Thank you Stephen and Vulture. I relapsed again. But after 4 hours sleep and more losses I really do know this time that if can't happen again. I know you both will have done brilliantly. Keep going and I will rejoin you. I may not come on here so much as I want to really avoid any gambling thoughts right now. Wishing you both all the best. Xxx
Hi Annie, relapses happen lovely so please don't be hard on yourself, it takes practice and you aren't a failure if you relapse, it just shows we're human and we can make wrong decisions. You will be all the stronger for the relapse trust me and come back much stronger. Come back when you are ready to, appreciate that sometimes visiting your diary does give you instant throughts to gamble.
Stay Strong!
So sorry Annie, my heart goes out to you as I can imagine the pain you must be feeling.
Most of the time we are totally committed to our recovery and understand that we must not gamble. However on occasions we have strong urges to gamble and look at the gambling with longing and affection.
We must on a daily basis recognise that gambling is not the way forward. However bad the day might seem, we can get through it, some days we might feel better than others. In time we might even find we don't want to gamble at all as we will have realised the absurdity of compulsive gambling.
It is imperative that we put in place all the possible barriers to prevent us gambling. We also need to educate ourselves, find alternatives to gambling, boost our self esteem and keep our body and minds both active and healthy.
Don't ever lose hope Annie. We are your friends who will always be here, helping each other forward. We share our journeys, give advice and encouragement but we never judge or condemn each other.
Wishing you peace, contentment and the strength to keep on fighting this insidious addiction.
Take care...stephen x
Thank you Wilsy and Stephen so much. Your posts were so comforting and brought a tear to my eye. Day 1 nearly done. Early to bed tonight. Hope everyone has had a peaceful Monday. Thank you again for lifting me up when I feel low. Xx
Welcome back ! I wouldn’t know how I would deal with a relapse I don’t think I would be brave enough to come back . What you have done takes courage , well done !
Thank you Vulture.
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