[Closed] Stephen Stopped Gambling Saturday 22nd February 2020

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Hello Stephen. Don't connect as much know in words and presence on chat but still thinking of you tooplease if you speak with others on or off site cascade my best wishes and love.

I do pop into chat few times a week. 

I suppose certain shops open next week. Thst said I go into town so seldom now, the high Street once interesting has become sadly in my little town very sparse with shops of any appeal. Some derelict even. 

I shall gave an afternoon. Walk later. I feel its important to manage my mind and spirit.

I hope I meet in chat over next few days. You have been a big part of my gf journey and kindness is something I never forget. 

All for now. 

Come back Mr. Sunshine 



Posted : 13th June 2020 7:45 am
Posts: 561

Hello dear friend, 

Thankyou for post on my diary , 

Just a quick one to say you’ve got this , it’s been a long four months with determination strength and courage, betting shops are open Monday and that puts the temptation back their,  in the last few months you have come so far and changed so much , how nice is it to have no stress about were bill money’s coming from or your next meal , I for one no this time last year I could never afford extra treats (cheese cake ?) Life as we no is so much better with out that ... we are all here to support you on your wobble days I no I’m not around much still got quite abit going on at the minute without the stress of gambling makes it all at lot easier to handle , I will be back to check up on you and once things are back to some kind of normality I will be back on chat to give more support ,
all my love your forever friend ?

Posted : 13th June 2020 1:50 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Many thanks Lively, Boo, Ford and Zoe (Vinnie). Your posts on my diary have really cheered me up on a day when I was feeling sad. 

Very disappointed to learn the betting shops are opening Monday but have also been upset reading about the social upheaval in many of our cities.

I live alone and there is nobody I would have wanted to share my feelings with so it has meant a great deal to have received support, humour and kindness from my gamcare friends.


God bless you all.

Love and best wishes 

Stephen x x x x 

Posted : 13th June 2020 10:19 pm
Posts: 1492

Hello Stephen.. Life had a way of sorting itself out. 

Lots of anger out there at the moment. Don't let it dull your lovely sparkle my very own Mr. Oscar wilde 

?? Boo

Ps. I was very naughty today. We had a post run picnic. It involved a huge slice of raspberry and cream sponge cake... Oh but it was delicious. 


Posted : 14th June 2020 1:19 pm
Posts: 372

Hi Stephen hope you are well I not been in chat for few days wife’s dad has broken hip so wife has been looking after her mum so been very difficult and the washing machine has decided to pack up now if it had happen before I would of gambled  to win the money and escape Stress but now we can go and get one or get if fixed a new one is on the cards as it is ten years old well just going to eat roast chicken for lunch today followed by Sticky toffee pudding homemade I hope to pop in chat tonight but I know wife is calling me at some point Tonight take care and I know you got this but I am here if you need anything thanks your good friend. Scotty ??

Posted : 14th June 2020 1:47 pm
Posts: 3947
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Thank you for those wonderfully inspiring and thought provoking posts.

I have a delightful picture of you galloping around the countryside with your hands full of cake Boo ??‍♀️?.

Sad to read that your father in law has broken his hip Scotty. The body does not heal so quickly as one advances in years but hope he has a speedy recovery.

Ten years is a good age for a washing machine so I suggest you get a new one. Tell em Loadsamoney sent you and you might get a discount ??.

No doubt the sticky toffee pudding you had for lunch was delicious ?. I have said a prayer for the poor unfortunate chicken that was eaten. On the bright side it may be reborn and enjoy a better life as a celebrity, royalty or maybe a chatmod. 


Love and best wishes to everyone on the diaries.

Loads x x x 

This post was modified 5 years ago by Aum
Posted : 14th June 2020 9:49 pm
Posts: 403

Hi Stephen 

Just thought I’d stop by while having a smoking break from work and check how your day went?

