The Devil on my shoulders

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Hi Pwm101! I have to say, I had my heart in my mouth when I read the, "Go in the bookies (which I never do) 2-1 odds and treble it." I am so glad for you that when I finished reading the paragraph, I could see it was 'just a thought'. It's the nature of the beast, sad though it is to say, gambling can have been our best friend and the lure of maintaining that bent relationship is very, very strong. Conditioning ourselves to think rationally about our choices is difficult, but the more you do it the stronger that thought process becomes and the weaker the gambling link. We know it won't be over in a day, a week, a month, or longer, but we are lucky, we only have to beat this addiciton one day at a time! All the best, whatami.

Posted : 10th February 2017 10:27 am
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Thank you whatami.

You are of course correct . I'm just going to take heart from the fact that I was just thinking like a greedy gambler and I was actually pretty disgusted with how I was thinking - I think I've got split personality going on - it's like a constant battle between the side wanting to take me back to gambling and the other keeping me away .

Thanks for your help 🙂

Posted : 10th February 2017 1:58 pm
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Really beginning to dread Saturdays at the moment - so much sport and very hard not to feel sorry for myself - like I'm denying myself fun all day! - I know that is warped logic it's just how I feel. Will get through. Will not gamble today

Posted : 11th February 2017 8:28 am
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Made it through the weekend. I fear others probably didn't . 27 days GF here's to a GF week . Best of luck everyone

Posted : 13th February 2017 7:02 am
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I wanted to share the above post as it was the story that made me think about stopping . This guy had everything going for him and was actually a lot better off than I am now . It is heart breakingly sad and I use his story as a motivator for myself to stay in the straight and narrow . I can relate personally to the story and you never know what people are going through . Gamblers don't always look like the people you see down the bookies they come all shapes no better or worse than anyone else . This afflication can hit us all. If ever we need a reminder of the reality of what we're doing I think back to that poor lad and his family and encourages me to go on . Hope it might help one or two you out there . All in this together

All the best

Posted : 13th February 2017 12:01 pm
Posts: 0

Poor Lad what a shame gambling a dark and deep place so so sad.


Posted : 13th February 2017 12:25 pm
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Thanks Malkie. It really touched me and has stuck with me . I don't think we should ever forget what this disease can do . Appreciate you commenting

Posted : 13th February 2017 6:27 pm
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28 days Gamble free - come on !!!

Posted : 14th February 2017 8:41 am
Posts: 0

get in there thats a month in my book well done great job.


Posted : 14th February 2017 8:45 am
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Cheers malc much appreciated

Posted : 14th February 2017 9:54 am
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36 days -GF

Just checking in really - best thing I have been able to do is stay away from the sports betting as I realised this is my downfall. The other forms of gambling don't have the same grip on me. Thinking about it now the arrogance and madness to go through almost every league thinking I knew better or I could magically pick the result is nuts and I have to keep remembering that.

The financial side of things is depressing the hell out of me I think I need to look into debt management etc because I'm paying too much back at the mo and I know that could lead to me trying other avenues . I have seen others on this site talk of pay plan and stepchange ? Anyone had good / positive experience?

Anyway hope everyone okay

All the best

Posted : 22nd February 2017 8:59 am
Posts: 0

Hi! I've used both StepChange and Payplan in the past and found they are both good at what they do. I would probably see StepChange are a little bit more professional, but the idea is just the same, because creditors are generally much more interested in dealing with them because they know it's their best chance of getting their money back, albeit it might take some time.

Posted : 22nd February 2017 11:01 am
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Thanks Whatami I guess it's best to have a look at both and see what my options are . Thanks for the advice . Hope your doing okay

Posted : 22nd February 2017 12:06 pm
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Had a look. Going to ring pay plan on Friday and see what they say. I must be paying around 2/3 of my wage in debts at the mo. Coupled with a mortgage on top I think the temptation to gamble to sort myself out for the month will be there. I need to be more realistic about debt

Posted : 22nd February 2017 3:33 pm
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