Sick of this s * i t .

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HI thanks 4 your messages. Since the set back the other day i have not been anywhere near the bookies. in fact i got £40 out for the weekend. been to football and an engagement do, ok i was driving but still got £30 left over. now i seem to like keeping hold of as much money as i can. i hope this continues. carl.

Posted : 10th May 2009 12:15 am
Posts: 0

How are you doing Carl?

Post soon please.

Jas x

Posted : 13th May 2009 7:50 pm
Posts: 0

Hi and totally agree with you it is nice to have money in our pocket. I am much more thrifty now I am not dealing with cards (unreal money!!) and only buy what I need whereas before would spend as wouldnt see the result of that spending until bank statements.

Hope the last few days have seen you well. Min x

Posted : 13th May 2009 8:39 pm
Posts: 157
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hi jas/cantcope. thanks 4 the messages.

well i have had a buzy week at work. and i didnt take any money with me. so i have not lost a penny.

i did get £30 out today and went and did my shopping. i have £5 left and well went in the bookies and lost it. i felt so guilty but i thought that well at least a got my shopping and dog stuff first. What do you think i know it is a fiver. but i was thinking if i just calm down just bet a little bit. i mite ease my way off it better. Got 11 days off work now so im gonna take toby fo r some long walks relax and De-stress from work. carl.

Posted : 14th May 2009 8:40 pm
Posts: 0

Hi and good to see you posting. Personally I would discourage the but i was thinking if i just calm down just bet a little bit. i mite ease my way off it better. as I remember putting on one of my postings I would start off sensible then it only took one of those "off" days and I was back to gambling without rhyme or reason. It doesnt work and that is why we are compulsive in what we do I am afraid to say.

A £5 today will turn into all your shopping money next time. I feel you are saying that as you have 11 days off work you are going to be tempted. Read your first posting and realise why you wanted to stop. Not judging as we each have to deal with our problems in our own way. But I think if you asked anyone on here they would advise the same. So all the best and stay strong. Min x

Posted : 14th May 2009 9:17 pm
Posts: 157
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Well it was bound to happen. i got my cash card back of my dad cause i have a week off, and i will need it. And guess what i went in the bookies and lost £20, then i went to the cash machine and got more out lost that, and went to the cash machine again. I was looking at getting a mortgage this week but, i don't think i will bother as i wouldn't wanna lose a house.

MY NEW GOAL is pay off my credit card by 1st june.

i owe about £650 on it. i can do it. If i don't gamble. So today 18th May i'm not aloud to gamble till i have paid it back.

I felt soo sick after gambling about £100 away. i think i go blind when i'm on them machines. I never used to go on the ever until my ex wife introduced them to me. I was glad to get rid of her, now i wanna be glad to get rid of the machines. Before i started betting on them. i used to go out with my dad and just bet 50p a time on the horeses. I would love to go get back in the routine. Best wishes to all. carl

Posted : 17th May 2009 5:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carlsimon, the "moderate" betting really wont work. Have a goal to not gamble each day and not only a date in mind to pay off your credit card but think of the money you will have in your pocket each day you dont. So today 18th May i'm not aloud to gamble till i have paid it back.

Saying you are not allowed to is something you can control every day.

Dont give up your goals, New House and a new life.

I know you are down at the moment but dont let that cloud your true purpose, to have a life without regrets and be on an even keel. Stay strong and ODAAT. Min x

Posted : 17th May 2009 6:29 pm
Posts: 157
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i cant believe what i have just done. wasted £1600 in one day. have i got a brain sell. what an idiot. i hate me. gotta stop taking and goin and doin and thinkin any thing to do with betting. i cud have gone on holiday with that money. starting again from 2moz/ and i will get out of this betting routie and on to something else. soz everyone carl.

Posted : 14th June 2009 9:58 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Is there a GA meeting you could attend? You sound as though you want to stop. Try posting on your recovery diary more often. Give Gamcare a call.

I hope you can find the strength to help yourself. How is your little dog? Post soon Carl.....................thinking of you, Jas x

Posted : 15th June 2009 1:32 pm
Posts: 157
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hi jasime. thanks for the message. toby is fine and happy. I did do my goal of paying off my credit card by 1st of june. I have decided the only way to stop gambleing is to cut the internet off. which i have done and will happen in a couple of days. i have given my dad my bank card and he will be giving me £40 a week so fingers crossed it will work. losing big money on the internet so i will be better without it. If after a year i have not gambled i will put it back on. Today to take my mind off it i baked some cookies. nice and toby likes them too. thanks again for your support. xx carl.

Posted : 15th June 2009 5:07 pm
Posts: 157
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hi all. shame about michael jackson. so sad.

I have not gambled for nearly 2 weeks now. and i feel so good about that. i wont have anything to do with it lotto , T*****a , bookies internet. If i hear someone talking about it i just switch off or walk away and i feel better for it. i hope you all are trying your best to kick it and be postive and happy. I'm going on holiday next friday to tenerife with my sister cost £500. i blew that amount of money once on one spin of the wheel. Remember you can get a lot more out of that money, and i cant wait to go. Again RIP michael. Got loads of your music x

Posted : 26th June 2009 7:21 am
Posts: 157
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hi all. just a quick update. i have not had a bet on anything for over 5 weeks now. i dont even think about it anymore. if other people talk about it i just dont listen to them. lovin the new me. Toby, my dog is ok too just had his hair cut and looks the cutest thing lol. good luck to you all. I dont know how but im never gonna bet on anything again. and hope you all can just cut off like i did. x

Posted : 22nd July 2009 3:33 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Well done on your 5 weeks! I wondered where you had got to and i am so happy you have been strong enough to stay away from gambling. Send my love to Toby 🙂

Jas x

Posted : 24th July 2009 3:19 pm
Posts: 157
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Hi jas. thanks for remembering me. me and toby are still fine and he had his booster jab today. He is doing well and vet says he is in perfect condition.

As for gambling , well it is now 8 WEEKS. Yes i have not had a bet done the lotto or anything. I just walk past the bookies and have never felt so good. and the bank balance looks a lot better. One thing i have done to stop it is stop going out with my dad on sundays as we would always end up in the bookies i just walk round and see him with toby instead. Hope you are ok and all is well with you xxxxx

Posted : 7th August 2009 5:25 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl and Toby,

8 weeks! That is a fantastic achievement. Keep going Carl it will be worth it.

Jas x

Posted : 9th August 2009 8:39 am
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