Did you have a nice walk this afternoon? Didn’t get to evening chat as by the time I looked at the time it had already gone 9. I hope you had a good day as I have been thinking of you. I’ll be back to check in with you tomorrow (today). 

Sweet dreams,

your friend 

Lively ?

Posted : 16th June 2020 12:43 am
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thank you Lively for visiting my diary. Hope you have had a lovely day.

I have been out most of the afternoon around town and the riverside. A lot of people were gathered near the pier, having fun, relaxing and enjoying the tranquil surroundings.

Chatroom opens soon so I will log in for a while but maybe just spectate as I am feeling a trifle weary.


Wishing everyone a wonderful evening followed by a peaceful nights sleep.

Stephen x x x 


Posted : 16th June 2020 6:59 pm
Posts: 372

Hi Stephen just pop in sorry I left chat wife mum was on zoom which for a 81 year old who can’t see was very funny as wife was try to tell her how connect so I will be on chat tomorrow I hope you enjoyed your walk and missed the rain until tomorrow take care and sleep well  
  Scotty ?? 

Posted : 16th June 2020 8:45 pm
Posts: 403

Hi Stephen 

Glad to hear you have had a good day enjoying the weather and fresh air. Haven’t had time to pop in chat today as the deadline is ever so quickly approaching to have this work finished but the positive news is only a day or two and it will all be complete and I will have some time off to hopefully take up some of your healthy advice of going for some exercise and getting out in the countryside. 

I hope you’re  feeling okay and remember there are lots of people here for support at anytime you need it.

I will make sure I pop into chat tomorrow evening to hopefully wish our good friend Scotty a big congratulations on joining the 100 ? day club. 

Sweet dreams, 

Your friend

Lively ?

Posted : 16th June 2020 11:49 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thank you Lively. It will be lovely to join you tomorrow evening in the chatroom and congratulate Scotty on his arrival at the Century Club.

I am extremely pleased that you are on top of your work commitments and will soon be able to enjoy a well deserved rest. 

Yesterday was good and I was out and about most of the day but was in a sombre mood because my dear mum would have been celebrating her 90th birthday had she not passed away 22 years ago. I could feel her presence but it was probably just my imagination. However, I still had a little chat with her and also her parents and brothers who have all passed into spirit. I also felt guilty because she used to worry about me.


Take care dear friend and sincere thanks for your wonderful support.

Love and best wishes from Stephen x 

Posted : 17th June 2020 12:20 am
Posts: 372

Steven thank for your kind words I will be on chat to night hope you can join me 

scotty ??

Posted : 17th June 2020 1:15 pm
Posts: 403

Hi Stephen 

Just wanted to see how you are today? Did you have a good day? I popped in chat briefly this evening but didn’t stay long as wanted to have dinner at a decent time. 

I hope you’re well and the heavy rain didn’t dampen your spirits. Hope to catch you in chat tomorrow. 

Sweet dreams, 

Lively ?

Posted : 18th June 2020 9:42 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thank you Lively for popping in my diary.

Hope you gave had a good day and enjoyed your succulent evening meal ???.

This morning I had a telephone appointment with a physio regarding my shoulder which has been hurting for 3 or 4 weeks. He has set me up with daily exercises to do which are on a YouTube app. I was pleased because he assured me that it would get better.

The rain stopped towards the end of the afternoon so I ventured off for a walk. Don't know if I have mentioned it before but I am quite fond if a stroll by the waterfront ??. The ducks in the marina said quack quack Lively.

Very pleased to report that I have had no urges to gamble and I was a bit apprehensive when the betting shops reopened. There are better ways of spending my time and money than sat in front of  money grabbing  gambling machines.


Take care dear friend

Nite nite & sweet dreams 

Stephen x ?



Posted : 18th June 2020 10:38 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Hello friends.

If anyone reads this and has got a few spare minutes, it would be nice if you could join me and Chatmod Stephen in the 10 to 11 chatroom.


Stephen x 

Posted : 19th June 2020 9:13 am
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