Today is the new start I need

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Well after a crazy few days I've come home and tried to tell my girlfriend everything..not the best reply I gotbut I don't blame her really because I'm just a stupid idiot who thinks he could win at gambling today is my new start, it may be on my own it may be with my girlfrien( I hope so).. I need to do this for me no one else got to sort my head out I can't live the crazy lying life any more I want it all out in the open.. I used to be a good bloke.. These days I'm s lying cheating thief who just craved the next bet not good but this is what's happened to me.. Time to change today tonight I start my new life onwards and upwards any help would be appreciated. I spoke to my therapist today and I'm going to get some cbt therapy soon so hopefully that will help.. Feel down fed up but the way is forward onwards and upwards..

Posted : 1st October 2015 6:38 pm
Posts: 0

Kitbag, you're in a similar position to me. I found this forum today after being caught yesterday. My post 'lost more than just money' is my shout for support. I'm happy to try and do this together. Doesn't matter how deep we're in, if we want to change we can. I figure we've more chance of having our partners with us if we're honest, that starts with ourselves!

Posted : 1st October 2015 8:15 pm
Posts: 3239

Hi Kitbag

There truely is an incredible amount of help out there. Yes there's counselling and loads of different types, then there's the likes of group support and GA. Gewt as many tools in your tool kit as you can or need.

Triangle in name, triangle in nature.

Posted : 2nd October 2015 4:54 am
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Thanks for the comment triangle I've got it out now so at least my conscious is a bit clearer, I've got done good people all around me so that's a start day one 1 I have not gambled today....

Posted : 2nd October 2015 6:00 pm
Posts: 0

Well done Kitbag. One day at a time

Posted : 2nd October 2015 6:29 pm
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The one thing about this that's a problem for us is we like quick fixes theirs no quick fixes no touches to pay things no trying to build rome in a day. This has got to be slowly slowly day by day. It's a start

Posted : 2nd October 2015 8:45 pm
Posts: 1701

Absolutely correct Kitbag. It drags like mad at points but if you can forget it for periods then it speeds up. However, when you've got that itch and it keeps re itching time seems to stop. The key is to stay busy and before you know it another day is gone and another week is gone.

Posted : 2nd October 2015 10:18 pm
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Feeling itchy don't like the way I feel, feel like I've really let people down. My girlfriend especially

Posted : 3rd October 2015 3:30 pm
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Five days without any gambling the thoughts going through my mind are un real not sure if I can do this head is a shed life is a mess and really not sure if I can be bothered with it all if I'm totally honest gone past that point sounds very bad I know it put myself through to much..

Posted : 6th October 2015 10:53 am
Posts: 0


stop punishing yourself. What's done is done, you can only control your future gambling. Leave it alone and see the reward in that. Don't give in, that will achieve nothing. You would have caused all the grief and upset and then put yourself back on the track to doing it all over again. Stay away!

Posted : 6th October 2015 10:59 am
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Appreciate what your saying gotta stop but that seems to be my problem the fact that I can't stop thinking about what's happened and what's gone I never seem to be able to let go of what I've done what I've lost.. I got some really good people around me to help me and I still think about carrying on I really don't know have I gone to deep I don't know my head is going a million miles an hour.. Cheers mate

Posted : 6th October 2015 12:50 pm
Posts: 0

Don't wanna sound harsh mate but you're just making excuses why you should carry on. We were all into deep but there comes an acceptance that it's wrong. If you've confessed to your partner because she was going to find out and you wanted to get there first, that's different to wanting to stop. Only if you make that decision can you see reward in abstaining, you sound like you want to gamble and getting help and support is just paying lip service. I'm not saying I dont think about it because I do, but behind it is a trail of debt anger and upset. You are not a victim, your family are. They haven't caused any of it so every time you think of gambling, think of them. I find it makes me focus again

Posted : 6th October 2015 3:37 pm
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Mate your dead right their and don't I know it think deep down feel sorry for myself which is c**P because I have done this and their are a lot of people far worse off than me and I should realize this and get on with sorting my life out.. Cheers mate I do appreciate what your saying

Posted : 6th October 2015 3:51 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Kitbag . You said in your first post that " your a lying cheating thief , just waiting for the next bet " . You know what you felt like when you wrote that , right ? . So do you want to wake up tommorow , having had a bet and feeling the way you did then ? . Nobody said this was gonna be easy , and it wont be , but you've done the hard bit by giving up , don't give in and chuck the last week down the drain otherwise it's all for nothing mate !! . Think about why you came here , to change your life for the better . The past's gone and so has the money , forget it and move on , simple as that !!. Your choice Buddy . Alan

Posted : 6th October 2015 3:54 pm
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Very true mate appreciate your words just having one of those days mate... Thanks

Posted : 6th October 2015 4:23 pm
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