Sick of this s * i t .

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Well today sorry tomorrow. willl be my first day as i lost money this morning at the bookies.

the rest of the day im going to watch tv and go walk my little dog toby. he is a little yorkie and loves me to bits. i would love to be able to buy a house for him so he could play in the garden. That is my dream and i will achieve it. So today is the day to stop and the day to start the road to the dream.

Posted : 1st May 2009 5:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Great to see you have started a diary.

You mention you have a little yorkie dog and you dream of a house with a garden for him. You are one step further in fulfilling that dream.....don't let it slip away from you.

I look forward to reading how you are getting along.

Jas x

Posted : 1st May 2009 6:38 pm
Posts: 0

welcome carl to the diary section, its a good starting point, read other peoples diaries, its not all doom and gloom there are some terrific people here all at different stages in their recovery.

stay strong carl

G x

Posted : 2nd May 2009 5:51 am
Posts: 20

hi carl welcome 2 the best site that really can change your life keep strong m8 look 4ward 2 hearing how u r getting on .hotdog

Posted : 2nd May 2009 9:28 am
Posts: 157
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Well day 2

Today and gave my dad my bank card. i will get it back next friday so i have just £20 for the week. Got some dog food and still got £15 left. I did have a big craving to go in the bookies today. But i walked down another street away from it. I do have the problem of working in the town centre which makes it worse for me. Anyway done loads of house work and walked the dog twice today. If he is happy so im i. Thanks for your messages,

Posted : 2nd May 2009 4:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hi carl

have u thought of self excluding from the bookies so you don't have to worry about being tempted to go in them? i worked right near one two and it because a real habit to go in there after work....i am banned from there now so i can't go back its a good feelign to know that even if i'm tempted i won't be able to actually gamble. at least not in any of my usual haunts.

Posted : 2nd May 2009 5:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl

That's great news that you work in a town full of bookies. Reason being, whilst you're in this frame of mind go into the bookies with passport size photos and self exclude. It is the best thing you'll do to put blocks in the way. Take the bull by the horns and get the job done.

Keep posting and reading

Steve E

Posted : 2nd May 2009 5:37 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Good to see you posting and a BIG well done at avoiding the bookies. Have you considered self exclusion...takes temptation away.

You are a fellow dog lover!! I have two Jack Russell terriers....they are my replacement babies as my daughters are grown up......I love them to bits.

Enjoy your weekend.

Jas x

Posted : 2nd May 2009 6:33 pm
Posts: 157
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Well not been in the bookies for 5 days now and i did have the urge today. but i went and watch James Bond at the cinema. From russia with love, was on. I have never seen an old bond film at the flicks, it was very good. I also spent the bank holiday painting my bedroom as not done it for ten years. So that took my mind off betting. Oh and dads still got my cash card. lol Hope you are all staying away too.

Posted : 5th May 2009 6:11 pm
Posts: 0

Hi James Bond? not sure whether that would have put me off betting so think you did brilliantly!!

Good your dad is supporting you and staying strong enough not to let you have your card back. Early days require support whereever we can get it.

I have two dogs. One is a cross border terrier and the other a jack russell. Right little yappie madam though!! drives me mad sometimes but when they both vi for my attention and enjoying hugs, forgive them their bad ways.

Stay strong Min x

Posted : 5th May 2009 7:32 pm
Posts: 157
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i can't believe it. i got my cash card off my dad 2day. as toby, (my dog) needed some food, and so did i. i got £30 out and after work i walked right past the bookies and thought. no chance im i going in there, it felt really good. oh and also gave the card back to dad lol.

Posted : 6th May 2009 6:40 pm
Posts: 0

You are doing great Carl.

Jas xx

Posted : 7th May 2009 10:43 am
Posts: 157
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Had a bad day today. I had a nail in my tyre and it had been in for so long i needed a new tyre , so i had to get £100 out so pay for that, and oh no guess what i went in the bookies thinking i could win some of the money for it, im i crazy or what, i of course lost, not all the money but £40. then i came to my senses and just walked out, i feel like i have just cheated on myself. i went a week without going in. gonna give my card back to my dad today.

i hope you are all not too mad with me. carl.

Posted : 7th May 2009 6:04 pm
Posts: 36

hi carl not mad at you at all, just sad, anyhow onwards and upwards, we all make mistakes, it is what makes us the people we are, look at the good side you stopped at 40 i would have stayed until it was all gone. one day at a time and dont be so hard on yourself.

Posted : 9th May 2009 7:15 am
Posts: 0

Hi Carl and a bit like that saying "you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince" well so we will have good days and bad but eventually we will find a happy balance and live a happy life.

We are both at an early stage and learning how best to keep ourselves away from temptation. Good move to give the card back to yr dad. Its all about barriers. Take care Min x

Posted : 9th May 2009 2:45 pm
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