reborn on the 4th July

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Posts: 7071 sympathies my friend. I guess there is a lot of choices we have to make in our lives .we make a good one - happy days,...not so good one - a little lesson learned and we move onto next challenge. Of course there will be many more choices to be made ahead, we just sometimes have to find that medium of heart and head going at the same pace to reach that decision...any sense here?...cause i am lost lol

You will keep on keeping on, you are a fighter which never gives up whatever life throws on a way.

Head held high my friend, onwards you go!!

S x

Posted : 20th November 2014 2:35 am
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

lThanks shiny Sandra

Now that I have had the kick up the backside I deserved and stopping feeling sorry for myself I can now concentrate on the positives in life and not the negatives , it's so easy at times to look at the glass half empty instead of half full just simple mindsets you don't think about

All jess's xmas present now bought so that's a real positive I would have hate to let her down and disappoint her and that is something I have managed to never do , I have a tough job but it pays well another positive I have my health yes two dodgy knees which aren't going to get better other aches and pains along the way but it could be oh so much worse that I know

I will take today has it comes and enjoy life has it comes without the mind f**k thst gambling can bring , the money hurts a bit but it's always the mental side that hurts the most , onwards and upwards got to look forward and not back what's done is done

Posted : 20th November 2014 5:09 am
Posts: 0

Hi castle,

Thanks for your support as always x

Just keep looking at that glass half full, and take each day as it comes and as you say enjoy life.

Onwards and upwards and not looking back at negatives, is the way to go.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 20th November 2014 1:57 pm
Posts: 7071

Good morning castle,

Wishing you a peaceful, calm and safe day today.

Head held high remember? 🙂

Spk soon

S x

Posted : 21st November 2014 3:19 am
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Thanks suzanne Sandra

Doin ok had a real busy day yesterday which thurs always are am off today but still had a bit of work to do and a good clean up one or two urges keep coming along but not acting on them , off to pick jess up from school and have a good afternoon with her , just need to get a few good days behind me eso with xmas coming up but will deal with that then

Posted : 21st November 2014 1:49 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks castle.

Daughters law hopefully ok now,

Have a lovely afternoon with Jess, and stay strong , because those urges can lead to disaster.

Take care

Suzanne xx

Posted : 21st November 2014 3:53 pm
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Thanks suzanne

Had a really good few days one or two urges but stayed strong on that front , my head is thinkikg much clearer now and seeing life much better without gambling playing any part , nearly done all my xmas shopping now just got two left to get , this must be a record for me never done it all this early before , the stress of xmas should be a little easier this year well on the financial side , got jess xmas eve this year and till lunchtime on xmas day ,after that it goes downhill but will deal with that then , put myself down to work boxing day this year with an early start so that will help getting through Xmas day

Posted : 23rd November 2014 12:01 pm
Posts: 0

Hi castle,

Wow you are organised, I have not started Xmas shopping yet lol, I find Xmas stressful at the best if times.

Good strategy to have plans in place at Xmas as it can make us very vulnerable.

Stay strong and take care.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 23rd November 2014 1:38 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi castle,

Good to read your back on even keel and not letting the stress to take over.
If that makes you feel any better, you are not the only one working on boxing day. I am working this day as well as new year's eve, sometimes it is for the better in our circumstances, but you never know what next year brings !! (I'm looking ahead as always lol and already booked 2 weeks off for next year haha)

Anyway, keep up the good work, you are doing well, be proud!

S x

Posted : 25th November 2014 2:52 pm
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Thanks Suzanne Sandra

Off this week so should get plenty of time to rest and catch up on sleep , had a couple of phone calls from work which I don't mind as the job is so hard and even harder for them without me been there to relieve some of the stress , in pretty good frame of mind and staying positive despite some little niggles in my head , still very much one day at a time and that's working

Posted : 26th November 2014 9:30 am
Posts: 0

Hi castle,

Good to read your positive post.

Enjoy your week off and get some rest, because Xmas is round the corner, and I know how hectic it is in retail, this time of year.

Taking one day at a time is the best way forwards and you are doing it.

Take care and enjoy your days off.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 26th November 2014 9:43 am
Posts: 7071

Hi castle,

Thank you for your lovely and positive post. Good to read you have a week off and hope r&r is priority. ..if you like me, visit zzzzz land for 20hrs lol lol.. (I'm not lazy, must be the time of the year where body shuts down lol)

Hope your week is good to you and you enjoy every minute of it. Surely little Jess will see more of her dad to spend some quality time with.

Here alongside you fighting away!!! Keep up the fight and keep winning this daily battle

S x

Posted : 27th November 2014 10:12 am
Posts: 0

Hi castle

Hope you are enjoying your days off, where has this Black Friday come from, at this rate the shops will be empty Xmas week, lol.

I wished, lol.

Stay safe calm determined and don't lose any more hard earned money.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 28th November 2014 7:42 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey castle,

Thanx for your post..awwee man, you know me!! lol..if I'm on the "up" there is some "down" lurking in a corner waiting to hit me..but, i am making the most out of my positivity, and you never know, maybe miracle will happen and "down" will never come 🙂 (i can hope lol)

Hope your weekend is nice and relaxing. Make the most of it and stay safe.

Day at a time as always

S x

Posted : 28th November 2014 10:44 pm
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Thanks Sandra Suzanne

Had jess for the last couple of days and as always takes up most of my time , took her to the football match yesterday which surprisingly she's really starting to enjoy and we evened managed to win ! , back to work today though and am ready to go back its been good to rest but there's been no switch off from it whist been off , it's just so hard and it's even harder for my team when I'm not to there so been in daily contact to try and give them direction and ease the stress

I have my review tomorrow and that's been on my mind and what I didn't want is any nasty surprises going back today , I'm still hoping this January a move will be on the cards which will enable me to put some closure on the past , time will tell on that one

Posted : 30th November 2014 6:04 am
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