Trouble again but 4 times as bad

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Feeling so crappy lately.

I first posted on here around 2014 as I was doing gambling free stints here and there. I managed to stop gambling for a whole year. It all started again leading up to a holiday which had been booked. There was a casino in our hotel I was going with family one relative I've been on holiday with before and we would often go the casino together.

Rather than tell my family I'm actually trying not to gamble I decided I would as I didn't want anyone knowing about my problem and part of me did want to gamble anyway just to see if I could walk away when I needed to.

Of course I couldn't all the urges are back in full force n I've now got myself into Huge amounts of debt and have no choice but to tell family members as my options are very limited with getting control of my debt.

I've told my partner but she doesn't know the amount of debt I have. She has offered to a help in any way possible.

I need to attend GA meetings something I didn't do last time. As soon as my overdrafts are paid up I'll be handing over all funds to my partner.

hardest thing I have to do is tell my parents as I need there help if I didn't I wouldn't be telling them. I know they will be disappointed and it's something they will tarnish me with forever. My mom has always suspected I have a problem so she won't be as surprised but I think the amount of debt will surprise her.

The fact I have all this debt is weighing heavy on me I actually think it's making me ill not sleeping very well n it's building up. It's not so much the debt I know I can pay it off. I either need a DMP or ask parents to get a loan for me n I will pay it back. Feel like this is stopping me from moving on.

Posted : 26th September 2015 10:55 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6161

Hello Con

Telling your partner sounds like a positve step as your partner can now help you by taking care of money. You can get free independent advice on money and debt at they can help you with choices available to you. You can also call them on 0800 138 111 .

There is further advice and information from advisors on our helpline 08088020133 and our netline from 8am -midnight everyday should you want to talk to us. There is free counselling available across the uk advisors can give you more information on your nearest service

Gamblers Anonymous meetings can be found here . It gives infromation on meetings across the Uk


Posted : 27th September 2015 9:10 pm
Posts: 0

Con I am using step change to help me with my debts they are brilliant. You have to give details of all your debts and what your income is and they arrange to pay the debts you can afford. Most It will affect your credit rating until the debts are paid however it means you are unable to get any more credit which limits your ability to gamble. Most banks etc are on board and agree to freeze interest or reduce the interest on the debt. I have been with them 3 months now and I have 4 years to go before my debts are paid but I would hate to think what I would be doing without them.

Posted : 10th October 2015 12:31 pm
Posts: 0


Completely agree with the above post.

I am with Stepchange and have 5 years of debts to pay. I am not to fussed about my credit rating and when my debt is paid I have learned to live without overdrafts, loans and credit cards. I feel that in the future is a strong position to be in.

Give Stepchange a go. They took the stress away and allowed me to sleep at night and to totally focus on my recovery.

Best wishes

Posted : 10th October 2015 4:43 pm

We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can also contact us for free on 0808 80 20 133. If you would like to find out more about the service before you start, including information on confidentiality, please click below. Call recordings and chat transcripts are saved for 28 days for quality assurance.

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