[Closed] Stephen Stopped Gambling Saturday 22nd February 2020

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Hi Stephen hope you are ok very windy here today but managed to go for a walk just had call from doc so going to try some more anti seizure drugs I hope catch you later if u can if not I will be dress up to celebrate on the weekend for a very special lady all the best your friend  scotty ❤️??

Posted : 5th June 2020 1:28 pm
Posts: 561

Thankyou Stephen , 

it really means a lot , you really are a kind man . 
all my love ?

Posted : 5th June 2020 8:24 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Many thanks for posting on my diary Scotty & Zoe. Your warmth and kindness are very much appreciated.

The wonderful support I have received has been my rock over the last few months and I will forever be grateful to Scotty, Zoe, Lively and all our other gamcare friends.


Scotty I hope your seizures diminish and you soon start to feel better.

Lively you push yourself very hard and are now suffering with a few aches and pains. Please try to take a rest over the weekend and be kind to yourself. I will certainly be celebrating your 100 days GF tomorrow.

Zoe I am praying that your son is soon feeling better and that you can try and relax and take good care of yourself. It is good to share how you are feeling with your loved ones and give each other support.


Love and best wishes

Stephen x x x 

Posted : 5th June 2020 9:05 pm
Posts: 372

Stephen sorry you got a yellow card  and thanks for the picnic it was a lovely night  I think are friend enjoy it wine cake juice  And laughs lead by are very own  James dean aka Stephen hope you have a lovely evening and hope to catch up with you soon thanks for a your wise words your friend scotty ??

Posted : 6th June 2020 8:51 pm
Posts: 3947
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Haha Scotty it was indeed great party ? ? ? ? ?. It made me very happy to join in the 100 Day GF celebrations of our delightful friend.

Hope you are feeling ok today and manage to get out with the dogs for a while.


Hello Diary.

A very nice day here in Hull. Overcast with showers and blowing a gale but I am over 100 days into recovery so nothing will dampen my spirits. I think the rain has stopped anyway so will walk to the waterfront in a little while.

Was discussing with friends earlier about how to make a walk more rewarding / interesting. It can be a straightforward and pleasant habit for dog owners but others like myself, may sometimes need a little more incentive to get us motivated and in the mood.

A great suggestion by our learned friend Lively was to have a project such as photography or collecting odds and ends to paint or use as decorations. 

It has certainly got me thinking and the list is endless really:

1/ Sketching & drawing

2/ Observing, collecting or reading up on things one might come across such as flora and fauna, wildlife, clouds or even stars in the sky.

3/ Writing rhymes, poems or little stories about what we see or experience on our walk.


After careful consideration I have opted for writing a short rhyme or story and might occasionally post one in my diary ???.

A big thank you Lively for your wonderful suggestion.


Wishing everyone a super duper Sunday.

Love and best wishes from Stephen x 


Posted : 7th June 2020 2:45 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6168

Dear Stephen,

Its great to hear that you are walking and finding other interests that are acting as a positive distraction from gambling.   'Writing a short rhyme or story' is a good choice of hobby/interest and i'm glad you decided this may be what you choose to do daily. Any other interests and hobbies in general will help as part of on-going recovery, so well done and hope you keep this going.

All the best

Forum Admin

Posted : 7th June 2020 8:16 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thank you for your kind encouraging words Admin. 

Will soon be taking a stroll to the riverside with my eyes focussed on clouds in the sky. They look amazing from my balcony with lots of different shapes and colours so I should be able to think of a little rhyme or something when I return home.

A great idea by Lively to have little projects when one ventures out for a walk.


Wishing everyone a super duper day.

Love and best wishes from Stephen x 

Posted : 8th June 2020 3:09 pm
Posts: 3947
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The sky is so beautiful I can't believe I never noticed it before ? 

Inspiring hints of magic, hope and wonder giving me a sense of belonging 

Reminders of lifes impermanence as the heavens transform  in the blink of an eye

Certainly it has given me a fresh set of eyes

Eyes which want to look up and rejoice in all the splendour of the universe


No longer do I need those tear - filled anguished eyes which stared down at pavements or fixated on betting shop screens.

