Welcome to the club Zoe & Miked.
Friends can be contented on these bright and sunny days
For lifestyle changes can be fun in many different ways
We all vowed to make a change and we're not going to crumble
Striding forth with a smile on our face cos we're all ready to rumble
Let's rock n Roll
Stephen x
*** Good afternoon! ***
New Member Joining Us!
Let's give a warm welcome to miked who would like to join our merry band. Good to have you aboard, Mike. We're a lively team here all aspiring to the different, more fulfilling life that being g**mbling free brings. Do we have to do this?
Actually, we choose to do this. The other choice is one that will take us down a miserable path, for sure, but we always have a choice. And to reinforce the committment we bring to that choice, we take further action, because we know determination alone is often insufficient. We need support and practical measures to, day-by-day, succeed.
We're with you, Mike, and on Day 12, already, you've made a great start!
Here's how we are all doing. Wouldn't it be great to see a 🙂 smiley 🙂 after every name in a few months time ...?
Day by day, let's live life as it should be lived and make it happen.
MikeD – 19th Apr 2020
Zoe – 10th Apr 2020
Bigmug - 29th Apr 2020
Russ (Mark) - 2nd Feb 2020
Stephen - 10th Feb 2020 (Mixer's birthday!)
Adam123 - Reached target ? new target --> 5th March.
Franco1875 - 19th Mar 2020
Spendlikewater84 - Hon. Member! ?
Ineffable - 21st Feb 2020
EsoxLucius - 28th Feb 2020
Mixer - 13th March 2020
LewisMG - 12th April 2020
Spendspendspend - Hon. member! ?
Boo - Hon. Member! Yeesss! ? Extra settling-in period --> 20th Feb! ?
Fighter1 - Hon. Member ! ?
Bertieboo - 10th Mar 2020
Fir tree - 28th Mar 2020
Changing habit - 28th Jan 2020
Danpo 7th Mar 2020
Murlo 11th Feb 2020
Determined to Stop 1st March 2020
Imagine a money box with a hole in the bottom. That's what g**ling is, because we never keep any winnings; we eventually lose and then lose some more. It really is a heartbreaking, non-sensical waste of time and money. No more!
"Just for today, I choose not to gamble. It's a waste. So I'm not doing it. Just for today."
Have a great afternoon, everyone and, as Stephen quite rightly intones in his latest fabulous rhyme - "Let's rock and roll!!!"
A big warm welcome to all new members, wow mixer the group is really growing, all thanks to you we have this thread to let our feelings spill.
I hope everyones doing ok, I myself went to the doctors today as I'm suffering with my mental health atm what's been triggered due to circumstances you may know If you've read. Anyway the doctors put me on a higher dose of lyrica and cymbata let's hope it helps even though medication Isn't the answer most the time it helps, personally I feel I have something more then depression and anxiety, I think I have bipolar disorder due to my nature and how compulsive I actually am, also once somethings on my mind i wont rest until its dealt with, it's really not nice living like this and its definitely not nice for my loved ones.
I know the past week has been hard due to me not being able to work, it hasn't helped at all but things are starting to look up for me I have managed to pick tomoz and friday up on the roofs so there's 2 days work to keep me occupied, also my car should be back anytime now. ?
Oh I forgot to mention I am getting further mental health checks by going to see a phsychiatrist, bit scared but I know at least If i am diagnosed with whatever it is I have I can get the right meds and help to get on the right track.
Mixer About the money box with a whole in it, just wow so simple yet very meaningful, I love it.
Everyone stay strong and keep it real, we can all do this, weather it be together or alone, we are all strong individuals we just need to train the mind to think how, I could say normal people think lol, but what's normal, is there even such thing as normal people??.
Today I choose not to gamble, all week I have felt so down it's indescribable, but guess what I haven't let it beat me people. I've come through the darkness, getting better as each day passes. I could say it's been a week from hell but then mayhe others not like me it wouldn't of veen as bad of a week as I've made it out to be, who knows. Less of the rambling on Dan, the good thing is I haven't gambled that's a very big positive? 54 days now, I think.
Stay strong everyone
Boo well done, I really mean it from the bottom of my heart, you've achieved something we all striving for..... here's to another 100 days gf for you, really happy for you.
Thanks all for the warm welcome. Congrats to Boo on the recent great achievement. Is really inspirational to see people who have succeeded in the same way I hope to do.
Mixer you are so right on choices. With these now 13days behind me i am slowly starting to be able to have clarity to make the right choices... any b*t makes no sense and has no appeal at all although the demon still clearly lurks within me so it is a battle but one I am now actively fighting against rather then seeing myself as a helpless victim.
Good luck all keep fighting the good fight
Hello everyone.
I hope you are all ok today and things are going your way!
Its been a busy week for me this week with early starts for work and getting stuck in traffic every morning and night, but I haven’t let it get to me and focused on the positives to keep me not wanting or needing to gamble!
So I am happy to be 19 days gamble free and loving it!!!
