What ever pops your cork shorty, Get those Laboutins why not its something to aim for when your debt free.
Day 12 wow how quick has that gone, i remember your post 12 days ago and how down you were and the change already is visible.
So terribly sad to hear about sabine, such an inspirational diary, i aspire to reach 5 months, 15 months, 5 years One day at a time.
Well done shorty, keep at it.
Blondie xx
HI Shorty,
Just popping by to see how things are with you. Hope all is well.
blondie x
Hi day 16 going strong. Not got much Internet access at mo will update further next week 🙂 xx
You're not serious about buying £500 shoes when you reach your destination of becoming debt free are you?! Yes, I will certainly be treating myself when I reach my debt free life but I value money so much now that I doubt that I will give in to unnecessary luxuries.
But we have different needs and wants, don't we?!
Glad to hear that you are still going strong on day 16, keep it up!
Enjoy your weekend.
Day 19.....NT, I'm not saying that I will be buying £500 shoes every month but as a random treat I will definitely be treating myself! I do value money but I also think you only live once and you could be dead tomorrow so why not have a nice treat every now and again 🙂 plus the fact that in the past I have lost £500 on the spin of a wheel and thought 'it's only £500 I can recover from this!!'
STILL going strong. No thoughts no urges, I actually feel different in myself as well. I no longer think of myself as that awful person anymore, I want to be a better person, I don't want to waste time and money and I will not fall off the wagon again.
Not only has it been 19 days gamble free but it is also 19 days without my financial spreadsheet that I used to waste HOURS over. I think this has helped with the change in me.
Another thing that I have done differently this time round is that I no longer play the lottery. I used to think that it was ok for me to buy a scratchcard or play the lottery as that isn't my weakness but I have knocked it all on the head. I don't want gambling to have any part in my life anymore, even if its just £1!
Busy day today, don't know where to start if I'm honest - will be glad when its hometime 🙂 xxx
Day 20....
I have realised why people turn to gambling....cos life is just one constant BILL. I swear there is not one month that goes past where there isn't a least 1 unexpected bill that need paying. Honestly feel like I am fighting a losing battle today.
But I will not give in. I don't even want to give in I just want the bills to stop dropping through the letterbox grrrrrrrrrrrrr
HI Shorty,
Your right it can be just one constant bill, but then I know now that i have to earn it or save it or sacrifice things for it but im never ever gona win it. Your right you cant give in try and take it in your stride, accept the things you can not change ? they will always drop in your letterbox.
G.A Say when you stop gambling you instantly give yourself a 100% payrise, those shoes or what ever you wish for are just waiting for you.
Great to see your not focusing on that spreadsheet, keep channelling that focus in the right place.
Your doing really well.
Blondie x
Hi Shorty,
Just popping in 2 day u r doing gr8 🙂
U can do this, one day a time. Like Blondie said some things we can't change!
Stay strong and keep going 🙂
Have a great day xx
Thanks for your support guys, means a lot 🙂
Day 21....STILL ingrained in my being that I am no longer a gambler, although yesterday I read a post on Overcoming Problem Gambling written by Normality and I have to admit I did get an urge. He was on about systems etc etc and I got to thinking...IF you have the money and the control to stick to a system then I am sure there is a way to make money through gambling. HOWEVER from my last experience of falling off the wagon I 100% realised that no matter what system I use and no matter how hard I try to reach a target and quit I CAN NOT! I AM FULLY AWARE THAT I CAN NOT CONTROL MYSELF ENOUGH TO STICK TO A SYSTEM!
This has been a very important lesson. I know in my head and my heart that I can never go back now. I think it definitely takes you a few attempts at quitting to make you realise that you simply have to abstain for the rest of your life. I take my hat off to anyone who has quit on their first go!
Anyway, won't be reading that post again and I advise you all to steer clear!
Is it only Wednesday?! Man I'm tired...looking forward to a lie in at the weekend!
Day 22 - not much to report today. Still optimistic, no thoughts, no urges, I really feel like something has clicked in my brain this time round - god let me be right!
I was getting ready for work this morning and was wondering about life in say 5 years time...will I still be posting on here? I think so! And it will be great to be posting on here and be 5 years gamble free! Its not that often that you see people on here that regularly post that have been gamble free for so long and I would like to be one of them that keeps posting and shows all the new people joining that it CAN be done!
My perspective on things has completely chaged in the last few weeks. I don't play the lottery anymore, I don't partake in any sort of gambling whatsoever. When someone asks me to sponsor them or put money into a collection pot for someone's leaving present I don't moan and groan - I do it and I feel good about myself. Even with the mountain of debt that I have to clear I want to do these things, I don't want to be the misery guts I used to be....before when I was gambling I couldn't bear to give a fiver away (unless I'd had a big win) but now I am happy to do it.
This recovery is making me a better person both inside and out and things can only get better. Boy oh boy I am looking forward to that first debt free month....the following Christmas I am going to buy everyone the BEST presents 🙂 xx
Hi Shorty,
Great to hear that you are so positive, everyday that we are gamble free is a success.
I too have had some slips but you are right about the mentality change, that has to happen, you have to really want to give up and not leave yourself any what if opportunities..... It really looks like you are on the right path and I wish you all the very best,
too early to think about christmas?
Some might say yes but
too early to think about a future gamble free and lots of great prezzies for the ones you love?
Hell no
stay safe and strong
HI Shorty,
Thanks for your post ! And what a great post from you today, recovery for me has been about change, changing how i think, which then impacts on how I behave, I take such immense pleasure from knowing i have reacted to something in a better/different way and the more i do it the more it becomes part of me as opposed to something i have to check myself to do.
There is absolutly nothing wrong with looking to the future its better than living in the past and going round in circles, we all need something to aim for, to aspire to.
Your doing brilliant and you can really see in your posts a complete mindset change, Keep going shortly your reaping the rewards of recovery and its so well deserved.
Blondie x
Day 23....have to admit I had a minor thought/urge last night but batted it away like I would a big horrible bluebottle!!
Payday today 🙂 and I am not going to waste ONE penny on gambling! I've seen a lot of people on face book say they have spent £50 on ***** tickets tonight because of the special thing that is going on...and I just want to grab them and shake them and say 'if everyone buys extra tickets you have just as little chance of winning as a normal night!' But anyway, their problem not mine!!!!
Got a nice relaxing weekend planned, going to the cinema, seeing some friends nothing crazy thank goodness I need some R&R for a few weeks!
I'll see you all on Day 26....have a lovely weekend 🙂 xxxx
Day 26....not one thought or urge all weekend. Am beginning to think this time its too easy but then again I have struggled for the past year so maybe I have finally learnt all the lessons I need to to make it this time - here's hoping.
Busy busy week at work this week. Want to get back into the gym sessions as well as been letting them slide recently and am just wasting my membership money. Aim is to get there 3 times this week...starting today!
As long as I keep away from gambling these debts are going to come down by about £1000 a month. Can't wait til I have that £1000 to spend!!!!!!!! That is my driving force, I need to concentrate on this to get me through it this time. I do not, and can not go back to day 1.
Day 27....got a really really stressful couple of days at work now and I started off the first one by oversleeping by 20 minutes this morning!! grrrr! Will be glad when it gets to Thursday/Friday and the pressure is off.
No thoughts, no urges, no time for either at the minute!
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