Steady as she goes!

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Hi All - Insomniac here again!

I spent all day and most of the night trying to finish a really important bit of work, and by hook or by crook I have done it!

Had to get 6 tenders out for a project I have been appointed on in London by Monday to be there for Tuesday. Finished at 2.00 am and then did the craziest but really inspiring thing! Drove to London and delivered them all by hand, from Peckham to Hammersmith, 120 mile round trip with absolutely no traffic!!! Back here in Bucks by 5.30 am!!! If I had done that in the day, it would have taken me at least 7 hours!!!

No traffic at all (except the traffic lights!)

London is amazing at that time of the morning.

I went past;

Hampstead Heath (no I didn't stop!)

Picadilly Circus (Don't like bright light!)

Trafalgar Sq (shaped like a...)

Downing Street (Policemen with guns!)

Big Ben & Parliament (More policemen with bigger guns!)

The Oval (not sure if they play in the dark!)

The Chelsea Flower Show (That ones for Jas)

even Peckham High Street!!! (Rodney!)

A real trip to London!

Out of the six offices (couple looked more like houses) four had letterboxes and two didn't. (They could have waited behind at work for me!) So I have to come up with a couple of good ideas on where to leave it safe so they will still see it! (and then prayed it didn't rain before the morning!)

Well, I'm going to try and get some sleep, got more work to do by tomorrow & then rehearsal, so won't be back home til 12.30 am.

Thanks guys & gals for all your posts, great to read. Jas, u going to the flower show? and LE, no she hasn't run yet. Keep going both & ADE and City and welcome new folk!

Got the verbals I think........ Nite.


Posted : 12th May 2009 6:17 am
Posts: 145

Mornin Kev

Glad to hear that all is well. Just read your last post. London is a fabulous place at night from 1984 I lived in London for about 5 years before moving out to Berkshire "Maidenhead to be precise" But whilst in London I don't think I ever had the journey you decribed I was just happy if I managed to get home with my sanity in tact the Embankment along with the A4 at Hammersmith were 2 of my real bug bares anyway I do miss it Not something that I need to worry about any longer as I now reside far in the distant North. We went to London earlier in the year at stayed near Chesham in Bucks which was enjoyable and drove around Maidenhead on the way back from Legoland its changed so much.

Anyway enough of all that glad to hear that other things are beginning to get back to the front of your mind "Music" and such. You are doing really well and making superb progress Keep it up

Posted : 12th May 2009 7:52 am
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Bit sleepy today, not got much work done and now have to leave for rehearsal for band 2. 114 mile round trip aswell, half of it on the M25!!! Yuk!!!

23 days completed for me and in the immortal words of Mr James Brown..... I Feel Good!!!


Posted : 12th May 2009 7:07 pm
Posts: 0

You are doing so well....I love your early morning posts. Looking forward to the next one.

Jas x

Posted : 12th May 2009 7:34 pm
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Not much to report really, and in the words of Lennon/McCartney "still working like a dog!"

Going to get me hair chopped for the gig saturday, its just getting way too long and I look like I should be in ACDC or Aerosmith, and since my band don't do heavy metal, I need to get with it a bit.

But at least I have made time for getting it cut for a change and I actually would prefer to spend the money on me rather than giving it to someone else for nothing!!

25 days today.


Posted : 14th May 2009 6:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Weld can always get my dog clippers out!! heheh

Good luck with gig and drive carefully. take care Min x

Posted : 14th May 2009 9:51 pm
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Day 26 and I can hardly believe that it's getting near a whole month. Things have really settled down over the last few weeks and although work has been really hectic, I have been thriving on it and I suppose using it to distract me from my problems.

I haven't been having any urges to gamble, though I have the occasional thought about it, usually when money is in the picture and the old thoughts of "if I could win X with this then I would be able to pay Y and still have Z in my bank.

But have been down that route so many times in the past and know that I'd usually end up without X,Y or Z! (and probably my shirt aswell)

Have a big gig tomorrow, so I am looking forward to being able to prepare properly, without being distracted by the racing and then ending up rushing around to get there only a little bit late!

