there are over 2019 reasons to not gamble this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Day 81 today one day left before weekend, feeling tired so good nights sleep tonight


Posted : 1st November 2018 9:29 pm
Posts: 2938
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Slept well and off to work the weekend is almost here


Posted : 2nd November 2018 10:32 am
Posts: 2938
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So end of another weekend and unfortunately got voices back in my head and feeling pretty down about it now. I don't know what to do I'm lost. Usually I Sa and do everything right in terms of voices but I've done everything wrong this time. Really don't want voucss anymore. Had a really good month on new medication but think as its the end of month t*t wore out and got the back. Really struggling to think that wgaf ive said ib my head is not real. Gof my injection tomo and seeing occi health a work so hopefully that should help.


Posted : 4th November 2018 7:50 pm
Posts: 3947

Congratulations Adam. I see you are 12 weeks gamble free today which is a wonderful achievement.

I am saddened to read you are not feeling very well but hopefully today's injection & medication will help.

Take care my friend and be proud how far you have come on your journey of recovery...stephen

Posted : 5th November 2018 12:04 am
Posts: 2938
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Thanks as always Stephen for the post means a lot. Another day at work done, saw occi health and had my injection. Occi health recommended my manager that I can go back to thirty hours a week a good bonus for the day and will bring my money up if they go ahead with it. Injection gonna be over a shorted tee now four weeks. Been hearing voices at worn just got to concentrate on the work and not let it phasd me. No gambling going well, no alcohol going well and all the other things ive given up going well. Looking forward to Christmas already. Adam over and out


Posted : 6th November 2018 7:19 pm
Posts: 3947

Congratulations Adam on 90 days gamble free. A great achievement by a good man.

You have certainly turned your life around and have a great attitude surrounding work, life and your general well-being.

I have just been reading your posts on the Guru Challenge and think maybe I will give that another go....stephen

Posted : 10th November 2018 11:21 pm
Posts: 2938
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Brilliant Stephen that's great news. Another weekend finnished, not done much, didn't go to gym, just stayed in and relaxed, still feel tired as couldn't get to sleep due to voices. Early night for me I think. Then back to work. I'm thinking a lot about targets to set myself for 20@19 but don't want to push myself too hard all my abstinence at the mo is doing well for me. Haven't thought about smoking in ages just stops after a long while.


Posted : 11th November 2018 7:14 pm
Posts: 2938
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Another new week, back to work in a min, feeling a bit down but will put on a front at work. Don't know why I feel down gues I can work on it. Maybe it was just end of weekend start of week blues, well we can hope.


Posted : 12th November 2018 10:39 am
Posts: 2938
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Well got thru work then went to the gym, not been for a while and had lots of energy so feeling good about that. Here comes next weekend roll on four more days then watch fantastic beasts at cinema horray.


Posted : 12th November 2018 5:22 pm
Posts: 2938
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So this time next week it will be 100 days gamble free, so what have I learned:

drinking alcohol has a huge effect on what I gamble.Frequenting pubs has a big effect on my gambling. Who I hang out with has,a huge effect on my gambling. Whether I have access to my cash in bank wmg gambling. I have now firmly got hold of the triangle and given myself twenty pounds cash no card to go to town with the ​




Posted : 13th November 2018 9:07 pm
Posts: 2938
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The wort that can happen is I come back from town with nothing in my hands or pockets and back to day one on the day count, but more importantly than the day count is the loss of only twenty pounds. That will have gone down from three hundred. So now will power is not in question.


Posted : 13th November 2018 9:10 pm
Posts: 2938
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Ive learnt the value of money too. Now as I earn a lot less there is less money to spend on other things so I use my spreadsheet to budget. I was doing brilliantly and I thought I was going to almost break even for the year but I only got paid two weeks of this month so it puts me five hundred behind.


Posted : 13th November 2018 9:19 pm
Posts: 2938
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Just off to work another day, starting to look forward to Christmas gonna be off for a week so will be nice.


Posted : 14th November 2018 10:39 am
Posts: 2938
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Lifes pretty good again, looking forward to many things, watching fantastic beasts tomo, Christmas soon. Got a good feeling that everything will be alright. Not gambled or drunk alcohol in three months now. Over and out adam


Posted : 15th November 2018 7:47 pm
Posts: 3947

Congratulations Adam on 100 days free from gambling.

You have shown great resourcefulness, courage and determination to get to where you are now. I admire and respect you for that.

Keep going forward my friend. I wish you well as you continue on your journey...stephen

Posted : 20th November 2018 1:34 am
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