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I'm sure it was no sugar fat free cake ???

Posted : 27th July 2020 5:39 pm
Posts: 3947

Congratulations Charlieboy on your excellent progress. A very impressive fifty four days gamble free and going like a steam train. Proud of you my friend.

I believe Lively was only jesting in her last post. I have been her personal trainer for a few months now and advise her on diet and nutrition, so I cannot imagine for one minute that she would over indulge with cake.

I have not seen you in the chatroom Charlieboy but hope to see you in there one day. 


Stephen x 


This post was modified 5 years ago by Aum
Posted : 27th July 2020 6:53 pm
Posts: 403
Topic starter

I wish I was only jesting Stephen but I was definitely telling the truth about the cake. ?

Posted : 27th July 2020 6:59 pm
Posts: 1013

Ty Stephen every day I'm amazed and thankful in equal measures. Yes I'll try the chat . I'm only P...d off because I didn't get any cake !! Lol

Posted : 27th July 2020 8:54 pm
Posts: 372

Hi Lively  hope to catch you in chat tomorrow nice to be back I missed it. I had things to do and Mrs s was with me so no gamble thoughts which is a mass improvement on this time last year thanks scotty ??

Posted : 2nd August 2020 8:41 pm
Posts: 372

Hi lively so sorry but I fell a sleep and just woke up and have miss chat I hope you are well will catch you tomorrow ?. 

Posted : 3rd August 2020 8:30 pm
Posts: 3947

Hi Lively ?‍♀️ hope you are having a lovely day.

Many thanks for visiting my diary. Your kind words always cheer me up and are very much appreciated.

Just enjoyed a pleasant get together with Contessa Versatile Vinnie and Royal Regent Russikins who are such delightful company I was simply lost for words ???.


Love and best wishes

Stephen x 


Posted : 5th August 2020 10:15 am
Posts: 3947

Good evening Lively.

Still almost a Full Moon which is looking quite majestic. It has now risen above the eastern horizon. 

Had a real shock looking through my binoculars because I could see LIVELY in big letters on the surface of the moon!!!!!!!!!!

Just about to ring the Greenwich Observatory when I realised I had doodled it on the lens earlier in the day ???.


Nite nite

Sweet dreams 

Stephen x 

Posted : 5th August 2020 9:39 pm
Posts: 372


Posted : 5th August 2020 9:44 pm
Posts: 3947

Lively is a lady who sez it like it is

Intelligent compassionate and really quite a whizz

Very understanding 

Exceedingly nice

Likes a chinese nosh up with nan bread sauce and rice

Your friend Stephen is here wishing you a super duper weekend 



This post was modified 5 years ago by Aum
Posted : 7th August 2020 8:43 am
Posts: 372

Morning lively hope you are well and had good weekend I have joined the 150 club now hope to get in chat this week got go and get glasses fix today lens fell out last night I blame Stephen has he had me crying with laughter in chat last night he is such a lovely man can always cheer us up take care ❤️ Scotty ??

Posted : 10th August 2020 8:23 am
Posts: 3947

Hello Lively.

I have decided to leave the diaries and wanted to say thank you for the kindness and support you have shown me over recent months.

Love and best wishes.


Stephen x x x 

Posted : 13th August 2020 10:25 pm
Posts: 372

Hi Lively hope you have had a good weekend and have not got to wet I got caught in a rain storm when out walking the dogs I only had shorts and teeshirt on if there was a mr wet teeshirt competition  I would have one Won ?? Hope to chat soon take care                    
  Scotty ?? I Hope are friend ??is ok ❤️ 

Posted : 16th August 2020 9:54 pm
Posts: 372

Hi lively thankyou for your post been a  big shock and lots of worry not been i right frame of mind to chat as wife just so worried I just do not know what to say  she has to go to hospital on her own on Tuesday which she is so nervous  but I appreciate your kind words.scotty ??

Posted : 26th August 2020 10:25 pm
Posts: 403
Topic starter

Hi scotty 

Thank you for taking the time out to post on my diary and update how you are. I can’t even imagine what you are both feeling or going through right now but just know your gamcare family are thinking of you and hoping everything is okay. And remember to be proud of how far you have come on this journey. You are doing everything you can right now by being there and being present in your marriage - 6 months ago that wouldn’t have been the case whilst still gambling. You may not feel strong right now but Scotty my friend, your are far stronger than you know. 

Dear diary

I haven’t posted for a while but tonight I have found I have time on my hands as my Wing woman has decided these late nights have taken their toll and chosen the pillow hugging option instead of my delightful company ??. 

I have stopped counting days as it seems less important lately but I am pleased to report life is pretty good.It appears the roles have turned tables in my household and I am now the one being told off by my daughter for staying up until early doors. ?  

Work has returned to its usual manic self , which is keeping me busy and undoubtedly will for the next 6 weeks at the very least. This is a good thing as I have no time to get bored. 

I have a shopping trip planned for tomorrow evening with my daughter, which I am very excited about as I have hardly left the house in the past few weeks and although I have come to enjoy working from home and being able to roll out of bed 5 minutes before starting work, I am looking forward to a change of scenery of the four walls I am continually staring at. No doubt I’ll will put a big dent in my bank balance but I am happy I can treat my daughter to what she wants and this makes me happy. 

I hope my gamcare friends are all staying strong on this gf journey. 

Aum, I hope you are keeping well and I may see you in chat on Friday if I can escape from my work for s short while. 

That’s me over and out ready for what I would consider an early night! ?



This post was modified 5 years ago by Sad and lonely
Posted : 26th August 2020 11:58 pm
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