Regrets, I've had a few, but then again....

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Hi just wanted to say I've enjoyed a read of your diary. It has similar themes to mine, abstinence and relapse, starting again. Good luck with it and I know I'm finding mine and other diaries helpful. Thanks

Posted : 4th October 2013 7:04 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Ryan... looks to me like your getting yourself back on track... well done. Like you I can go for long periods gamble free and then lapse. Its like being so close to staying completely stopped but then sabotaging oneself... its a baffling compulsion.

Keep working at stepping off the merry go round once and for all, as I do the same. Regards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 4th October 2013 7:18 pm
Posts: 147

Well done Ryan, keep going, we can do this. 🙂

Posted : 4th October 2013 9:42 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan - glad to hear things are still on track with no gambling - stay strong my friend.

A busy week at work, whilst tough at the time, its a good distractor from gambling.

Have a good and gamble free weekend.

Posted : 4th October 2013 10:15 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Ryan,

Thank you for your kind words on my diary...and talking about this dragon....hell it's possible to kick the s... out of it..just need to believe in urself:-)

You can do it...well done on 2 weeks g are sure on a right track.

Take care


Posted : 4th October 2013 11:05 pm
Posts: 1423

Hiya Ryan

Thanks for the post, well done on the 2 weeks which sometimes may not feel like much but experiences shows any amount of time of abstaining from this disease is a great achievement I av been been battling this for nearly 2 years now with 4 relapses in that period so I know it takes great courage to own up be honest and get back on track

I always see day 1 as the day I admitted my problem for 26 years I kidded myself I wasn't addicted but recovery is bespoke and each to their own

Best wishes in ur continued progress


Posted : 5th October 2013 5:09 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks for the kind words guys. I guess at the moment I'm fifteen minutes into day 16, and frankly I am determined that it will be a gamble free one. Had a good weekend, went home to see the folks, enjoyed my mother's cheesecake, which is probably one of the nicest foodstuffs in the world, and did a fair chunk of freelance work too.

I'm going to sleep well tonight, then do a bit more of the freelancing before heading in to the office for a two till ten shift tomorrow. Life ain't always easy, but its all about adding gamble free week on to gamble free week, and as they pile up each week gets marginally better.

Feeling good, hope everyone has a good week.


Posted : 7th October 2013 12:18 am
Posts: 7071

Good morning Ryan,

Thanx for popping by and well done on 16 days g free. You already started to see benefits of life without gambling. That's what matters..there are good and bad days, but if you keep making the right choice( which i believe you will) you will feel big relieve from the worries and life will be unfolding in front of your eyes daily..

Believe is worth to start it all again and be in better place with yourself and everyone around you.

Take it day at a time, keep the fight going and just believe in yourself:-)

Keep on the right road and stay strong

Have a good shift tonight

Sandra x

Posted : 7th October 2013 6:17 am
Posts: 4881

H Ryan and thanks for your support.

I like how you word things and your take on the glass half empty or full or never filled in the first place.

Your back on the recovery boat and steaming ahead. day at a time as always.. take care... S.A 🙂

Posted : 7th October 2013 3:23 pm
Posts: 0
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Evening guys,

Just got in from a meal out with a few guys from work, didn't feel the need for a beer, and it was nice to get out and about once again. Keeping myself busy and occupied with work at work and freelance work away from work, and as usual I have more work than I can actually do when it comes to the freelance stuff.

At least it means that I'm not thinking too much about gambling, and my steps are going forward towards that better life rather than back into the mire. Thanks for the support as always guys, it's good to know that there is an end to this.


Posted : 10th October 2013 8:01 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan,

Day 19 is it mate, well bloody done, already great work in progress with you. I enjoyed reading your diary and thankful it was a short read. I'm sure it will be hundreds of pages long someday with nothing but positivity and milestones reached.

Looking forward to fighting the fight with you mate, strength and Honour!!!

Posted : 10th October 2013 8:30 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Ryan,

Thank you for your kind message on my diary, and i have to say well done to you!!!!!

You are finding benefits of it all and i am sure you will come out the other end. Keep yourself busy, there is easy and hard days, but as long as you don't give in and keep fighting the urges, you will find that better future:)

I am very proud of you.

Keep posting and keep determination going!

Take care and have a lovely weekend

Sandra x

Posted : 11th October 2013 6:47 pm
Posts: 0
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Day 22 in my gamble free house. Probably said in a Geordie accent similar to that used by the Big Brother announcer.

I can't say that I've had no thoughts about gambling, but equally I've not found the temptation so strong that I'm about to give in my good work so far. Just come to the end of a 7-day stretch of working days, but now I've got three days off and I'm not back in the office until Thursday.

For me as a gambling addict, there is no sentence that rings true more than 'the devil makes work for idle hands', and I'm going to ensure my hands are not idle.

I hope everyone is well and have enjoyed the weekend. I'm treating myself to a Domino's pizza tonight (and lunch tomorrow!) and frankly its been a fairly good week.

All the best


Posted : 13th October 2013 5:51 pm
Posts: 0
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Another week under my belt, and I tender my apology for not being on here at all this week. Work is keeping me busy, and as usual I've got more freelance assignments than I can actually complete.

Discipline and dedication may not be the normal traits I have shown as a relapsing gambling addict, but its what I need on the straight and narrow, and will certainly help me pay off my gambling losses (again!).

Day 29 and it seems like this month has racked itself up without too much involvement from me. I've got a little treat next week, heading down to Wembley next Sunday to watch the NFL.

All the best folks,


Posted : 20th October 2013 3:28 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Ryan... good to read that your on the straight and narrow. Nice to have a treat to look forward to.. enjoy!! ... keep safe... S.A 🙂

Posted : 20th October 2013 5:47 pm
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