Steady as she goes!

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Hi all,

Feeling a little odd tonight. I am feeling really tired, like I having really felt before. I know I have been hammering the work and I guess it's just caught up with me.

Got in at about 6 from work (London all day) and thought i'd sit down a while, then get back to work, but I haven't had the energy to move since. Guess a bit of sleep would help a bit, so will try and get to bed a bit earlier.

31 days done.


Posted : 20th May 2009 11:06 pm
Posts: 0

Some sleep will def help Weldy - you have some amount going on in your life between work and the bands.

You have prob had a long run on adreneline this month from not gambling but that was bound to dip a little at some point. Just stay in that calm state and take care of yourself too.

Hope you can relax and sleep well

Eyes X

Posted : 20th May 2009 11:56 pm
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Thanks LE,

Feeling a little brighter this morning, not so tired and getting on with work. I have tomorrow off (wow! I hear you all say) that's a first, as I'm playing Golf with a friend and really looking forward to it. Will be pleased to report to him my gamble free progress.

Unfortunately have to go to London again today, more site visits and I'd rather be working from home.

Hope we all have a gamble free day.


Posted : 21st May 2009 10:06 am
Posts: 0

Hey Weldy,

Just caught up on your diary, you are doing great, you really are. Well done.

Your diary is so honest and for that I thank you.

Jas x

PS Not at the Chelsea flower show this year.

Posted : 21st May 2009 8:26 pm
Posts: 0

Aw Kev - you have really given me something to think about by telling me to read back what I said in the early days of your diary.

What a smart suggestion and I thank you for it.

Reading myself talking you out of going to newmarket and the things I said about how I had tried being in the sport before and could not do it without gambling has hit home big time.

I may well have been hasty in wanting to return and I am now swaying the other way. Had a few awful days and naturally I wanted familiarity to make me feel better. I am over those bad days now though and beginning to think I should persevere with my 'new life' a bit longer.

I can thank you enough Weldy for your input on this - I almost jumped into what could have been a big mistake.

Hope you enjoy your day off - do you remember what to do on those days? 😛

Eyes X

Posted : 21st May 2009 9:47 pm
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Enjoyed my golf and day off. Going to the pub with my g/f now, for some more relaxation!

No urges, or gambling thoughts today, a good day all round!


Posted : 22nd May 2009 8:25 pm
Posts: 0


Your last post makes for wonderful reading. I sense the calm. You are doing great and you are a great help to me and many on here.

Jas x

Posted : 22nd May 2009 11:25 pm
Posts: 0

Howdy Mr Weld

Thank you for my messages- means a lot to have your continued support.

Sounds like you're taking advantage of the weekend- are you working the bank holiday again? I do feel for you sometimes- I don't know how I'd cope being as busy as you.

Wishing you another gamble free weekend 🙂


Posted : 23rd May 2009 7:50 pm
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Hi all, thanks for the messages.

Just checking in briefly, as I'm off out again with some friends and the g/f for a few jars!

Had a relaxing day today, only did about 4 hours work. And no thoughts or urges to gamble.

Yes Milky, I am working Monday, but that's only because I can get a lot done without interuptions from phone calls etc. ;o) (That's my excuse anyway!)

That's one of the problems with working for yourself, from home - there's very little distinction between work and play - which was one of the main reasons why I was free to gamble before so easily.

Still, that was then, and this is now - 34 days later, and things have improved already.

Cheers to all, I'll catch up again in the wee hours or tomorrow.


Posted : 23rd May 2009 8:10 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Weldy,

I think Jas summed it up , I sense the calm in your posts. Once you find your serenity in a no gambling life, you are on your way to getting this s**t conquered. Proud of you mate.

Posted : 23rd May 2009 8:48 pm
Posts: 0

I fancy a beer so I shall toast your 34 days- what an achievement!! Can't wait til I can say the same. Have a good one x

Posted : 23rd May 2009 8:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Weldy

34 days - how good is that! Im kinda amazed at the wee group of us who started roughly the same week(you, me, jas etc) and have really stuck in and helped each other through. Since we joined there have been so many people started diaries and just disappeared days later and that seems common. We all have a lot to be proud of but I think we are lucky we found each other on here too.

Enjoy the pub

Eyes X

Posted : 23rd May 2009 9:59 pm
Posts: 0

34 days.....I like's a random amount of time. I love randomness (is that a word?)

Let's celebrate together. We are all friends who meet up on here. We are all honest and I trust we all have the same goal?

You are doing just fine Weldy, it's great to really is!

Jas x

Posted : 23rd May 2009 10:50 pm
Posts: 0

no im on 39 days


Posted : 24th May 2009 7:36 am
Posts: 0
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Hi all,

Bank Holiday monday and I have been chilling out and not really doing much since Saturday.

Have to admit I am feeling a little bored, and can't really motivate myself to do much, including to work today which is what I had intended.

Been watching the Lion Man for the last few hours. It's a well cool programme and the dude seems to love his work so much and has a real vocation in life.

However, that said, no gambling urges and quite settled in myself.

Have a good day all.


Posted : 25th May 2009 2:28 pm
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