Round 2

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Thanks very much for your comments, it means alot to me.

Keep up the good fight

Posted : 11th May 2017 3:17 pm
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Another couple of days gamble free but the urges last night were almost unbareable.

Tried to explain them to my partner but I don't think she understands.
Told her it's like having a really bad itch and not being able to scratch it.

Off on holiday with the family in the morning think a little break will do us all the world of good.

Posted : 13th May 2017 12:50 pm
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Back home from holiday and another 9 days gamble free, I reckon that must be 38 days since my last slip up and next Sunday will be 9 years in total since I quit.
Got another counselling meeting tomorrow night and looking forward to it even if it's just to report back that I haven't gambled.
First time in a while I can say that I feel like my old self again and long may it continue

Posted : 22nd May 2017 11:16 am
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So today is day 44 since my last slip up but more importantly it marks 9 years since I gave up gambling.
The urges are getting fewer and fewer and I'm keeping myself busy, long may it continue

Posted : 28th May 2017 9:33 pm
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So another week on since my last post and still GF.
Glad to report I've had no urges at all this week probably due to being so busy at work.
I'm slowly but surely getting my mojo back and money worries are starting to sort themselves out although it'll be a wee while til I'm totally free from them but at least I'm thinking straight now

Posted : 3rd June 2017 12:12 pm
Posts: 3947

Well done Killieboy . I guess your 50 days into your recovery now . Wishing you every success and happy days on your journey .... stephen

Posted : 3rd June 2017 2:47 pm
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Hi Stephen thanks for your comments.
I make today day 52 since i slipped up and placed my last bet.

Still taking one day at a time but I feel in a much better place than I did back then

Posted : 5th June 2017 9:05 pm
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Today marks day 60 GF.
Still having no urges and my head is in a much better place.
Applied for promotion at work so my times being taken up by studying interview questions online in case I'm lucky enough to get an interview.

Posted : 13th June 2017 8:39 am
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Day 65, ive had a great day with my family celebrating fathers day.
No urges at all now, and putting my time to better use and keeping myself busy.

Life is good at the moment : -)

Posted : 18th June 2017 7:02 pm
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Day 76
Been a bit down this week due to not getting the job but I now know I have to set my sights on bettering myself and by focusing on that it will keep me away from gambling

Posted : 29th June 2017 8:39 pm
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Day 86.

Gambling wise everything is fine but had a few days in hospital last week and required an operation.

Gonna be off work for a few months so need to keep my guard up and not allow boredom to creep in

Posted : 9th July 2017 7:21 pm
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So today is day 101 since my last bet.
Feeling proud of what ive achieved but still feel silly I slipped up in the first place.
Hopefully if your reading this you can take some inspiration knowing it can be done!

Posted : 24th July 2017 7:12 pm
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