That's one interesting thing that I haven't quite mastered yet. I have earned myself a bit of a reputation for always being late, so my friends and aquaintances are all really used to the fact that I will get anywhere late. But even though I am not gambling, and it isn't making me late anymore, I still find myself pushed for time and I'm still late nearly everywhere I go! My standard stock answer is always, well I may be a bit late but I'll always be somewhere I am supposed to be if I say I will be.

This is something I must work on and I think it's a remnant of the old me, caused by the gambling.

Well the day is nearly complete, so I will look forward to tomorrow, and go and check the weather forecast, as it is an outside gig on a stage (thankfully with a roof!)


Posted : 15th May 2009 10:38 pm
Posts: 0

Nearly a month Weldy , now there's a milestone coming up. Well done.

BTW Loved the bit about ending up without X,Y or Z. It had me bursting out laughing, but thinking about it , it is sad. The things we used to do eh!!!!

Posted : 16th May 2009 8:21 am
Posts: 0

Hi Weldy,

Enjoy your gig, you are doing really well.

I think being late is akin to living life on the edge.........I'm always late. I'm sure I will be late for my own funeral lol. I've tried being on time but I'm either too early or too late....just can't find the balance!

Keep going.

Jas x

Posted : 16th May 2009 10:53 am
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Thanks Jas and City for your replies.

The weather appears a bit blustery, so I'm hoping the stage in Rickmansworth won't get blown away!!! But it's forecast to get better as the day goes on, not that you can trust those weather forecasters!!!

I seem to have woken up with another d**n cold or something and I am a little bunged up! Just what I didn't want, but hopefully it won't affect my performance.

I am off out in a while to buy some clothes for the gig, and some beachballs!!! (to kick out into the crowd for them to have fun with!)

Then off to a charity thing before heading down to the gig later. Hope you all have a great weekend without gambling (ODAAT).


Posted : 16th May 2009 11:01 am
Posts: 0

hey mate just read a few of your posts and your doin great. keep up the good work and hope that the gig goes/went well


Posted : 16th May 2009 11:22 am
Posts: 0

hi Weld

With reply to your post, to keep the boredom at bay now that gambling does not exist, I have an allotment, which does help, use the gym daily, and like a beer with the boys at weekends.

Today will be another test, man utd early kickoff, then racing on in the club we use, but the guys i drink with no the score now with the abstaining from gambling, so god prevailing should go alright..


Posted : 16th May 2009 11:37 am
Posts: 0

Hi Weld, if its like the weather then your gig will go down like a storm!! full of force and making an impact. Will still be waiting for you online so can download your music one day.

But have been down that route so many times in the past and know that I'd usually end up without X,Y or Z! (and probably my shirt aswell)Just want to say that I had same thoughts today and came up with same conclusion. Felt quite angry actually. Not at wanting to recoup my losses but angry I had spent that money and so angry I didnt want to again!!! Was driving along and got quite agitated about it in fact. The anger has had a good effect on me, as made me more determined.

Have a brill weekend and good luck with everything. Min x

Posted : 16th May 2009 4:48 pm
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Well what a fiasco! I'm rightly P***ed off!

We set up the stage late because the previous band were t*ssing about and we're just about to start our set ans the whole power failed on the site! And guess what? No back up generator! P*** poor organisation, and we didn't even get to play a note!

If I was still gambling, I would be hitting it hard tomorrow after that - all the time and preparation we put into it and they messed up! Was right embaressing.

Thankfully, I am not gambling, so will not do that. 4 weeks tomorrow so I'll remain calm, and forget it, after all there was nothing we could do about it.


Posted : 17th May 2009 12:24 am
Posts: 0

Hi Weld and so sorry to hear about your disasterous evening. But even though life threw a spanner in the works, you didnt run back to the gambling. Good on you. And raising a glass of champers to your 4 week anniversary. Take care Min x

Posted : 17th May 2009 3:52 pm
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