Regrets, I've had a few, but then again....

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Hey Ryan,

Just keep plucking on man. Soz for getting under the ground a bit. All is cool with me, i guess we are on very similar journey to find our true selves while juggling stressful job and daily life. Gotta keep moving is for the better...sunshine awaits...keep believing!!

Stay safe, stay sound..catch up with ya soon

S x

Posted : 3rd May 2015 1:55 am
Posts: 7071

Hey dear soldier what ya think of my proposition?..hand in hand, foot in front of another?..huh...cmon my friend, let's walk the road of recovery 🙂

One day at a time

Take care
S x

Posted : 7th May 2015 11:54 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Ryan.

Cheers for the post. I'll hopefully be getting out of here at some point. Russ has opened a small hotel in Zihuatanejo. He has got ex-gambler Jeff, wp, Yorkie and Seano working for him already. Apparently they are building a 9 hole golf course on the beach. They say the ocean is the bluest they have ever seen. Best of all there are no bookies. I hope to join them one day soon. Russ says he has put some money in an old box in a field for me. Join me if you want pal.

Only one condition. No more gambling! Gambling is for losers and you ain't no loser Ryan!

Posted : 28th May 2015 9:15 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Ryan,

Thanks for dropping by! I believe the road has become a lot clearer and no obstacles present 🙂 recovery is complicated journey huh...good stuff to carry on the journey for the rest of our lives! Progress not perfection dear friend, we will get there..

Look after yourself and be kind to you. You're worth peace in ur life

Sandra x

Posted : 28th May 2015 12:55 pm
Posts: 0

Lovely to hear from you Ryan, You have always been and always will be one of my inspirations on here,

Your commitment to recovery is outstanding, and don't you forget that, it's ongoing for life, that is what you and other dear soldiers on here taught me.

OAU friend, we are all walking along the same road, recovery, sanity, and LIFE.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 28th May 2015 5:20 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

I wish this insomnia would leave me alone, an evening of obsessing about things that are going to change very little now that I've spent time I should have been sleeping thinking about them.

The people who are difficult to manage at work will remain difficult to manage. My desire to do the job I'm currently covering for is still purely monetary. I'm still worried about a potential hiking trip that I don't think I will be fit enough for. Then its back to work. Around and around and around the thoughts go.

Gambling isn't in that pile of thoughts at the moment, but its ready to take my hand and lead me astray if I don't keep my guard up. An hour and a half until my alarm is due to go off for me to leap enthusiastically into another working week.

Sarcasm, because there is no other way to get through the day.

All the best folks,


Posted : 1st June 2015 4:43 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan,

I really feel for you with this insomnia, I hope you get some restful and peaceful sleep tonight.

Take care,

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 1st June 2015 8:17 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan,

Good to see you around here again pal. I'm sorry to hear you had a slip recently, but hopefully we both have a good future ahead of us. I'm not sure I'll ever be entirely free from this addiction, but with help from people like yourself, I might have a chance. I hope you're doing okay.

Posted : 9th June 2015 11:43 am
Posts: 7071

Hi Ryan,

Thank you for your lovely post. Yep...the jobs we do can be challenging and i was having the same thoughts that it's not really for me to lead people...but...i do, ...same as you and we will keep on top of things until we make that decision what we truly want from our lives. ...for now - any job is better than no job right.
We can do it..we keep growing that rhino skin as they say, take in consideration how much experience you're getting in the process...
...looks like my conclusion is - we are both good at what we do, just don't realise it ourselves 😉 is your oyster man - anything is possible if you set your heart and soul to it!

I am ok re slip..bounced bk quicker than expected. Wouldn't of without the support of all of you kind peeps 😉

Spk soon

S x

Posted : 9th June 2015 10:24 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Ryan, I'm digging you out to see how you're getting on?

Not heard from you in a while & hope you're doing ok & maybe even getting a few hours kip in? Did you ever sort that bed out or make it to the end of the hike?

Hope you are winning buddy - ODAAT

Posted : 23rd June 2015 11:38 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks for the nice comment, afraid I've been dragging my carcass through some rather nasty online gambling binges recently, back to day 0 for me. All the usual pressure points being pushed, and ding ding ding, I revert to type. Hard to imagine that just a few months ago things were looking so much brighter.

Anyway, I have a hectic schedule ahead of me over the next few months, with the day job and freelance work being added to with a new business I'm hoping to get off the ground. Rest can come when I'm dead, all I need is to keep ploughing forward, find myself back on the right path again, and then starting to pile up those gamble free days again.

I know what to do, just a matter of doing it. Hope to catch up with the diaries over the weekend. As always, hope you all are doing well and making the right decisions for your lives.


Posted : 25th June 2015 8:18 pm
Posts: 0

Bah, not what I wanted to hear but I'm glad you're back & with plans to move forwards!

This is the right path Ryan & as you know these 1st few days are the hardest but you are right, you CAN do this!

Time for you to start making the right choices for you - ODAAT

Posted : 26th June 2015 8:19 am
Posts: 1143

Sorry to hear of your slip Ryan, at least you have found your way back here. I'm sure you will have no problem picking yourself up and getting back on track. I hope your hectic schedule helps to keep the urges away.

Posted : 26th June 2015 9:18 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Ryan,

Well my friend, recovery is bespoke right, we slip, we get bk up and we try again. Never ever give up the fight, I'm right here...boxing gloves out and firmly on my feet fighting alongside you!
We will get there...we got a life to live 🙂

Hugs and stay strong

S x

Posted : 27th June 2015 10:30 am
Posts: 4881

Hi Ryan.... ive just caught up with your diary. Its swings and roundabouts with this addiction isn't it. It only seems like yesterday that you were consoling me about my latest binges. Stopping is fairly easy isn't it, staying stopped is really quite something else.

Betfilter has proved very effective for me to STOP me gambling online. I recommend it my friend.. put it on your devices when your resolve is strong again.

All the best with your buisness venture. It seems like work is a positive in your life. Try not to over do it though, says he who is constantly "done in" by work. Balance and all that.

warm regards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 28th June 2015 9:25 am
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