Best wishes everyone and stay strong!
Well done for doing something about your problem miked, it's clear to everyone that you want to be gf hence why you have joined gamcare and that's a great start.
Lmg fair play for working all those long hours, you need to find something productive to do with the money if there is any spare, plan a date night with the mrs if you got one, just treat yourself for the hard work and effort you are putting in.
I myself was back at work today on the roofs, ouch it was a very messy job as it was boarded then felted then boarded again, basically both sets of boards was rotten? we had to strip it down to the joists then put fresh boards on, whacked a layer of felt on to seal it until tomorrow when the mineral will go on, it was a rough day but I wasn't complaining one bit as its money and also keeps you active. Tomorrow will be an easy day as it's just torching the mineral on ? if anyone familiar with flat roofing then they know the struggle of carrying a full gas bottle up the ladder and how ever many rolls of mineral??. I'm feeling good today though as I know I have work lined up all next week.
I still haven't had my car back, all I'm waiting for is the jey to arrive at the garage, ohhhhhh the joy I'm gunna feel when I get the beast back ?? plus I can put some extra hours in to claw back some money for my Bill's.
Today I'm feeling a bit different due to my anti depressants being put to a higher dose, I have the feeling of a lump in my throat, if anyone knows the feeling it's not to pleasant but I know in time it will go and the meds should help my chemical balance in my brain?.
I feel like I have spoken a lot on here just now lol, but it feels so good to Express my feelings and share my day.
Just for today I woke up and told my self I will not g*****, The power I have to choose not to g***** is a great one, I hope you can all have this power.
Thanks everyone in this thread you really do help.
Mixer I applaud you for starting this thread. I know you have the power to stay gf, so let's keep this power going and never let it go. There's more to life then being under the spell of G*****ng.
Let's all raise a glass to another gf day weather it be tea,coffee,pop or even a alcoholic beverage (in moderation) me personally very rarely drink. I'll have a Pepsi max ????.
Take care danpo ?boo
Another long day finished and back home with the family!
20 days gamble free and loving it!
Hope everyone is doing ok and staying positive!
3rd day gf,feeling much better as I know I will be able to buy things instead of getting nothing with my money,will take a few weeks to get over my latest losses but I'm determined
*** Good evening! ***
Life g*mbling free? It's a different life ....
Your new life is going to cost you your old one.
It’s going to cost you your comfort zone and your sense of direction. It’s going to cost you relationships and friends. It’s going to cost you being liked and understood.
But it doesn’t matter.
Because the people who are meant for you are going to meet you on the other side.
And you’re going to build a new comfort zone around the things that actually move you forward.
And instead of like, you’re going to be loved.
Instead of understanding, you’re going to be seen.
All you’re going to lose is what was built for a person you no longer are.
Let it go
- Brianna Wiest
Danpo - you've really had a week from hell, my friend, but you're still, as our terrific friend Stephen puts it, rocking and rolling. We are in this for the long haul. There will be short term blips and worse at times. But we're getting stronger now, and more self-aware in a good way. G***ling makes us paranoid, g***ling-free makes us more worldly. We are with you mate, and thank you for your kind words!
Lewis - thank you for your posts; it's great to hear of your progress. Glad you're enjoying life as it should be lived; we really don't need this g***ling nonsense. It really is nonsense!
MikeD - The devil will always lurk Mike; the answer is this. It'll try to tempt us but we will not be acting on it. There's a world of difference there. We can't help thinking about g***ling, it happens. But we will not rise to the bait and put real barriers in place to make sure it doesn't happen.
BigMug - Thank you for your update. It will take you a few miserable skint weeks to get over your loss and then make sure you put blocks in place to make sure it doesn't happen next month. You don't want this heartbreak all over again; we'll help you!
Let's keep our spirits high, everyone. The weather's a bit (a bit!!!) dodgy but we're warm inside; clear in our heads and warmer in our hearts. And if it's your payday coming up, for all you monthly-salaried's out there - don't do anything daft. Keep any spare money out of your mitts. Keep strong!
"Just for today, I choose not g**ble. At the end of the day, I will smile, rest my head on the pillow, and sleep a bit easier. Because of all the things I could do today, this one underpins them all."
Take care everyone!
Good Afternoon All
Day 16 and GF, Monday my first payday since stopping, is a challenge but I feel prepped and ready for it and I do now have confidence in myself, not loads but some 🙂
Have a nice GF weekend everyone
Good Afternoon All
Day 16 and GF, Monday my first payday since stopping, is a challenge but I feel prepped and ready for it and I do now have confidence in myself, not loads but some 🙂
Have a nice GF weekend everyone
Same here,only 4 days gf but everyday is an achievement,we can beat this ??
Sorry Mixer and friends but I gambled today.
I am going to take a break from the diaries so please take my name off the list please Mixer.
Wishing everyone well.
Stephen x
Thank you Ineffable. I am absolutely gutted.
Can't believe I have been so stupid.
Stephen x
Affected by gambling?
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