Them eyes have gone to be recycled ???


Love and best wishes to everyone in the diaries

From Gamble-Free Cloud-Loving Stephen x x x 

This post was modified 5 years ago by Aum
Posted : 9th June 2020 3:49 pm
Posts: 372

Hi Stephen pop in to see if your ok and read your Diary what Beautiful words you write I wish I could find the words to write like you it brings a tear to my eye i hope to catch you in chat in the next few days your good friend scotty ??

Posted : 9th June 2020 4:04 pm
Posts: 3947
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Thank you for posting kind words on my diary Scotty.

Them gamble free days are slowly mounting up and my financial situation is getting better every day.

Years ago I used to chuckle at "Loadsamoney," a comical character created by Harry Enfield ?? so thought I would borrow the name.


Love and best wishes to all on the diaries

From Loadsamoney x x x 

Posted : 10th June 2020 4:56 pm
Posts: 403

Hi Stephen 

Just wanted to pop by quickly before drifting off to the land of nod. Like the new name btw!

I read your poem and it was lovely - please do share future poems from your walks. I hope you’ve had a good day and I believe today is 110 - so so proud of you! Keep up the good work and positive attitude. ?

Missed you and scotty in chat so I do hope you will pop in soon to liven up the place, although you’d better refrain talking about anything bird related ??. That still make me giggle. 

Hope you have sweet dreams and hope to catch up soon. Have a good Thursday. 

Your friend, 

Lively ?

Posted : 11th June 2020 1:21 am
Posts: 3947
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Many thanks for posting on my diary Lively. 

Overcast and raining but not to worry ? plenty of things to be getting on with and I will have a walk later.

If anyone has any gambling queries or would like a chat, than Matt will be in the chatroom between 10 & 11 this morning.

It is the last of his Peeraid sessions so would be nice for friends to come along and say goodbye.


Wishing everyone a super duper Friday.

Love and best wishes

Stephen  x x x 

Posted : 12th June 2020 8:23 am
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Very disappointed today upon learning that the betting shops will reopen on Monday.

I suppose it was going to happen at some point though and I am nearly 4 months gamble free so it should not be a problem.

It has certainly brought back sad memories of my foolishness in the past.


Best wishes to all on the diaries.




Posted : 12th June 2020 10:00 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

That last post of mine looks a bit pathetic.

So what if the betting shops are reopening on Monday. It really should not make the slightest difference to me.

I have learnt a great deal during my time with Gamcare and will continue to be supported by admin friends along with friends in the diaries and in the chatroom.


I am gamble free for nearly 4 months and will continue to be gamble free.

Love and best wishes to all on the diaries.

Stephen x x x 

Posted : 12th June 2020 10:09 pm
Posts: 403

Hi Stephen 

Just thought I’d pop by before passing out in bed as I’ve only just stopped working but try to make a conscious effort to come here and make you aware that I’m still here in your corner, fighting this battle with you all the way. 

Yes, the bookies are opening again on Monday but you are now 4 months gf and if you can go this long, you can go can continue on this path and keep notching up those months. I remember back last year when we were both going round in circles having short periods of abstinence and then relapsing. I truly believe this time is both our times to quash it once and for all. I remember the Stephen who would be distraught and me coming on in despair. That wasn’t a good place for either of us so why would we want to go back there?

You have really blossomed in the last few months, so much happier and spreading positivity around. Keep coming back each day to report to your diary and chat if you get any urges. You now have a bit of money to do things you enjoy, more treats and less porridge - simple things but things that bring happiness! You have your walks by the river where you now admire all the natural beauty surrounding you because you have a clear mind, free of stress and turmoil and not worrying about paying bills.

I hope you will always be 5 days ahead of me so we can share our wonderful progress together. Stay strong and remember I am always here, maybe not in body but in mind and spirit. 

Wishing you sweet dreams and a wonderful carefree Saturday!

Your friend, 

Lively ?


Posted : 13th June 2020 1:25 am
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