This time....

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Hi everyone.

I wast going to post for a while as I didn't want everyone to think 'yeah right' when I say, "This time is it".

I've lost 8k since Christmas. The final 5k was last weekend. Hadn't gambled since Christmas and was feeling really good. 'Cured' in fact. And this is the problem which I'm now wise to.

I called Gamcare on Sunday and finally self excluded from the particular betting exchange that's ruined my finances over the last two years.

I'm 14k in debt but have somehow managed to keep 20k in the bank. I checked what I'd spent over the years before self excluding, close to 60k. It's just crazy. No time to dwell, time to fix. I think that's what keeping me sane. The fact I haven't blown the lot, and I'm not going to. The saddest thing is, it was a 50k inheritance, 20 of which, I'm ashamed to say I've gambled away. So this is it, the 20k is staying where it is and I'm going to pay my debts off monthly. Things will be tight but that's the way I'm gonna do it. In 12 months I can half the debt. One thing Gamcare told me, have a plan and be on your guard. I know the feeling of feeling cured will come back, it always does. This time I'm ready for it.

All the best everyone. I wish you well in your challenges.

Posted : 10th February 2016 3:59 pm
Posts: 3239

Likewise Tom.

Not sure I ever want to feel 'cured' again but i understand many do. Every time I've felt like that its not been long before i've found a way to have a cheeky (harmless) bet. Before I know it, well your story says what happens next!

All the best everyone


Posted : 10th February 2016 6:32 pm
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Hi tri

That's the problem isn't it. You feel strong again and somehow the amount you've lost and the debt seem to be of no issue. One bet and you're within its trance once more, chasing and back to dispair. I owe it to my family to leave it alone now. No urge to gamble at the mo. I have to take positives out if it and cherish what I do have. I will keep checking in to prove to myself and all of you that I can leave this behind me.

Posted : 10th February 2016 6:44 pm
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Mornings are the worse time for me. I wake up every morning thinking how I've let everyone down and how the hell did I let things get to this. By about 8am I'm somehow stronger and start to feel positive about sorting it out and feeling things arn't all that bad, it's not as bad as it could have been. Anyway, today will be another day towards becoming debt free.

Posted : 11th February 2016 7:14 am
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Im starting to visualise things being a ok. I know deep down this time I'm going to stop gambling for good. Tomorrow used be my favourite gambling day with all the football going on. I'm not interested. My last binge scared the life out of me. I now understand the power of addiction. I know one day I will feel 'normal' again and able to live wth the debt, paying it off each month. That's when I will feel I will be able to have a bet and leave it at one bet if it loses. I know if I do have a bet I will just keep going, therefore I will not bet again. Day 6 gamble free now. Keep marching.

Posted : 12th February 2016 10:11 am
Posts: 0

​Hi Tom, I hope you've had a good weekend. I too have huge debts and have gambled huge sums over a short period of time but I choose not to dwell on it as it is money and time I will never get back. Look forward to the happy times when our lives are not ruled by a destructive addiction which adds nothing but heartache to our lives.

Very best wishes with your recovery, you can do it xx





Posted : 14th February 2016 7:36 pm
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Hi annie

Had a good weekend thanks, hope you did too. My Monday mornings used to consist of feeling huge guilt and regret after losing a ton of money over the weekend. Although I haven't gambled I do still feel like that for the first half hour, I guess it will get better as time moves on. Am focuses on sorting the debt and staying gamble free. This time I feel different. A life without gambling is so much better than a life with it. All the best and thanks for the message x

Posted : 15th February 2016 7:14 am
Posts: 0

Hi Tom, just a wee check in to see how you're getting on. It's the most horrible feeling when you know you have wasted your time, money and effort on a one sided relationship which gives you b****r all back! Let's say good riddence to that feeling and welcome your Monday morning with only a groan that it's time to go back to work. Take care my love xx

Posted : 17th February 2016 11:45 pm
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Hi Annie!

Well I'm not too bad thank you. Still no gambling and no temptation to return to it. I still have the sum of money I lost imprinted into my brain which follows me around pretty much all the time. However, not to the point where it's detrimental to my day to day operation. I can live with it and I know as time goes on and the debt lowers it will become a distant memory. I really do feel different in as much as I feel this time I'm quit for good. How long you been free for Annie? X

Posted : 18th February 2016 6:09 pm
Posts: 0

I'm glad you feel different this time, I'm the same - it just feels right, now. I'm 38 days, debt up to the eyes but have told my husband and now have a payment plan sorted with StepChange. I'm lucky to have a well paid job and, even though my debt is an eye-watering amount I will be able to pay it off in just under 3 years - just in time for my daughter to go to uni, so no real extras for the next 6 years!!

We will overcome this horrible addiction with support along the road of recovery. Glad to walking with you. Take care my lovely xx

Posted : 18th February 2016 10:40 pm
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38 days is great. I'm coming up to 2 weeks now. I'm looking forward to getting it to 6 months then will focus on reaching 12. At least now you've got a way out. Just keep going and job done! Pay day next week so a little more debt will be paid off. Still can't believe I got addicted. I think it's progressive, just creeps up on you. I've joined the 2016 challenge, it's another thread on this site. We check in every Sunday. You should get on it if you're not already x

Posted : 19th February 2016 11:19 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Tom, that's fab you are looking forward to adding to your gamble free days - it's quite empowering to see the numbers tallying up. I have already joined the challenge and it is impressive when you see how others are doing and getting into treble figures. Take care and keep up the good work xxx

Posted : 20th February 2016 9:53 am
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Well Saturday is upon us once more. Normally I'd be going through the belly churning highs and lows of winning and losing hundreds if not literally thousands of pounds. Not today, spending it with all my attention on my kids and got friends over tonight so looking forward to that!

Posted : 20th February 2016 11:18 am
Posts: 0

Hi i am new to the site and man of few words.I am on the journey to having clear thoughts about not gambling.

Reading other peoples stories is helping .

Well done this has been part off me since 1975 has been like a life sentence.

Keep up the good work love your kids

Posted : 20th February 2016 11:22 am
Posts: 0
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Hey monkey.

Good on you for joining. This site has really helped me. I've found it good to join the 2016 challenge on another thread. I'm 14 days gamble free but just want to see that figure keep going up and up. I have relapsed in the past, time and time again. This time will be different and I'm going to prove it to myself and everyone on here too. Keep strong, keep positive and things will change.

Posted : 20th February 2016 2:48 pm
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