The road to recovery...84 months on.

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Not posted for 3 months but still read diaries most weeks. All is well. Living alongside a gambling addiction gets easier with time, trust me, but it is hard at times,especially the first year or so. Recovery continues. No turning back . Stay safe. Gazza

Posted : 7th July 2015 1:48 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for the post Gazza.

Keep it going mate.

All the best


Posted : 10th July 2015 2:22 am
Posts: 0

Hi Gazza,

Thanks for your recent supportive post on my diary mate.

Great to get your support as face a different type of recovery following my surgery.

I also just want to say that you continue to be a great inspiration to me.

All the best, and enjoy the weekend.



Posted : 5th September 2015 7:16 am
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Good morning everyone.

Well it's now 42 months on the recovery road and all is well. the Summer holidays are a distant memory but plans are underway for next year...priceless. Things pretty much as they were. Financial worries easing which is good. It's unlikely that I'll return to GA now, it's been too long. I thank them for the help and support they gave me, especially the first year and a half. Truth is I didn't "fit".i was always referred to as a "Loner", if some had taken the trouble to get to know me better, they would've discovered that it is not the case, I'm just a bit shy that's all! Too many negative comments at times and "advice" given, not always thoughtful or helpful. Some great people though who do a great job every Thurs at my group. Great to read that Ade is making a recovery after his op and i wish him well. Not a day goes by without me thinking about my recovery. The dark days are dimming and the future is bright. I no longer wear the hairshirt, I can't, life is too busy and in it, are people I love very much. Thanks for reading, Stay strong, Gazza

Posted : 8th September 2015 10:37 am
Posts: 0


im at the complete opposite extreme to you. It's day one for me.

ive spent a lot of time reading your diary and it truly gives me hope that I can follow in your footsteps.

Posted : 8th September 2015 11:16 am
Posts: 0

Hi Gazza,

Thanks very much for your kind post on my diary - always brings a smile to my face when you drop in.

You are one of the few people that I have contact on here that can fully understand my recovery from compulsive gambling.

You and I can both remember back at the start of your 42 months, when you were able to dig in and put those days of recovery together. Gaining strength as you did and appearing to be so strong willed, as not to be drawn back into gambling by a random urge. Not sure if you saw it that way, but I drew strength from your drive and your all inspiring ability to do the "one day at a time" approach to a tee. Putting those days together, one by one. creating such a great base for your continued abstinence.

I on the other hand had relapse after relapse at that time. I didnt quite get 'recovery' back then. I had a lot to learn. Thinking I could do it all on my own with just willpower as my main ally. Even though I relapsed again and again. You would always come back to my diary, and offer me encouragement, even though i'd imagine you didn't really need to have the distraction of a serial relapser as you built your recovery.

I will always be greatful. As I am the one in control now, Not gambling controlling me as before.

Keep strong fella. And keep in touch

All the best


Posted : 8th September 2015 10:50 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for the post on my diary Gazza.

A pint sounds llike a fantastic idea. I'm off work until the end of November, so I'm pretty flexible with days and dates. Feel free to contact Gamcare to get my e-mail address if you so wish.....

Keep that recovery going my friend, each day you are gaining strength.

Stay strong


Ps: Mines a Peroni.. ;0)

Posted : 22nd September 2015 7:17 am
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Counting down to 4 years, back soon.

Posted : 16th February 2016 1:16 pm
Posts: 0

Congratulations mate , truly inspirational !

Best wishes Buddy !

Posted : 16th February 2016 2:14 pm
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Good morning Gamcare.

A few days ago I hit 4 years gamble free. My how time flies. Life rolls along with all the usual highs and lows. Gambling is not an option for me. I don't miss it. Nor do i miss the sleepless nights, covering up the financial mess or any of the other bizarre behaviours gambling brought out in me. i've said it many times that this site went a long way to helping me with my recovery. Sadly, Dunc is the only one left out of those people who offered help to me at the start. I'm sure the others are in a better place and continuing their journeys at a pace that suits them. I rarely post but still read fairly often. What has struck me about this board, is the turnover of people who post then don't return, the same was true at GA. Sometimes this meant we were treading the same ground week after week. I wish everyone on here strength and resolve-you can do it, you just have to really WANT to do it. Thanks for reading, Gazza

Posted : 8th March 2016 11:22 am
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Morning GCarers,

Don't post much these days but still read fairly regularly. Saddened to read that an old GC friend has gambled again. I was sitting in a pub on Sat, a rare event for me these days! i watched as a bloke put £ after £ into the bandit....result? NOTHING. That was me 4 years ago. I was relieved that it wasn't me. As many have stated on here, gambling is everywhere. It's very difficult not to give in to it. However before you do, look around you at your family, friends, house, car etc. This is what you could lose. My goodness this post is gloomy, good job i don't post much. Best wishes, Gazza

Posted : 31st May 2016 10:25 am
Posts: 0

Hi Gazza,

Thanks for dropping by on my diary mate.

Well done on your continued abstinence. Hats off to you fella, for showing immense strength.

I managed a year, then for some reason thought I could dip back into a few bets here and there. How wrong was I. Still, it was the addiction that made me think it was ok to do that I guess. Logic would have told me what a P***k I was being eh!!

Keep strong my friend

I will beat this again.....for day at a time

All the best


Posted : 1st June 2016 8:21 am
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Thanks for your post Ade.

I'm fine, been visiting the gamcare site more regularly recently. It's that time of the year again with Euro 2016 about to start, Gambling is everywhere and hard to avoid. We need to remember that we are compulsive in our behaviour, 1 bet/win will never be enough. Best wishes, gazza

Posted : 7th June 2016 2:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Gazza,

Thank you for your message. Great to read that you are still going strong. I know that I will never win the money back. It has taken along time and failed attempts to realise it but I am finally at that point. I too will be staying close to this site during the Euros to keep any temptations at bay.

Best wishes


Posted : 7th June 2016 5:13 pm
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3 days away from ......5 years.

Back soon. Gazza515

Posted : 2nd March 2017 12:22 pm
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