spose this is day one

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first day after pay day, why cant i think like i amnow all the time. i dont need cash everyday i dont need cash to gamble to win more cash just to gamble !!

what a circle i can not spend money cus i do at the end of every month anyway so i can do it at the start.

oh well another day down no gambling for me.

and cus its a month and cos shes helped no end me and a special lady are out for a meal later cant wait. if by not gambling i get to do this theni dont need anymore insentives to stop do i.

Posted : 27th March 2009 1:33 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Dan,

Congratulations on reaching the one month mark. I feel sad that I could be here with you if I didn't have that slip one week in. Oh well can't cry over spilled milk, onwards and upwards my friend!

I hope you have a lovely dinner tonight and enjoy the weekend.



Posted : 27th March 2009 2:47 pm
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so lastnight went very well indeed non gambling gets me theses things again things i took for granted. we chatted bout my problem i hope she understands more now.fel bibt strange at the mo she(dnt like calling her she but dont wanna use her name") shes gone to the dogs with work,just spoke to her bout hows it going .one a race just as i rang we spoke bout the races and what trap won and stuff. made me feel weird not sure if i miss it or if it was her getting the winning buzzz and me not getting it. who nos. but im still a non gambler

Posted : 28th March 2009 9:50 pm
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another meeting lastnight starting to look foward to them every week, as long as i take one thing from the meetings its worth it. little goals and taking things one day at a time, and the support of somebody u truly trust and care about is doing me just fine.going away at easter cant wait be good to have the break with nice company these are the things i can have from non gambling.

last bet 26th feb

Posted : 31st March 2009 8:09 am
Posts: 0

Hi Dan

Keep up the good work. Recovery is easy if you work at it. Complacency used to get me in the past but today I am aware of that and on guard.

Take care

Steve E

Posted : 31st March 2009 8:13 am
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anothr day non gambling had a good day today one at a time.

Posted : 1st April 2009 9:19 pm
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5 days till a weekend off and i well deserved one still no gambles so its going ok work tomorrow yay!

Posted : 3rd April 2009 8:05 pm
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no gambles again today. grand national was bit of a pain ad messages bout it from my mates so changed my number nomore txts bout horses. another day closer to what i want

Posted : 5th April 2009 9:00 pm
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Just read all the new people on here which left me feeling abit low then read your diary from start to finish, felt miles better after , you are an inspiration to anyone trying to give this terrible addiction up . Brilliant stuff. I know you lost someone special through this, but let them read your diary , they would be proud of you.

Posted : 5th April 2009 11:59 pm
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so im off this weekend to get away and biuld some bridges i cant wait. this is something i deserve i think, it cant help to have little goals ive had a emotional 40 days off the gambling.

didnt think it would help so much but g.a is a big help in making me realise what i couldve become things coulda got worse for me.

having the support of someone special is a massive boost,she wont let me get carried away!

buts its nice to hear im doing the right things like the comment from mancity.

long road to go it aint gunna be easy but my barriers are up hopefully my sleep will come back to normal and it will help me out.

one day

Posted : 7th April 2009 9:18 am
Posts: 0

Hi Dan

It's not a long road to go. You are already there. Just maintain your recovery and you'll get stronger.

This is it!

Take care

Steve E

Posted : 7th April 2009 5:17 pm
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day of sorting out for my deserved break no time to even think about horses.

my boss spoke to me yesterday bout how his weekend went with his bets .

thursday he was up by a few hundred. but fri sat and sun he lost the lot.

made me glad that it wasnt me wernt even jealoyus hed won money cos i knew his next words were ...but... i lost the lot. dont reall think so much bout the horses unless somebody mentions it.suppose my barriers are working. got a long weekend to find out what i can be without gambling in my life who i can be. and what benefits there are waiting for me at the end cos there are lots of benfits for us all,this will be good.

26th feb seems a long time ago wen i think back but the pain is still fresh theres still lots for me to erase but i will always remember the pain as its a harsh reminder of what its like to loose ur money. gotta survive this week without g.a but i have something better this weekend to keep me going i cant wait.

Posted : 8th April 2009 9:15 am
Posts: 0

Hi Dan

Glad you are still working your recovery. You are helping me in mine. Thank you. One day at a time. It's the best advise anyone can give to someone who wants to stop gambling.

And we are doing it.

"The pain is still fresh..." is good...we must never forget that pain...every time we have gambling thoughts/urges...remember the pain and think the thoughts through to the end...to where they can lead if we give in....no harm in having them thoughts....just don't act on them...

I am glad you are here Dan.

God Bless


Posted : 8th April 2009 1:51 pm
Posts: 0

Hi dan u really are making improvement when u hear other peoples gambling stories and not feel pangs of jealousy...even if he did lose... i probably would have been thinking ..if i had a go i wouldn't have lost...that's just how my messed up gamble brain work..

You're really making strong stride fowards i'm really gald you're putting in the hard yards to show that u really mean this and gain the trust back...and i think if u keep it up...slowly slowly it will come back. hang in there dan there's still hope for you yet;)

have a great weekend


Posted : 8th April 2009 3:34 pm
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what a weekend made me trulty realise what i can have without gambling i had money to do with what i wanted.

i went out we had food out we went out and got drunk i bought myself clothes i bought my special freind clothes i was able to have money to do things.

i didnt really think bout gambling at all my mate bought a paper i look thru the sport bit but quickly put iot down wen i saw the racing section.it was good to get away i needed the break away i needed us to get on with eachother now i have even more reason to do this cus i want what this weekend brought me wich was happiness.

we talked she understands more bout this illness. i saw the person i was outside of gambling very relaxed and very open to do things not feeling cr** for spending money on things that wernt gambling. crossing a road away from bookies not to them.i feel refreshed to start this again


Posted : 14th April 2009 10:32 am
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