reborn on the 4th July

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Hi Castle

Thoughtful post there and yes agree with your words

I hope the meeting went ok and then you had some good food and drink !

There are some great people on here , you being one in how supportive you are to others, thank you from me

Take care

Keep string


Posted : 6th May 2012 8:31 pm
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Yesterday went well we all aired our views I said was what was needed to be said then went to pub , so time will tell to see what affect it had

Got a few days off now but not really planned much just av a rest and recharge my batteries , now the last 3 times I av had time off been honest it was I struggle esp the Sat had quite a few urges , this time I will be back at work Sat so no worries on that front , but I always planned my days b4 this time I am not just gonna each day at a time and see what happens I think in my head I'm testing myself for another step to normality I feel so strong that I won't gamble this week but know planning used to be important to fill my time

So goin to try this plan and see how it goes I am concious of what I am doin so complacency shouldn't come into it , decisions may av to be made but I will make the right ones

Posted : 7th May 2012 9:28 am
Posts: 0

"...another step to normality."

Those days of normality WILL come.

As long as you keep making the right choices for yourself!

Have a good day.


Posted : 7th May 2012 9:55 am
Posts: 0

Hi Castle, great to see you are continuing with your recovery and doing well. I love to hear success stories, it really spares me on. Enjoy your break mate. Best wishes.


Posted : 7th May 2012 12:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Castle,

Enjoy your well deserved break!

Keep Strong


Posted : 7th May 2012 12:29 pm
Posts: 0

That was very cheeky Mr Castle lol

The Irons are going to be fine this afternoon thank you very much!

Roll on Wembly !

Enjoy your day


Posted : 7th May 2012 1:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hi ya,

Just wanted to say, I believe in you!!!!!

I believe you can and will fight the urges this week,

Know that you find holidays particularly difficult , but by planning like you have ,I have no doubt you will batter those urges with Duncs gambling stick, and get through the week even stronger than you went into it.

On another note, wish I had this week off, a whole week of BGT , Fairy Princess will be in her element. Do not forget to tape it Lol

And please tell her, Fairy Dusty wants Pudgsy to win.

Got a couple of nights planned , with my youngest snuggled up in front of the box, plenty of choc, playing the part of judges, really looking forward to it.( honestly know its sad, but it is one of my favourate things to do ) But then hay you would expect no less from the Simon Cowel of gamcare.

Big big hugs to you both

Dusty xxxxxxx

Posted : 7th May 2012 2:39 pm
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

A nice chilled day today no plans , off to pick my daughter up then it's BGT for the rest of the night cuddled up on sofa with my favourite little lady in my life

No thoughts of gambling whatsoever

See what tomorrow brings

Posted : 8th May 2012 5:05 pm
Posts: 0

HI Castle,

Thank you for the post and support on my diary. I have also caught up on you journey of recovery. I especially like the rocky analogy a lot. Thats how i feel after today, totally and utterly battered but still standing all be it with very wobbly legs, But never the less im still standing and ready to fight another day.

This site is truely amazing, For me i have found that trying to support other people even when im having a terrible day has helped me so much.

So i thank you for your support, and for also being so honest and open on your diary, Its given me lots to think about.

Stay strong and a massive well done on your journey so far.

Blondie day 15.... and moving on up

Posted : 8th May 2012 6:16 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Castle, thanks for the post you left me. At the moment I feel in a settled happy place. I too will be relaxing watching Britain's Got Talent but first I am laying on my bed listening to the new Keane album whilst typing this. The album is very good by the way, if you like Keane, which I do as my friends are best friends with the lead singer, so we always but their albums the minute they come out, almost supporting the local boys as they went to a school near us. 🙂

Have a good evening


Posted : 8th May 2012 7:32 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Castle

Thanks for your post and YES i will be at Wembley next week 🙂

Glad to see you had a nice chilled day and hope you enjoyed the evening with your daughter

Keep strong and focussed this week

Take Care


Posted : 9th May 2012 9:18 am
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Another good day no plans just chilled which is a far cry from when I used to be off gambling every hour of the day just for the sheer thrill of it those days seem a long long time ago

One good thing today finally found out that all the interest on my debt has been froze which is a big relief I was determined not to let it bother me with by using the taking it one day at a time method but if I'm honest it was always at the back of my mind

The divorce is all in place the official filing date is 17th may gonna take bout 5 to 6 months with a nice cost of bout 1500 quid but all the stress is done with this now should just be a notification when it's all sorted

My on off relationship with my female friend is still ongoing and that's something I need to deal with permanently but I know I can't at the moment the positive side is I know I can deal with it and not let it affect me

Not gambling has made me a stronger person to be able to deal with problems in my life my mind is very clear of what I want and I know when the time to make decisions is right

I have a long term plan but I will never divert from my short term one which is one day at a time

And today I chose not to gamble

Posted : 9th May 2012 6:44 pm
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Just tried to go on chat for first time and was lookin forward to it then realised my phone would only allow me to text manually , I av it on predictive text all the time and no way could I keep up with everyone else on there so apologies to everyone who was on there I wasn't been ignorant

Hopefully one day I will be able to get a pc but for now will just av to stick to the phone and I would be so lost without it not been able to get my daily fix on here

Posted : 9th May 2012 8:35 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks castle 4 ur post.

Like u i go on gamcare on my fone and have nevr been on chat as my fone dosent seem 2 be able 2 get on chat il maybe ask gamcare about that at sum stage.

Ur doing great castle a day at a time

Posted : 9th May 2012 8:53 pm
Posts: 0

Thank god you weren't ignoring us! lol!

Shame it didn't work on your phone.. I really enjoy going onto chat.

Good to see things are working out for you.. you deserve it for persevering after all you've been through.

Keep going, you're doing great! 🙂

Posted : 9th May 2012 9:42 pm
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