sustainable while still enjoying life.

Dare i say it things are looking up and im excited about the next few weeks and beyond.

Happy with my progress, trying my best to be my best everyday.

All the best everyone.

Posted : 14th April 2018 4:50 pm
Posts: 3947

Congratulations sjw on 200 gamble free days.

Good to see you are in a positive frame of mind and enjoying your gamble-free adventure...stephen

Posted : 14th April 2018 8:24 pm
Posts: 0


Posted : 15th April 2018 1:20 pm
Posts: 859

Hi sjw thanks so much for popping by my diary and belated congratulations on 200 days...brilliant!! Indeed many similarities, for so long I felt totally adrift and isolated gambling away and worried senseless that that was the way it would be. Something had to give though and finding gamcare was like a door opening a tiny bit letting some light in (just realised this sounds really cheesy) So here's to supporting each other and more GF days, months, years take care S x

Posted : 15th April 2018 11:26 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for posting on my diary, and sorry for missing the 200 days whilst on holiday. Well done, and so happy with the positive mindset. I still find it tough getting a happy head on, but certainly cheers me up when I see others doing well. I will teak a leaf from your book and try and find the middle ground on money ... I've always been huge on saving, and then huge amounts gambling ... I'm going to treat myself and those around me a bit more, and try and stop saving up for my retirement! (I'm only 45).



Posted : 20th April 2018 9:54 am
Posts: 381

Hi sjw, Thank you for your encouraging words and positive vibes on my diary the other day. A massive congratulations for racking up 200+ GF days. Take care.


Posted : 24th April 2018 2:29 pm
Posts: 574
Topic starter

Thanks for all the messages of support, much appreciated.

Day 212

7 months GF today. Managed to get my eating habbits back to a normal level after a long time of pigging out after stopping gambling xD. Feeling good within my self and allowing myself more time to enjoy things and just generally giving myself and everything i do more focus and effort. I feel so much more aware of whats happening around me in all regards. I have, and to a point it has been a conscious thing started spending less time on here. I go through times where i spend a lot of time here then times where i spend less. Ultimately im trying to build the real life that i want to spend all my time in so i don't have any want to gamble again. I have and will continue to support others and update as and when i have something to say. I will still very much be around.

All the best everyone, cya soon.

Posted : 26th April 2018 6:51 pm
Posts: 574
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Day 227

Time is flying by ATM. I've put a lot of effort into improving my life and situation and things are going well *touch wood*.

Had a lot of good changes the last month and im working on constantly trying to be and share a stronger version of myself each day. Always one bet from trouble but today im living the choice to abstain and am reaping lifes real joys.

Have a good weekend. Cya soon

All the best everyone.

Posted : 11th May 2018 9:57 pm
Posts: 574
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Day 235

A couple of weeks into my new job now and things are looking up. A nice pay rise, most weekends off and a team of people that are much more on my level so to speak. Going to be a tight month this month though because im going to get emergency taxed.

Got another month or so of paying 28.9% APR on my debt before im going to shift it to a MUCH better rate loan. That'll give me an end date to my debt and i can just leave the direct debit payments to leave my account.

Managing to give myself some money to do things each month though this is modest due to the monthly debt repayments. Im so much happier and that is priceless. There is an end in sight though it is still a way in the distance.

Its a beautiful sunny Saturday and i choose not to gamble today and will deal with tomorrow when it arrives.

All the best everyone.

Posted : 19th May 2018 8:07 am
Posts: 574
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Day 242

8 Months GF today. Had a great result with the finanaces this month. I didn't get emergency taxed despite not having my P45 from the last job and it turns out that my old job also holds back a week of pay during employment so i've just been paid that on top. That complete with my payrise has seen me with a pretty considerable chunk of extra money. Some will go to my debt payments and some will be put towards enjoying myself. Looking to book a holiday v soon.

Another bank holiday weekend too, great to get bank holidays off now. All good and i won't be gambling today.

All the best everyone.

Posted : 26th May 2018 9:22 am
Posts: 574
Topic starter

Day 250

Suns out on another day of recovery. Booking a holiday for my 30th today. Debts are moving down and life remains on the up. Only one way to keep it that way. I won't be gambling today.

All the best everyone.

Posted : 3rd June 2018 8:52 am
Posts: 1828

May I wish you a very happy birthday today, sjw!

And what a present you have given yourself; a renewed focussed and understanding of what's important in life. The gateway to your 30s is opening to the very best start.

Have a fantastic day.

Posted : 3rd June 2018 8:59 am
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