Sick of this s * i t .

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Hey Carl,

Well done on not succumbing to the temptation when you went into the bookies, but personally I wouldn't go in there even if they were having a free buffet for anyone who wanted to come with no obligation.

I'm not sure if I envy you working in the van every least you get a breeze when you're driving, but those vans look like they get very hot. My office is boiling all the time too, my laundry has gone up so much since the hot weather kicked in!

Hope all's well with you and Toby,


Posted : 4th June 2010 12:29 am
Posts: 157
Topic starter

Hi all. well it happened again. I was going out to get some shopping in, down town and instead of just getting it and going home. I went straight into the bookies and didnt even get anything. I thought i will just win a little and i will go. I spent 2 hours chasing losses. Not one person all the 2 hrs i was in there won anything , so them saying it pays out 97% of the time what a load of s**t. And lost £230. All my wage. I don't know whats wrong with me. Already rang the bank and changed my daily withdrawal limit to £100. And just never got to go in the bookies ever again. Got loads of big bills next month so i can't be doing this no more.

I'm not going to count the days anymore. As just never doing it again. I know i have said it before, but i have put so many blocks in place now I cant do that much damage anymore. I bet i sound like a right sado but There is only me who can do this.

I'm in a luckyer position than a lot of people on here as. i paid of my house a few years ago and i have no debts and got money in the bank( which i cant touch).

But im sick of gambling my wage away every week and it has got to stop.

Well i guess we all fail at this a few times before we realise that it is stupid to do it.

Hope everyone is doing better that me


Posted : 5th June 2010 9:36 pm
Posts: 0

Lets hope you can refrain Carl,i know you have put some blocks in place,what about asking your family to handle your money for you?,it may really help you mate.


Posted : 5th June 2010 9:54 pm
Posts: 157
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Thanks for the reply seano.

I'm gonna give my dad my bank card on friday after i get £30 out. No point giving him it now as there no money in the bank.

I will get through it just need help for a while. thanks again.

Posted : 5th June 2010 10:11 pm
Posts: 1057

Carlsimon,your certainly no saddo...this can hit us at anytime mate but as seano says get someone else to control your money for a wee wishes we can do this 😉

Posted : 5th June 2010 10:23 pm
Posts: 157
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Morning all. im waking up on day 1 again. i only managed 9 days last time. But just gotta stay out of the bookies for good. Dropped my cash withdrawals to £100 a day so that will help me and got betfilter on pc. I just need the will power to not go in the bookies now. i know i wont go in all this week as no money. And gotta save up for tax and car insurance for next month so that will stop me too. I have a week off work in july and that will be the hardest time for me as i don't have many friends so i will be bored. but i will solider on. I wrote all the things why not to bet on the pc and printed it out and put it round the house to remind me not to bet again. i will read it often to get it in my head.

thanks for all the kind replys


Posted : 6th June 2010 8:06 am
Posts: 157
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just a little update date today. I went into town to get the things that i didnt get the other day. I only spent £10 and you know what i enjoyed that more than spending £1000 on the roulette fobt machines. No turning back now. I gotta get through this.


Posted : 6th June 2010 6:21 pm
Posts: 157
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Feeling low today, bored and well there aint nothing going on. Got a day off work with nothing to do. these are days when you feel like a bet as there nothing else to do. But i can't anyway as no money. well 2 day is boring.


Posted : 7th June 2010 9:37 am
Posts: 0

Morning Carl & Toby,

Good to see you have lowered your withdrawal limit to £100. Are you going to give your card to your Dad so that you aren't tempted? No cash = No gambling.

Keep going...Jas x

Posted : 7th June 2010 9:37 am
Posts: 0

Hi Carl

Thanks for your post earlier today. I've just read your thread. I guess its bloody hard for you....I can appreciate this. I don't know if you have read my entire thread but I think you need to come to terms with the fact you can never ever gamble again. I've had periods of giving up and then falling back into my old ways....but this was when I though I could go back to the £10 a weekend. I've accepted it this time and thats why I feel like I can give up.

Read the self help guide below. It helped me

Posted : 7th June 2010 4:16 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Carl,

I hope this gets to you still mentioned you can't gamble because you have to save for things next month, it's good to see someone with that sense. At my worst I gambled away the money that was to pay my rent, bills, food and petrol.

As Evan mentions, when I had periods of giving up then thinking I could just do small bets it would stay ok for a week or two, then it would spiral out of control again.

Hope you and Toby are doing well.


Posted : 7th June 2010 11:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Have just read through your diary and can see a lot of similarities to mine. With one difference.

Self-excluding. I'm not sure if you've done it yet but I URGE you to do it. It is not shameful and you must not worry about what other people think about it, especially those who work in the bookies taking all of your money to feed their greedy bosses. In my own experience, one bookies which made me 'broke' (here's a clue there as to which brand!) have seven (Yes, SEVEN) branches in my town. Since I self-excluded myself from them, I have had a few urges to feed them more money but was worried about being embarassed by being asked to leave. This alone must have saved me thousands of pounds in just a few months.

Please don't be ashamed with yourself - gambling really is a very little known drug that needs to be publicised far more often like smoking and drinking is. But you really do need to start making the right choices. You have made a few but there are lots more that you need to make.

All the very best and keep on posting - it certainly seems to help. And well done to your Dad for being so supportive!

Posted : 8th June 2010 4:38 am
Posts: 36

hello carl, as worried said before, these places are so used to people excluding, i remember a few posts last year where people were too embarressed to go in, however, they made the effort and could not believe how nice the staff were and how easy it is. just remember there are thousands who have had to go through this.

do it i promise it wont be as bad as you imagine.

Posted : 8th June 2010 9:31 am
Posts: 157
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Hi thanks for your posts. I surpose i have a bit of sense saving for upcoming bills and i will try and self exclude soon. i have done online as it is easier than in the bookie.

You know apart from my dog Toby i have nobody close in my life and it stucks i have tried to meet people but i always end up on my own. Just sick of this life. im only 35 and just bored of it all.

Any way today is day 3. im doing well when i finished work i just got in the car and went home. i did take my wallet so no gambling. The big day will be on Friday as payday. Hope you are all a bit more cheerful than me.


Posted : 8th June 2010 4:43 pm
Posts: 157
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Well today is my 5th day of no betting. Had loads on at work and i have not took my wallet to work all week so easy not to bet. Gonna get a bit of cash out 2moz as pay day and then give my card to dad for the week. Gonna watch a few world cup matches at the pub There on on sat after work south korea v greece at 12.30 so i will go to that. and the england one im watching at my mates. so busy day. Gotta pick my neice and nephew up from school at 3.30 so i wont be on here to long. Not really thought about betting and trying to win money. My new thing is trying to save money, like i used to when i was young. I remember my first hi-fi is was £70 it took me 2 months paper rounds to save up 4. I'm watching the pennies these days as they make pounds for thet something you want or just to save ( not gamble) for a rainny day.


Posted : 10th June 2010 2:52 pm
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