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Hi Shaun

Really pleased ur doin well like u on day 6 of my recovery keep staying positive keep posting and supporting others any words to anyone is a massive boost just to know there's support out there and were not in this alone

We can beat this


Posted : 5th February 2012 2:41 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi catle,

Cheers mate we will beat it keep posting.

Trying to get a bit possitive about the whole situation but when I start to think deep into it just feel so depressed but hay its early days and theres people on here who have done amazing things and there the ones to take inspiration from.

Posted : 5th February 2012 5:49 pm
Posts: 0

These recovery journeys of ours include plenty of opportunities to reflect.

As long as those reflective moments leads to better days, then they are worth having.

You're right, it's very early days for you but believe me, time is a great healer.


Posted : 5th February 2012 6:15 pm
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Thats true GT in my mind going round and round is what I have done but it give me the motivation I need to not go back.

Posted : 5th February 2012 7:56 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Shaun

Keep up the good work try to look forward u av made the biggest decision by admitting the problem try not to look back what's done is done imagine if u had not done anything and how bad things could av got for me it was one of the hardest thing to do admit to myself and others that I had a problem give urself a bit of credit and don't be too hard on urself

Here's to better future for all of us


Posted : 5th February 2012 8:16 pm
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Well said castle I think thats what we do look at the negatives when really there are lost of positives for us to take, its not an easy thing admiting we have a problem but its what we do now and face upto our problems.

Feeling really good this evening after a very up and down day have posted a few times just to keep my mind on the right track I am so determind to get to 7 days only a small mile stone but rome wasnt built in a day.

Hope everyones doing well this evening. Thanks again for all the advice it is so much appreciated.

Posted : 5th February 2012 9:06 pm
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Evening everyone,

What a strange up and down day been getting urges alday with the football tonight and the lads wanting to go the pub but have done really well and resisited these and decided not to go to the pub as all they will be talking about is what they have got on the game I dont need that.

I will get there taking it a day at a time its quite nice looking in my bank account and I have the same amount of money as I did on saturday what a relief of not having to worry about borrowing more money to put food on the table.

This is motivation I need to not cave into the urges.

Posted : 6th February 2012 9:10 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Shaun

Well done for making the choice not to gamble. Yes. You decided not to - you ARE a winner today. Can you imagine if you had made a different choice and you wrote on here that you'd spent £xxx and felt that awful again? That's good progress mate. Hang onto that.

Check in tomorrow and give us some more good news again 🙂

Posted : 7th February 2012 1:03 am
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Evening JS,

Thanks for the support, if I give into the urges that will be game over and this addiction will have got the better of me, im stronger than that to give in I dont want to feel that low again.

Noticed listening to talk sport today how much they mention bookies and betting so have decided to stop listening to that station dont need to listening to them talking about betting not helping one bit.

Well here I am 7 days in and feeling ok about things now after a very dark start to the week starting to feel happier that there might be light end the end of a very long tunnel that I have been stuck in.

Now my next challange is to get past payday when I am at my weakest I will stay strong and not give the urges one bit of pleasure.

Thank you to everyone for there help over the past 7 days you really have helped me in so many ways.

Posted : 7th February 2012 7:36 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun

Try changing your thinking around to payday will be at your strongest. This is your chance to pay and organise everything you wish to do with your money. You can put some away or give it to someone to hold on to. There is no room for negative thoughts in your recovery so when you get paid do what you need to do to be positive. And by the way I stopped listening to TS too as gambling was promoted and I don't need encouraging. Take care

Posted : 7th February 2012 9:55 pm
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Hi Smiler,

This is what I will be doing this month I wont have any spare cash after paying things off and then buying bits for the house then once I get next months wage my mother with be taking control of my wages and will be sending a set amount each week into my spending account this then limits my access to money this is a possitive thing to do and will aid my recovery. Its a shame really because being in a van allday and listening to music is not that great but with all the talk about gambling on there hit home yesterday.

Hope we are all doing well with our recoverys. Today will be gamble free for me.

Posted : 8th February 2012 11:47 am
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Well after a quite upbeat start to the day a phone call from the nursery were my little ones go asking why the last 7 weeks have the fees not been paid on time and to be told if we dont make this weeks on the preffered day then we rsik losing the space for my little ones but guess what iv not got this weeks money not because iv gambled it this week but I used that leading up to me stopping, I wont be able to pay this weeks until next week when I get paid...bearing all this in mind there is a possitive to take from it and gives me the extra motivation to kick this addiction I will in no way resort to gambling to pay for this as I normaly would, I will speak to the manager and not tell her all but explain we are having difficulties at the moment which come next week will be sorted and monies WILL be paid on time every week. God how I have messed my bloody life up but hay on wards and up wards I could only expect a few set back but I am not going to resort to gambling and WILL stay strong.

Posted : 8th February 2012 2:39 pm
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Well what an up and down day it has shown me one of the main rasons I have to beat this iv not fallen back to what I have known as being away of making money (then losing everything) I am staying strong and will beat this the hard way there is no easy way out I got myself into this situation and I will get out of it gamble free and a lot happier.

Sorry iv posted so many times today just been one of those hard days but I am going to do it this time no matter how hard it gets.

Ill be on later try and get into the chat.

Posted : 8th February 2012 7:11 pm
Posts: 0

Well done with your recovert! Hope it continues!

Pay day was always a dangerous day for me! I would make sure my pay day loans were re paid, money set aside for bills, and then would always feel tempted to use what is left for the bookies or casino!

So many times I have lost my spends, would get pay day loans and credit cards lose all them, live off nothing until pay day and then the cycle would begin all over again!

I only say all this as a reminder that pay day is a dangerous day! For me I have handed over my finances and cards to a loved one! I have a debit card with a set amount each week, have even had the card security numbers scratched off so i can't use it online or secure pay day loans through it.

Good luck and stay safe on pay day!

Posted : 9th February 2012 2:25 am
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Morning lukeyt,

Hit the nail on the head mate, the same as I was doing pay day came paid all things I needed to ie payday loans then bang same day re take a payday loan an then use that then have to borrow money of family there is no way I am going back to doing this the stress of pay day was hell. I want to be able to look forward to payday and be able to go treat my family something iv not done in a long time.

A good point about the bank card mate I think I will do the same, when I get paid in march that will be my first pay that I will be able to sort things out then after that I will be back on the straight and narrow.

Hope we all have a good day today its not easy but we have to make the right choices that will change our life.


Posted : 9th February 2012 9:08 am
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