Was ВЈ50k, now £14k in debt May 1st 2015 day one

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day 135 Done

I have just looked at my bank account and I am now in the position to start paying off some of my debts !! Bonus has arrived, so today will be paying things off. It feels so good seeing my debt decrease, its amazing how in 135 days of non gambling how much you can pay off!!

I still cant beleive I let myself get as bad a sI did, all I needed was to stop and have a look at life, see how lucky we are to be healthy and start to enjoy it!!!

Days are so much happier now, please everyone stop gambling today and start enjoying life!

Posted : 17th June 2011 8:58 am
Posts: 0

Hi Dave I've read slot of it posts and I'm so impressed with you keep it up, well done I'm only on day 3 after many years of gambling and thousand in dept I've tried to stop so many times but the last staw was when I missed an important hospital appointment.told lies that I've been told lies that I got the all clear I spent d day playing roulette an lost a lot of money

Lucky I've a new appointment on the 28 th

So for today I Will Not Gamble

Yes we can do it...

Posted : 17th June 2011 9:22 am
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Day 136 over

Nothing to report apart from got a busy weekend ahead, with birthday partys, meals fathers day and a cricket match!!

No time to gamble if I wanted too!!!!!!!!!!

Posted : 18th June 2011 7:57 am
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day 137 over

Well cricket was cancelled, and had a family crisis so spent all day in Hospital!!

But still not gambled

Posted : 19th June 2011 9:52 pm
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JUST HAD A RECOUNT AND TODAY IS DAY 140!!!!!! OR 20 Weeks!!! not Day 138.....

I had set a reminder on my mobile phone to remind me of my next milstone, so at the end of today I will have completed 140 days of non gambling or 20 weeks!! My next goal is 150 days and then 210 days as this will be 30 weeks which is more then half a year.

Life is amazing without the devil that is gambling ruining your life

Posted : 20th June 2011 9:28 am
Posts: 0

Well done Dave on 20 weeks keep it up, i also have my phone set for 50 days which will be a big milestone for me,im only on day 6


Posted : 20th June 2011 5:18 pm
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Day 200 passed without problems!

So I have just checked online my credit cards that I have paid off and they look amazing sat at 0.00 pounds. I never thought I would see the day they would be paid off!! I need to keep one going for work at present, but as soon as my funds look better in my bank account I will cancel all credit cards. They are such a rip off, but as you know when you are in a gambling frenzy they are your best friend, so easy to get money out of a cash point, and even if they charge you it does not matter because when you win big it pays for its self!!

How FU*KED UP in the head was I!!!!

Anyway never going back there

Posted : 21st June 2011 9:38 am
Posts: 0

Hi dave and well done on your continued recovery. Are you really at day 200??? I thought you had only recently gone through 100?!

I am on the long long road to trying to pay off those evil credit cards but I think its going to be at least 18 months for me and that is assuming I stay away from gambling. It is a really harsh task and I so wish I had all the money to spend on nice things rather than just to reduce a paper debt.

Keep up the good work anyway pal and ill be back soon to keep up with your progress.

Posted : 21st June 2011 11:25 am
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Sorry people a complete miss type in my last post !! It should have said final day of week 20 over not 200 days!! Sorry for any confusion and thanks for pointing it out A38!!!

Posted : 21st June 2011 10:30 pm
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day 141 over 142 just beginning

Just logging in to let you all know how good it feels to not be held ransom by gambling. It is amazing what you can acheive financially in 141 days of not gambling. I was sat here this morning just thinking what position I will be in after the next 140 days, it will be even better! I hate gambling now, I am guessing alot more people out there are feeling the same because nearly every bookies I walk past now has no one in them playing on FOBT, so maybe the message is getting around that they ruin lifes ??

Keep going guys

Posted : 22nd June 2011 9:15 am
Posts: 0

Hi Dave,

Well done on getting through 20 weeks without a bet. Love your positivity and outlook on life and its something we should all aspire to. I have a guy from the local bookies come into my bar most evenings for a half after work, he told me 5 people self excluded in the same week as i did, all because of them machines!! Hopefully, more and more people will follow suit.

All the best mate, keep up the good work


Posted : 22nd June 2011 3:56 pm
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Thanks for the post Keith, maybe it is true that the message is getting around that these machines are not good for you ?? Also when I go past my old bookies there just seems to be less people in general in them, and all the staff seem to be smoking outside!!

Day 142 over no real problems at all, and to be honest not a thought of gambling again. Without a doubt this diary has helped me so much to keep focused, its amazing how just typing the 1st things that come into your head can cure you from gambling!!! I have tried in the pats councelling one to one, GA meetings, Hypno therapy and none of them have worked as well as this diary ?? I suppose its a point of contact as many times as you need it in a day. Ramble over catch up tomorrow people

Posted : 23rd June 2011 9:27 am
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Day 143 over 144 just starting

I had a good day yesterday until I got home, and the wife had a right grump on as she had lost something. In the past I would assume I had put her in the mood and just keeping asking what is wrong. Well as I have nothing to hide anymore, I just ignored her and then at about 10pm last night she was back to her normal self. So lesson learned when the wife comes home in a grump, just let her get on with it and stay out of her way!! In the past this would have been a trigger to gamble for sure, just to get away from her.

Weekend is here, so I hope its a nice sunny one for us all! And remember guys life is 10000000000000% better without wasting your hard earned cash on gambling

Posted : 24th June 2011 9:04 am
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Day 144 over

Had a good day yesterday, played 20/20 cricket we lost but it was a good match. Then met up with friends and had a few beers. Watched a bloke put 100 pounds in the fruit machine in the pub, he is a addicted gambler for sure.

Have a great weekend all

Posted : 25th June 2011 4:04 pm
Posts: 0

Yes, you're right, life is so much better when you are not gambling. It just goes to show why on earth we made that terrible decision to start this madness.

Now that we have all decided to stop throwing our money away to evil, greedy gambling bosses, we just need to make sure that we continue.

You must have seen your past self when you watched that bloke losing £100. Just think what you can do with £100 now.


Posted : 26th June 2011 3:35 pm
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